Chapter 10

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Roger's POV:

Well, mom and dad found out last night it was me in her bed. Soo I got in trouble....To be honest, I really didn't care. I was just glad to know my sister was safe. Story came home by lunch time. After lunch, I went to talk to her. "Story, what were you thinking??" I exclaimed. "What?" she asked innocently. She knew exactly what I was talking about. "Climbing down that trellis! You could've broken your neck!" "I'm sorry, Roger...But in my defense, you did it all the time." "I know, I know. I'm sorry you learned that from me. I'm not the best role model in the world." I sighed and put my hand on my head. "Story, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just don't want you to get hurt. You're my little sister. You're very important to me." "If I'm so important, why won't you tell me the truth?" she asked me, sitting down on the bed beside me. I groaned. She was right. "I just don't want to worry you." "But you are. I can clearly see you aren't yourself. I'm not stupid, big brother." "I know you aren't stupid. And I'm sorry for worrying you..." I said. "It's ok, Roger. But please...I just want to help.." I smiled at her. "I know. And I'm grateful, I really am. But it really isn't something you can help with." Story nodded and I hugged my little sister tight. "I love you, sis." "I love you too, Roger..."

 Third Person POV:

 A few weeks past. Things did not get better. They only grew worse. Roger felt nothing but sorrow and regret. He wanted nothing more than to hold Annalise again. Annalise likewise. She wanted to be held by Roger. She felt a little concerned about him because she hadn't seen him lately. Story and Peter did their best to comfort each other and their siblings. But, the bond had just about broken. Annalise and Roger could feel it too. 

 One night, Roger lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about the past. How happy they were together. How in love they both were. He sighed and began a song from the heart. He meant every word he sang. Without his knowledge, Lewis, his wolf, mind-linked Annalise and Jewel the song.

 "Baby, baby, I swear to you....Baby, baby, I'm here for you..." Lewis began, adding his own words just for Jewel and Annalise.

 "I don't know why...Why I did those thing to you...What went through my mind? And I don't know why...Why I broke your heart in two...Guess that I was blind..." Roger sang. He didn't know that Story was listening in outside his door.

 "Baby, how I wish you could forgive me...Just one more time..."he sighed and sat up, leaning against his pillow, looking at his pocket watch.

 "And I swear, I'll be there...Anytime you want me to... I'll be true, here for you...Don't leave me lonely, cause I need you!" Story's eyes were wide as he realized he was singing for Annalise.

 "Yes, I've been a fool. Now I see the price to pay...I can't run and hide, cause I'm losing you! And my chances slipped away with each time I lied...." Roger sighed sadly and hung his head low, eyes closed.

 "Baby, how I wish you could forgive me, just one more time! And I swear, I'll be there, anytime you want me to. I'll be true, here for you. Don't leave me lonely cause I need you!" 

 "Baby, living without you will tear me apart when I know how it could have been..."

 Lewis added his own words for the next part. "But I don't care what it leads to. Let's make a new start! And give love a chance to win! Cause baby I swear...."

 "Baby, baby, I swear to you...Anytime you want me to...Baby, baby, I'm here for you. Don't leave me lonely, cause I need you..." Roger sang out.

 "I need you!" Lewis added. 

 "And I swear, I'll be there, anytime you want me to. I'll be true, here for you. Don't leave me lonely, cause I need you! And I swear, you know I'll be there...I'll be true....Don't leave me lonely, cause I need you...." Roger ended his singing.

 Lewis added one final part. "Yes, baby, I need you..."

 Annalise had been asleep at the time. She had received the message, but thought it was a dream. After it ended, she awoke and sat bolt upright, not sure what had happened. Jewel knew very well what it was. Annalise recognized the voices as Roger's and Lewis'. She shrugged it off as a dream and lay back down. However, she couldn't seem to get back to sleep. So, she got up for a cup of cocoa. 

 Story's POV:

 I heard how full of meaning my brother's words were. I was worried about him, so, I went inside. "Roger?" I spoke softly. He jumped slightly and looked at me. "How long were you there...?" he asked me. "I heard every word of your song, if that's what you're asking." I remarked as I walked over to his bed. He sighed and looked away from me. I sat down on his bedside. "Roger, I will not take no for an answer this time. If I have to, I'll have Lewis tell me. I know he will tell me. What is bothering you??" Roger sighed and didn't answer for several minutes. Just as I was about to ask for Lewis to take control, he answered. "I guess I finally realized what a jerk I was...How wrong I was....I guess....I'm missing her....My Annalise..." my eyes were wide. I frowned sadly as I took him in my arms and let him cry on my shoulder. "Oh, Story, what have I done...? Why did I leave her when she needed me most??" "I'm afraid I can't answer that, big brother...Only you can answer that...." I said softly. We stayed in each other's embrace for several minutes until he fell asleep. I lay him back in bed and covered him up with the blanket before going back into my room. 

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