Chapter 7

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Waking up feeling a arm draped across my waist I look behind me to see Ryder looking back at me. He moves his arm as he turns over and lays on his back. I sit up and rub my head, I pull my hair to one side then get up and stretch. Opening my duffle bag I pick out my outfit for the day. Walking into the bathroom I see Ryder brushing his teeth. I turn the water on then shoo him out. I shut the door then get undressed.

After showering I dry off then slip on the clothes, Grabbing my makeup bag I quickly do my makeup then brush my teeth. Walking out of the bathroom I grab my black high-top converse and slip them on. I grab my phone then walk out of the room, jogging down the stairs I see that Lizzy, Trevor, and Cameron were all awake. "hey sleepyheads" I say since I see them in their pajamas.

"Im gonna go for a walk" I say and open the back door. Stepping out I take a deep breath of the fresh air. I shut the door then get a little ways from the house before I pull out a cigarette and a lighter. Placing the cigarette between my lips about to light it when I get a Facetime. Looking at my phone I see that its Jessie. Pressing the green button I am met with yelling and a smirking Jessie. "Where are you?" I ask and light my cig. "Saturday School" He replys. "Guess who's teaching?" He says, I raise an eyebrow and Jessie turns the camera around to show a red faced Mr. Jameson. I choke and cough out the smoke. "You have had 2 and a half weeks to do this project, 2 AND A HALF WEEKS. And now you want ANOTHER extension? Get out of my classroom now. NOW!" He yells and the poor freshman scurries out of the room.

"Jessie would you like to join him?" He asks Jessie coming closer. "No" Jessie says confidently. "Well I think your about to since you know my strict NO PHONES rule" He says snatching the phone up. He looks down at the screen and sees me. "Oh heyyy Mr.Jamesy, How are you? Well I gotta go my friend is calling for me. Buhbye" I say rushed and hang up the call. I stomp out my cigarette and head back towards the house. Walking up the stairs to the back door I see a shirtless Cameron chasing a laughing Trevor. I open the door and silently walk up the stairs and into the room where I gently close the door. "Well there you are" Ryder says scaring the shit out of me. "What the hell Ryder" I say holding a hand over my heart. "Oops did I scare you?" He says pretending to be innocent. I go over to the bathroom and spray myself with perfume.

Walking back downstairs I tell Lizzy that I was going to visit an old friend. She nods and I grab my wallet, keys and phone then walk outside and towards my car. Climbing into it I start it then buckle up, putting it into reverse I turn around then drive down the road. Driving until I reached Waco, I stop at a convenient store. Getting out I walk in and grab a redbull and a strawberry cream cheese Danish. Paying for gas and my stuff, I walk back to my car and pump the gas. Finishing I get into the car and start it. Buckling up I take off towards Bosqueville.

Pulling onto the street I turn into the parking lot and park in the closest spots. I grab my redbull and my phone and keys. Walking towards the entrance I pull the door open and strut inside. People turn staring as I make my way to Mr. Jameson's classroom. I hear a wolf whistle, turning and seeing that is was Connor. I walk over to him and hug him then hook my arm in his. "Do me a favor?" I ask and he nods. "Play Run The World (Girls) through the speakers" I say and hand him my phone. He runs off towards the office. I walk towards the classroom and wait for the music to start. Some girls come over to back me up. I start to sing the song and start on the dance routine. We go into the classroom and some of the girls move the desks and we start to dance again. Making eye contact with Mr. Jameson I smirk. My long lost best friend Alyssa comes over and starts to sing. I continue to dance until the song ends. I run over to Jessie and give him a hug. "Im back, but just for a bit" I say and smile.

Alyssa sits down in the seat beside Jessie so I sit in her lap and watch as Mr. Jameson walks over towards us. "Hello Ms. Williams" He says and crosses his arms. Leaning down I cross my arms while l lean on the table. "Mr. Jameson" I reply keeping eye contact. I get up and walk around the table brushing shoulders with him. Walking over to the door I open it and stick my head out. "Freshman" I yell out and his head pops up. "Y-yeah" He stutters cutely. "Cm'ere" I reply and he gets up and walks towards the door. I hold the door open for him, he enters and I shut the door.

"Now what assignment is this little cutey missing" I say messing with the hair on his head, then look over towards Mr. Jameson who was sitting at his desk. "A 2 page handwritten essay over Jamestown" He says and smirks. I fake a smile back then turn around and lean over the desk. I hear shuffling and smile. "Okay so what information do you have on Jamestown?" I ask the freshman. He hands me a piece of paper with a list of things. "Alright well in the first paragraph I would introduce Jamestown, then in the second how it was discovered and so on and so forth" I say and he nods then gets to writing.

Walking over to Alyssa I grab her hand and lead her out of the classroom. I walk us to the teachers lounge and sit her down on the couch. Ploping down beside her I tell her to tell me everything that has gone on since I left. "Well Connor dating Arianna, Jessie still hooking up with random girls, and I have got myself a boyfriend" she says and I squeal. "OMG what is he like? Whats his name? How old is he?" I ask rushed and she shushes me. "He has dark brown hair and baby blue eyes, He has a dimple on his right cheek and he has his ears pierced. His name is Carter and hes 18" she says happily. I smile and hug her, "Good for you" I say and stand. The door opens and in enters Mr. Jameson. "Alyssa please get back to class" He says furiously but keeps eye contact with me. She whispers good luck in my ear and scurries off.

When the door closes he starts to take steps towards me. Each step he takes forward, I take one back. After a bit my back finally rams into a wall. He puts a hand on one side of me head and the other at his side. I put my hands on his hips and he places his other hand on my cheek. He pull my face forward and connects our lips. I kiss for a bit then push him off. "That was a mistake, that night was a one night thing" I say and slip under his arm and walk off towards the classroom.

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