Chapter 3

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The house was a bit bigger in size, but nicer then my old one. I parked in one of the garages and stepped out. I grabbed my stuff that was in my car and walked inside. I heard a bing  when I first walked in, 'Must be a security thing' I thought to myself. I went to my room and placed my stuff on the bed.

I walk back to the kitchen to see my mom making sandwiches, "hey mom" I say, she looks up and smiles. "Hey honey, I just got off the phone with the local school and you are going to be going tomorrow" she said excitedly. "yay" I sarcastically stated. I grabbed a sandwich and walked into the living room.

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled out of bed, I got dressed and walked out of my room and to the kitchen. I grabbed me a protein bar and a glass of apple juice. As I quickly ate and drank my phone buzzes in my pocket. I look to see its an email, probably from the school. I ignore it and place my glass in the sink, I turn away from the sink and start walking towards the garage door.

I grab my keys, jacket, backpack, and wallet from the table by the door. Walking out into the garage I press the door opener and make my way to my car, I got in and buckled up, turning it on afterwards. I backed out of the garage and turned around in the driveway. I drove out of the gate and took a left.

I had stopped at the gas station, to get gas and a monster. I was currently sitting in the parking lot of my new school. I grabbed my bag, jacket, phone, and drink, and opened my door. I take the keys out of the ignition and stepped out. I shut the door and made my way towards the entrance of the building.

I walked over to the office and waited for the Secretary to get done with the current student, she was dealing with. The boy groaned and turned away and stormed out of the office. I walked over to the desk and force a slight smile onto my lips. "Hello im Tessalynn Grey and i was wondering if i could get the things i need?" i ask politely, "Yes Ms.Grey" She says and looks on her desk for something. She hands me a manila folder, "Here you are, in it you will find your Locker number, and Schedule. As well as a map of the school." she says and smiled. I nod and say a quite"thanks", I turn around and walk out of the office.

I look inside the folder for my locker number, I find a half sheet of paper, on it is "Tessalynn Grey, 1738" I look around and finally find the locker. I open it to find my textbooks for the year. I check my schedule. First Bell- Homeroom-Room A12, Second Bell-Geometry-A16, Third Bell-French-B10 Fourth Bell- Theater-Auditorium A. I grab my Geometry, and French books and make my way to Homeroom.

I enter the classroom and take a seat towards the back. "Okay class settle down, we have a new student. Ms.Grey please stand and introduce yourself" The teacher says. I stand and start to speak "Well my name is Tessalynn Grey and I recently moved here from my old hometown Athens Tennesse. And that's about it" I sit back down after I finish and pay attention to the teachers directions.

The first couple of classes were alright, I made a new friend her name is Lizzy (StillNotThere ). As I enter the lunchroom I draw a few stares here and there but other than that I make my way to the Snack Bar. I grab a bag of chips and a Turkey and Cheddar sandwich. I look around for Lizzy and I see her siting by 2 Girls and 2 Guys. I make my way towards her and sit down beside her. "Hey guys this is my new friend Tessalynn. Tessa this is Amanda, Kathryn or Kat, Trevor, and Ryder." she says and points to each one of them. We ate the rest of our lunch and threw our trash away. We made our way to the lockers and grabbed our books for the next couple of periods.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly, I walked out to my car and got in and started it. I backed out of my parking place and started towards home. When I finally got there I parked my car in the drive and got out. I went into the house and went over to the kitchen I made myself a sandwich and a glass of coke. I quickly finished them off then went to my room to start on homework. My mom got home rather late so by the time she got here I was already in bed asleep.

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