Chapter 2

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Annalise's POV:

I am very happy for my brother and for Story. Story couldn't have gotten a better mate. Same with Peter. When I knew and hung out with her, Story was a kind, lovely young girl. I just hope nothing happens between them...Peter, I know for a fact, would never become like Roger. I admit, maybe I had a little something to do with why we split up, but I wasn't the one who shattered my heart into a million pieces. "Miss Annalise?" I turned and saw Story. She was standing beside me. "Yes, Story?" I asked. "Can I ask you a question?" I smiled at her. "Of course. What is it?" "Well..." she began. I dried my hands and looked at her. This must be a serious question. As long as I've known her, she's never been at a loss for words. "What is it, Story? Are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm ok...I just...Wanted to know why you and my brother...split up.." This time, it was me who was at a loss for words. I really didn't know how to answer her. "Um...It's a long story...Why don't you ask your brother?"  "He told me to ask you." she answered. Of course he did. "Well..." I began. At that moment, the phone rang. Oh what a lifesaver! "Excuse me, please, Story." I smiled and picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Annalise! Where are you?! Your late!" It was my boss. Though I had no clue what he was talking about or why he was calling. It was my day off. "Um sir, today is Saturday. My day off? We agreed I had Saturday and Sunday off." I said. "No excuse! Get over here right now or you'll be out a a job!" "But sir-" I began, but he interrupted me. "Do you really want to be fired?!" he screamed. "N-no..." I mumbled. "THEN GET OVER HERE!!" and with that, the line went dead. Of course. Just my luck. "Peter, Story, I need to go to work. I'll call you when I'm on my home. And I may call just to check on you like usual." I told them. Peter was sitting on the couch, waiting for Story. Probably to snuggle with her. Oh how I miss snuggling with Roger...."But sis, I thought today was your day off?" Peter looked up at me, confused. "I know, but um....There was an emergency. The girl who would normally work today got sick so I was called in to fill in for her." I know that's a lie, but I wasn't about to tell Peter the truth. "Um..Ok, sis. Have a good day," Peter stated. I got the feeling he was a little suspicious. I smiled at him and Story and said goodbye. Then I grabbed my keys and left the house.

Third Person POV:

Both Annalise and Roger felt the same. They still, deep down, loved each other very much. The bond between them was getting weaker and weaker. If they didn't fix it soon, it could break..And that would be the end. Their lives would be the same as they are now if not worse. They pretend they're ok, but in reality, they aren't. Sometimes, they cry themselves to sleep. Sometimes, the hug their pillows, pretending it's them. They were both hurt and miserable, but refused to admit it. They pretend for their family's sake.

 "An empty street.." Annalise thought as she drove to work.

Roger wandered through his house. Thinking about Annalise. "An empty house.."

 What they wouldn't give to be back in each other's arms...So they could be happy again...

Story and Peter knew their siblings weren't themselves. They weren't happy. 

"A hole inside my heart..." Roger's eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm all alone..." tears formed in Annalise's eyes as well.

"The rooms are getting smaller..." Roger whispered.

"I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are! The days we had..The songs we sang together.." Annalise said quietly. 

"And Oh, My Love! I'm holding on forever! Reaching for a love that seems so far!" they both, at the same time, cried out.

Yes, they were both in pain, but never let it show...Every couple fights sometimes. But this was much more than a fight. It was breaking the bond between them. If the bond broke, it was entirely possible, they'd never be together. It almost never happens, but when it does, the couples never get back together and are unhappy for the rest of their lives. Most forget the love they had...The joy they shared...It's a sad thing when the bond between a couple breaks..

"I try to read..." Roger murmured.

"I go to work.." Annalise said quietly.

"I'm laughing with my friends," Roger said, his voice breaking.

"But I can't stop myself from thinking about you..." Annalise's voice was breaking too.

"I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are...The days we had...The songs we sang together..." Roger had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"So I say a little prayer! And hope my dreams will take me there...Where the skies are blue, to see you once again, My Love!" they cried out.

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