Chapter 49: Greyson

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Today Is my first day as the official Don of the American mafia. I'm shitting myself. I'm going to be fine. I mean I don't even flinch when I kill people so that's not the problem it's just the huge responsibility of being everything I've trained for. I have hundreds of guards and workers who are going to be looking to me for advice and instruction and indigo still does my tie for me.

I'm stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom looking at myself. I've changed from the innocent boy who used to play in the back yard to a man who has the blood of hundreds coating his hands. A killer. A monster. I don't recognize the child I used to be. From this day I'm a boss, I'm a Don. People will fear me and respect me. I don't know how I'm going to cope with the power of a mafia at my fingertips. Assassins at the click of fingers and any government in the palm of my hand.

2 small arms wrap around me and I feel her head rest on my back. Blue squeezes me and places a kiss to my neck on her tip toes while pushing me down by my shoulders. I turn to her and wrap her in my arms. I just need to hold my girl for a minute and I'll be ready.

I'll be ready for it all.

She rests her chin on my chest and looks up at me with her big green eyes, the most captivating irises I'll ever look into in my life. She kisses my heart where my shirt is partly undone as usual and laces her fingers with mine.

"You know this tattoo will always be on you just like I'll always be with you. My name on your chest. My loyalty with your mafia, until death" I pause and do a double take. She's pledging loyalty to me.

In our world no matter how many people your friends with or what family your from you are loyal to one mafia and one mafia only. You work for that mafia and you do as they say. You kill and torture for that mafia and you do it all until you die. Once you swear in that's it. Most people swear into their family at a young age like I did but others choose to wait. Indigo waited

"Are you sure? That's a big decision sweetheart, you can be loyal to your family. Pledging to me won't change anything, you've got my heart anyway. I trust you not to hurt me" I tell her and she smiles at me.

"I'm sure" she says defiantly and nods her head, she pulls my hand and leads us out the door.

"You've got this grey, I'm going to be with you the whole time. Let's fucking do this shit" she. Encourages as we walk out to the lambo we're taking.

Let's fucking do this shit


"Congratulations Greyson, I'm sure you'll do great things" If I had a dollar for every time someone had said that to me tonight I'd have brought a small country by now.

I nod at the random man who just congratulated me and indigo tugs my shirt, I lean down to her and she whispers in my ear.

"John stalenger, head of communications for the FBI inside man" she informs me and I nod and greet John. I'm thankful for indi tonight, she's told me the name and information of everyone I need to know when I didn't know them.

We talk to John for a bit and indigo heads away in her stunning blue dress to the drinks table where I watch a man walk up to her. He tries to talk to her but she blows him off and just when I'm about to go over to punch the guy in his fucking face she does it for me.

"Take the fucking hint and piss off yeah?" She hisses at him and he nods and scuttles of.

I walk over to her and she grabs a mini cake and eats it while looking at me with suspicion, I shrug at her and she grabs my hand when a song comes on that's slow.

"Dance with me grey"

"I don't dance" I say and make the mistake of looking into her eyes.

"Fine I'll fucking dance" I change my mind and she pulls me onto the floor where other couples are dancing to the cheesy love song.

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