just apologize 2

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It's been a week since Mattheo threw flowers at me and called me a hoe I
At this point I don't even care anymore he can be petty all he wants but what he doesn't know is that I have a


A date with this guy I met a few weeks ago but he's been trying a lot and since Mattheo is being a little bitch I decided to give him a chance

Mattheo's pov:

It's been 1 week and if I'm going be honest......I miss her I miss her so fucking much but I'm not apologizing because its her fault

Pansy told me she was going on a date later on tonight so I kinda have no choice but to actually apologize because she's mine and only mine
And she's probably gonna wear that short red dress I got her. I've never even seen her in it

"Just say you're sorry for being an ass whole and calling her a slut"

"She doesn't know I was calling her that Yet" I said looking down I wasn't ashamed of my words just how ignorant she was being

"Oh well just apologize for everything that you did and give her a hug, but you have to say its ok if you don't forgive I understand it'll get under her skin and she'll except it" so apparently enzo is a genius when it comes to apologizing. I'm only taking his advice because he has a way with girls other than his looks

Time skip when you're getting ready

Your pov:

Ok what dress should I wear
Not this one its too slutty
Can't wear this one
Too long
Too shiny
Thats such an ugly color

"Ugh why don't I have any clothes" I said and sat down looking up at my closet

"Well i could just wear the one Mattheo got me" I said standing up and taking it to the mirror

"And besides its not like we're gonna do anything , this is just to make Mattheo jealous" so I put the dress on and started on my hair and makeup I didn't call anyone for help because how hard could it, after like 30 minutes of me doing my hair I heard a loud knock on my door and I knew damn well it wasn't luna I went to open the door because it was probably Nevile or blaise or maybe even Theodor looking for her

"Hello" I said as I slowly opened the door when it was some what open I got pushed down so I was sitting now

"What the fuck were you thinking y/n?" I hear the familiar tone of my soon to be ex boyfriend

"What the hell Mattheo" I said getting up he helped me tho so he has like one point now

"You ok?" He asked in a worried tone I looked up at him

"Yes, but it would be your fault if I wasn't" I said turning around and walking away from him he followed me to the bathroom and started giving me "reasons" why I shouldn't be going on a date

"You know that all he wants to do is get in your pants right?" He said looking at me through the mirror

"Well good thing I'm wearing a dress then" I said applying my blush that was really the only actual reason the others were just saying what kind of person he is

"I mean its fucking mclaggen
(Idk how to spell it but you guys know who I'm talking about)" he said looking at me with hurt in his eyes, I really do think my plan worked but I started to feel bad

"So what?" I said putting my mascara on I turned around to look at him

"Listen y/n im sorry for saying all those things about you and throwing flowers at you, and I understand why you would want to date someone else but I love you I really do and I would do anything for you so please can we just make up and get over this" he said looking at me with sad eyes

He has a lot of fucking nerve you know that I literally just put my mascara and and know he's about to make me start crying

"I love you too Mattheo and I'm glad that you've finally came to your senses and realized how stupid this all was"

Mattheo's pov:

This.fucking.bitch I literally just poured my heart out to her and then she blames this shit all on me

NO thats no happening

"Well if you would've never decided to wear that short ass skirt this would've never fucking happened" I mumbled so I don't think she heard me

She walked up to me and gave me a hug I missed these she gave me a kiss and whispers something in my ear

"Well maybe if you didn't feel the need to rip all of mine with the excuse I'll buy you a new one then we wouldn't have had this problem" she said backing up

I literally only said that to her like once and I'm pretty sure she has like 8 or something

"Well you should've said you needed more, and I only said that to you once so maybe you should start taking better care of your clothes" I said walking out the bathroom I sat on her bed and laid down she can't stay mad at me so she'll be out soon

10 minutes later

She came out the bathroom and walked over to me and grabbed my hand

"I canceled my date" she said swinging my hand back and forth "but I'm still hungry" I looked at her and sat up

"Ok baby what do you want to eat" I said smiling

And thats how you get your bitches back it wasn't easy but if I could do it you could do it too unless you draco, Ron, harry , crabbe, goyle, and basically any guys thats not me so good luck and hide your wife's your moms your side chick you're girl friends and yo aunt's because I'm coming


Thats how I feel right now

Anyways my mom got a boyfriend.....his name is Michael🙄thats my cousins husbands name..... Which also happens to be her dads name (rip)

Its fucking weird he's Italian tho so I guess its fine😒

Mattheo Riddle 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘 🩸🔪💚Where stories live. Discover now