Chapter 4

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock beeping in my ears. I groaned and rolled over putting a pillow over my head. "Cmon sweets you have school" my mom says opening my door and my curtains. I groan in response and sit up. I get out of bed and make my way over to my closet. "What's the temp supposed to be like today Momma?" I ask aloud. "Chilly" She replies and shuts my door. I pick out my outfit (Up Above). I get dressed then go into my bathroom, I put on some makeup and curl my hair then go back into my bedroom. I slip on my thigh high boots and grab my bag off the floor. I walk into the the kitchen and grab a waffle from the plate my mom had laying out. I quickly munch it down and grab and water bottle from the fridge. I grab my car keys, wallet, and sunglasses from the side table and walk out into the garage. I start my car and drive out of the driveway and make my way towards the school.

I park in the same spot I parked in yesterday and got out, grabbing my stuff I shut the door and sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk towards the building. I spot Lizzy standing with Trevor and Ryder. She waves me over and smiles, I walk towards them but bump into somebody on the way. "I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I say and look down to see I spilled their coffee all over their chest. I grab some napkins out of my bag and start to dab at the spilled coffee. A large hand grabs my wrist and pulls it away from their body, I look up to see the guy smiling. "Its okay" he says and takes his hand off my wrist. "Its just a little coffee" he says and smiles again. He walks away and into the building. I am still in a daze when I hear snapping in my ear. I come back to reality to see Lizzy standing in front of me. "Who was that?" She questions. "I have no clue but hope to find out" I say still a little dazed. We walk into the building and head towards 1st bell.

It was now time for 4th bell, Theater. I had this with Ryder and Trevor, Lizzy had her TA period this period. (Teachers Aid). Me, Trevor, and Ryder made our way to the Auditorium and took a seat in the middle of the seats. Everyone else piled into the Auditorium and sat down. The guy from this morning walked onto the stage and looked over everyone. I slowly slid down in my seat and tried my best to hide myself. We made eye contact and he smirked. I cursed myself in my mind and leaned my head on Ryder's shoulder. "Hello students I am your new Theater teacher Mr. Abel, your old teacher Ms.Price had resigned from her position so I am now taking over. I will now call role" He says in his deep husky voice. He starts to go through the role sheet calling off names and listening for their response. "And Skyler Williams" He says then looks up. "Here" I call out and raise my hand quickly. He nods then sets the piece of paper down onto the desk.

"Okay so today we are going to start off with Alphabet Improv, I need Ryder Ayala, Cameron Durham, Presley Cowan, Jaci Dallas, and Skyler Williams to come to the stage" he says and motions towards the stage. I stand up as well as Ryder and we walk down to the stage and onto the stage. "So in this exercise, We will start with the letter A one person says something starting with the letter A then the next person says something with B, If you do not follow the pattern you are disqualified and will go sit back down" He explains and walks around. "Skyler you start" he says and sits down in a seat. "Apples for everyone from my Apple Tree" I say and motion towards an imaginary tree. "But Skyler how do we know if the apples are good enough to eat" Cameron says. "Cause Cameron, They look ripe enough" Ryder says. We continue with the game, It's was now down to Me, Cameron, and Jaci. Jaci got disqualified so now it was just me and Cameron. "I know what will make you better" I say and look over at Jaci who was currently killing me with her eyes. They were dating, "Jumping Jacks?" He says questioningly. "Kiss me" I say boldly, "Lets do it" He says not skipping a beat. He leans in and so do I, We connect and start to kiss. The other students whoop and clap. We both pull away and he puts his lips together, I bite my lip then say "Man I love this school". I walk off the stage and back to where we I was sitting.

We were now on our way to lunch, "You did great at acting back there" Trevor says. I smile, "Thanks" I say and skip forwards. I walk into the Cafeteria and grab my meal.

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