just apologize

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Its been 17 hours since me and Mattheo last spoke but who's counting.

we had gotten into an argument about some guy slapping my butt and me not "doing" anything what was I even supposed to do And he's accusing me of liking it like wtf Mattheo knows I hate when people touch me

Pansy told me not to worry about it because Mattheo was  Already upset that day and to brush it off but no

It was probably the worst fight we got into ever we called each other names, names which I regret saying

I do admit Mattheo it scary like really scary but I love him so I'm gonna be the bigger person and let him apologize first, and I know what you're thinking "that doesn't make any sense, if he apologizes first then he would be the bigger person" but you're wrong because by him apologizing first it would prove how much he cares amd if I did it he would wouldn't and he would stay as angry so I'm gonna wait

Mattheo's pov:

"I'm not apologizing to that bitch, Lorenzo" I said looking at my phone

"I think you should that guy slaps everyones ass" he said fixing his hair he was going on a date with some chick that told draco she would cut his dick off if he was mean to her again and according to enzo that "wifey material" or whatever, but I'm not apologizing to y/n she started this shit and FUCK being the bigger person I don't care if we have to wait another 12 hours and she's sitting up there telling everyone it's been 17 its only been 12 she can't fucking count

Y/n's pov:

"I'm 71% sure its been 17" I say looking at pansy she turns her hair to look at me and says

"What ever you say l/n but I gotta go" she said getting up to leave

"No you can't leave me in my time of crisis" I say looking at her with puppy eyes

"Bitch i have plans I only came to use your eye liner" and then she left

"Damn" I'm still not apologizing to Mattheo he doesn't deserve it at all, like I didn't do anything wrong he's just being petty and always thinks he's in the right when hes not I hope he gets bit by a non poisonous snake that doesn't have any fangs so he won't be hurt

3 hours later

Im Laying in my bed eating chocolate watching TV and I hear my phone go off I jump up so fast to see if it was him it was draco asking if I did the owls homework I started to tear up thinking Mattheo didn't care about me anymore

Mattheo's pov:

I wonder if she's ever going to apologize I take a sip of my fire whiskey and sit back down thinking about her eyes and lips and how pretty she is
Fuck I miss her but not how she's acting and that bitchy little attitude so I didn't call her even tho I wanted to I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction

She doesn't deserve me or these flowers but I walked here so might as well give them to her I knocked on the door amd opened it slowly she was sleeping ,typical I was up being sad that she wasn't talking to me and she's over here sleeping dreaming about all the guys in the school grabbing her ass

Y/n's pov:

No i wasn't actually sleeping I just didn't want to be bothered so unless it was luna coming to go to sleep I didn't want to hear it

"Wake up" I heard a deep but soft voice say I turned my body over to see Mattheo the man I was about to slap in the face holding flowers

"What do you want" I say sitting up looking at him he threw the flowers at me like literally threw that like how you throw a ball when you're playing catch

"I got you flowers, and I'm sorry..." He said looking down at the last bit

"For what?" I asked putting the flowers in a vase

"That you just love getting your ass grabbed so much that you won't apologize to me for hurting my feelings" he said looking at me and I just stare at him

"What the fuck Mattheo, I really don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of something so small and stupid"

"This isn't small y/n this is huge (but not bigger then his dic-) and you just don't understand because you're an entitled brat" this bitch is about to get smacked

Mattheo's pov:

She was mad I could tell, this isn't how it was supposed to go we we're supposed to make up but she just made me so fucking mad I couldn't just let her win

"How am I entitled when all you do is sit there and expect people to be scared of you or want them to act as your slaves Mattheo" she says walking over to me

Y/n's pov

"Well at least if some girl was hitting on me in front of you I would make them go away" he says trying to prove a point but he worded it wrong so I can use that against him and put the blame on him

"So if I wasn't with you you would just let them flirt with you?" I say crossing my arms

"What no thats not what I meant" I knew exactly what he meant but he couldn't know that , I started crying

"You would cheat on me?" I said crying in my hands

Mattheo's pov:

"No of course not I love you and only you y/n you're just being a bitch right now" I would definitely cheat on her depending on the girl like don't get Me wrong but if doja cat came up to me and told me she wanted to fuck I would fuck her in front of y/n

"Fuck you riddle get the hell out" this bitch has a lot of nerve but its fine she'll come back

"Ok ill be in my dorm" I left proud of my self because these hoes ain't loyal and you can't trust them at all

As you can see this ones about Mattheo being a bitch and and a play boy

I'll do more cute ones I promise

Mattheo Riddle 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘 🩸🔪💚Where stories live. Discover now