Chapter 3

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Roger's POV:

I sat in my room just staring at one of my favorite photos. It was one of me and Annalise. I really don't know why I'm looking at it. Maybe I just think it's a good picture. I don't know. Just then, I got a phone call. It was one of my friends. He was probably gonna ask me to go to his cousin's party. I'm really not much for parties. "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hey, Roger! So, you gonna finally give us the answer today? You comin' or what?" he asked me. I groaned inwardly. My wolf was growling at me. He had a huge grudge against me. We hadn't spoken since......That day...."Fine. I'll come. But only so you'll stop bugging me!" I told him. "Awesome, dude! See ya there!" I only hope things wouldn't get too crazy. 

Story's POV:

I'm really concerned for my brother and Miss Annalise. I remember when they were dating. you couldn't be around them and not smile. You could feel the love they shared. Their bond was incredible. I remember wishing that when I met my mate, we could have that. I'm not really sure what happened between them. Roger never wanted to talk about it. Peter said it was the same with his sister. I really wish there was something we could do. 

 "Hey, Story! Ready to go?" Peter came up the driveway. I smiled brightly at him and nodded. "Yes, Peter, I am. I can't wait!" "Well then, let's go! I can't wait for you to taste the food there. It's amazing!" He was taking me to his favorite restaurant. I wanted to try it, so he said we could go for our date tonight. Peter is really a sweet boy. I'm really glad he's my mate. I remember when I was little, I had a crush on him. It's kinda funny now that I think about it. He was just so cute, kind, and sweet. I'm not sure I really ever got over that crush, but if I did, it's back now and it had escalated! We both have a lot in common too. Though we do have points that don't quite match up. Like, I like reading and writing stories, but he doesn't. But he does like when people read to him. I read to him a lot. Sometimes, some of the stories I wrote. He likes them too! We both like horses and starfish. We both also like polar bears! Those are our favorite animals. We both like grilled cheese and soup. And we even share a favorite food. Chili! 

 Peter's POV:

My mate looks lovely today. She always looks lovely, but still. So far, our relationship has been great! I'm just....nervous. Nervous we might end up like our siblings. I know Annalise feels alone and unhappy. I wish I could do something, but there isn't anything I can do! I remember once, before I found out he had changed a whole lot, I set Annalise and Roger up on a blind date with each other. That went.....horrible. I was spying on them from outside the restaurant and could hear them screaming at each other. I have no idea what happened, but it must've been something bad. "Hey, don't worry, Peter. If we really try, and we work at it, we won't end up like your sister and her mate." my wolf, Lex said. I had just met him a week ago on my birthday. It's really cool having a wolf. Like a friend when you need one. "Thanks, Lex...I just really wish I could see my sister and Roger get back together again. They were so happy! And I know there is no way they'd be happy like that again with some one else." "Yea, your probably right. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to bring the together...But, I know their bond......" He hesitated. "What is it, Lex?..." I asked. He sighed and continued. "Peter, their bond is very weak. There is a lot of tension on it. That means that it could actually.....break..." I was stunned as I listened. I didn't want my sister to experience this. And I didn't want Roger to either for Story's sake. Lex explained to me what happens when a bond breaks. It's not good. It's devastating.

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