Chapter 22

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 Peter's POV:

  I was taking a quick break from training. The Alpha's son, Morgan, walked next to me. "You are really getting good, Peter. You might become the pack's youngest warrior!"

 "Do you really think so?" I asked excitedly. I really wanted to be a warrior. I'd been training since before mom and dad died. Morgan is a year older than me. We've become pretty good friends and sparring partners.

 "For sure! Though, I don't know what dad would think. The usual age requirement is 21..."

 I shrugged. "It's ok, Morgan. Honestly, I'm not ready to be a warrior yet. I'm only sixteen. I shifted not long ago. And a warrior needs to be good in not just hand-to-hand combat. But with fighting in wolf form as well."

 "You have a good point. I still think though, that you'll be ready before you turn 21. I'll bring it up to my dad. See what he thinks." Morgan replied, smiling. 

 I chuckled. "Thanks Morgan. I'll see you in a few minutes? I want to go see how Story's doing."

 "Oh yea! Sure! I was just about to go find Millie anyway." Morgan nodded and waved to me as we parted ways. Millie was his mate. She's a pretty nice girl. When the time comes, I think they'll make a good Alpha and Luna.

 I walked over to the bench where Story was sitting. She was talking on her phone. As I sat down next to her, she hung up and looked at me with an exasperated look on her face. I frowned. "Did I do something wrong...?"

 "No, no, Peter...It's not you." she responded, trying to calm herself down. I put my arm around her and let her head rest on my shoulder.

 "Then what's wrong?"

 "Roger. I swear he's trying to have a relapse!" 

 I looked at her, confused. "What did your brother do this time?"

 "He walked all the way to your house to see Annalise." she stated. 

 "Tell me that's a joke." 

 "I wish it was, Peter." Story lifted her head, shaking it. "He is so darn stubborn! I know he's an adult, but he's trying to get over being sick! He couldn't have waited till you and Miss Annalise came to our house to visit??"

 "Hey, hey, it's ok....If it makes you feel better, I'll call my sister. Ok?" I said in a calming tone.

 Story nodded slowly. "Would you..? I'm sorry...Just, ever since the breakup, I tend to worry about Roger...Even more so lately..."

 I gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek. "I understand...Don't worry...I'm sure he's ok." I then bent down and took my phone out of my bag. I dialed Annalise's number and waited for her to pick up.

 "Hey, Peter! What's up? Everything ok?" Annalise's voice came over the speaker.

 "Yea, everything's alright. But Story heard that Roger walked over to our house. She was worried so I told her I'd check in with you. Is he ok?"

 "He's alright. He was just a little worried and wanted to talk. He's sleeping on the couch right now. I think walking all the way here tired him out. I plan on driving him home later." she replied. 

 I nodded. "Alright. I'll tell Story. Thank you. This'll put her mind at ease."

 "Of course, little brother! I think I understand where she's coming from anyway. Tell her I said hello." 

 "I will. Bye sis!"

 "Bye! And pay attention to your training."

 "Yes, ma'am." I chuckled. With that, I hung up and turned to my mate. "Roger's alright. He's asleep at the moment. Annalise is taking good care of him." 

 Story breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Peter...I'm sorry to bother you with my worry..."

 "You're not bothering me, Story! You never could and never will." I smiled, kissing her cheek.

 "Hey! Peter! Dad says we need to get back to training." I heard Morgan call out suddenly.

 I sighed, shaking my head. Why now...? "Oh well...I'll see you after training, Story." 

 Story nodded, smiling. "It's ok. Go ahead. I'll be here cheering you on."

 I smiled at her before hurrying to catch up with the Alpha's son.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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