Chapter 7

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Author's note:

So, whenever they sing a song together and they aren't in the same place, it is going to be third person pov. 

 Roger's POV:

After that day, I think I changed. I wouldn't talk to anyone. Not even my sister. I stopped hanging out with my friends. I wasn't bullying anymore either. I think Story knew something was bothering me. Mom and dad too. They always tried to reach out to me, but I didn't pay any attention. What was bothering me, no one could help me with. I kept thinking about Annalise. How is it possible to be so stupid?! How could I have been so stupid...?! I just want her back....I'm tired of being miserable every single day. I must be the worst mate on the face of the planet! I sighed heavily, tears rolling down my cheeks. I just can't stand being without her anymore....

Third Person POV:

Roger shook his head and gave a mock laugh. "They say that time can heal a broken heart...But I just don't know how this could be true..."

Annalise sat in her room, looking at a picture of Roger that hung upon her wall. "Every day I see your picture on my wall....My heart is broken into two..."

Roger wiped away his tears, not that it helped, because more just came. "Now I'm half the man without you...And it's getting harder everyday..."

Annalise gave a small smile, almost a determined one. "I'll never let go! Your the one that keeps me breathing!"

 Roger sighed sadly. "Time slows...Even though sun keeps turning...And I know in my heart, you'll always be...You will be right here....Always with me....."

 Annalise stood up and took the picture down off the wall. "We shared our lives together..."

 "Built our dreams forever..." Roger sang softly.

 Annalise held the photo close to her heart as she unknowingly sang the next line with her mate. "This much I know that is true...."

 Roger put his head in his hand. "But I'd give anything to see your smile again.."

 "And have just one more dance with you.." the couple sang together.

"And I've been half the man without you...And it's getting harder every day...I'll never let go! Your the one that keeps me breathing!" Roger sang out.

Annalise looked out her window, watching what looked like a bird couple tending to their babies. "Time slows...Even though the sun keeps turning, And I know in my heart you'll always be...You will be right here! Always with me!"

 Annalise shut her eyes as she held Roger's picture tight. "I'll never let go.."

 Roger stood at his window, looking outside. "Your the one that keeps me breathing...Time slows..."

 "Even though the sun keeps turning... And I know, in my heart you will always be...You will be right here..." Annalise looked at her mate's picture, a tear landing on the glass of the frame.

"Always....You will be right here...Always with me..." Roger sang, as he looked away from the window.

 "Right here...Always with me...." they sang in unison.

 Peter stood in the doorway, listening to his sister's song. He sighed sadly, wishing he could do something.

 Story leaned against her brother's door to his bedroom, listening. A tear escaped her eye. "Oh, Roger..." she whispered.

 Peter's POV:

 "Story!" I called up to her. I had snuck out of the house to meet up with my mate. I know Annalise is gonna be mad if she finds out, but in my defense, she snuck out to hang out with Roger. I once saw her climbing out her bedroom window at midnight! "Peter?" Story's voice came to my ears. I waved to her. "Hang on, I'll be right down." she told me. Within a couple minutes, Story was outside. "What's up?" "I just wanted to see you." I smiled and took her hand. "Miss me already?" Story teased. I blushed. "W-well...Maybe a little..." I admitted. She giggled. "Well, I missed you too, Peter.." We walked up onto a hill behind her house and sat down, snuggling against each other as we watched the stars. "You know, Story, I really did kinda miss you. But..." "But that wasn't the only reason you wanted to see me." Story finished, looking at me. We knew what was on each other's mind. "I'm so afraid for him, Peter....Roger has always been sensitive. I mean, now he doesn't show it at all, but he can't hide what he's feeling from me. And...he's changed...After that party he went to, he started to act differently. He won't talk to anyone. He just stays in his room. He won't even hang out with his friends." I frowned and hugged Story tight. "I'm afraid it's finally getting to him...The rejection...The bond....What if...What if it's too much for him to handle?? What if...What if my brother dies...? I'm afraid, Peter! I love him! We've always been close...Even after he and Annalise...." She cried on my shoulder. "Shh...It's ok...That won't happen...I promise..." "How can you promise that...? You don't know the future..." "No, I don't, Story. But, I guess you could call it a feeling. A strong feeling." Story sighed. "I trust you, you know that...I just don't want anything happening to him..." "I know.." I kissed her on the forehead, and we continued to watch the stars.

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