Chapter Four

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Dominique's Pov

After the microbraid installation, I went home and basically minded my business the entire day until my mom got home.

"So how many people are coming?" My mother asked Mason, Destiny, and I, who were sitting by each other on the couch. "I have like four of five people coming, it depends." I responded not really knowing who was all coming. 

"Okay, Mason, anyone coming for you?" She asked while situating herself to a more comfortable state. "Just Craig," Destiny and I shot a glance at one another since Craig told the two of us his little secret. "And you Destiny?" My mom asked while taking her heels off. "Nope, nobody for me." 

My mother nodded and then left the living room, going to get changed. When she came back downstairs she had a saddened look. "The clients that I met with today recommended me to other people who are looking for a house, so I can't go." She groaned, annoyed that every time she made plans with us, they were always ruined.

"Next time we should just go out as a family," Destiny suggested with a shrug not really wanting to go out anyways, especially in a group. "You guys can still go, I'll plan something that will hopefully not get ruined," my mom grumbled after rolling her eyes. 

We all kissed her before she left, leaving us all alone. "Should we still go to the movies?" Mason asked looking between Destiny and I. "I'm still going, ion know about y'all." I replied before pulling out my phone and texting Zakari the address. "I'm still going," Destiny stated making Mason nod in agreement.

After taking the time to get dressed, and look presentable, we started to drive to the movie theater. We were in separate cars, so during my car ride I was on a FaceTime call with Zakari.

"It would be funny if you were below 5'2," Kari laughed, glancing at me, still driving. "I'm not even below 5'2, I'm actually 5'7." I retorted with a grin. "I'm still taller cuz I'm 5'11." 

"Whatever, shortie." I laughed, quickly hanging up and pulling into the theater parking lot. Mason and Destiny texted me after some time telling me that they were waiting in the theater. All the while a car pulled up beside mine. Since it was Beverly Hills, it wasn't rare to see a nice car, but it was when it came to luxury cars.

I looked over seeing an Obsidian Black G Wagon (2019 Mercedes Benz G Class) park beside my Black Aston Martin (2022 Aston Martin DB11). 

The window rolled down which made me stare more. My breathing relaxed when I saw Aaron's goofy face in the backseat. "Oh my gosh its Dom!" He yelled struggling to get out of the car, climbing over Nyeemah. He rushed to my car after falling to the ground while laughing. I opened the door embracing the hug he started. 

"Girl you're gorgeous," he smiled somewhat out of breath. "Thank you handsome," I looked back to the car seeing Nyeemah and Micaiah get out along with two other girls, one short girl in the passenger seat, the other tall one in the driver's.

The realization of who the tall one was hit me after she turned around. My eyes widened seeing it was Zakari. I was speechless seeing she was finer in person. "Well hello to you too," she smirked locking the car door, slowly walking closer to me, hugging me.

"Hi," I breathed out, still shocked, hugging her back. "Okay lovebirds, lets get in the movie theater." Mason dragged us all to the building.

While getting situated: tickets, snacks, popcorn, drinks, and obviously the seats; I kind of just looked at Zakari and everyone around. Basically observing everything and everyone around me.

I stopped observing everything and everyone when the movie started. We were watching the new Scream movie and Zakari was on the right to me with a guy I'd just met on my left. His name is Tyler. 

We all split up with Aaron going with my brother and sister, Micaiah was with his girl who I found out was Malaysia. 

Who's pretty, pretty. 

Nyeemah was with this guy who obviously liked her, but was talking to someone who she met in the theater lobby. 

We were all pretty early into the theater, so I spent the time getting to know both Zakari and Tyler. Mostly Tyler since I'd just met him, but I wasn't leaving her out. 

"So what do you do, like in general." I questioned turning towards Tyler since Zakari was on her phone. "I cut hair and own a barbershop. I'm in college, and I'm playing on a football scholarship." I knew nothing about football, but I did know a thing or two about hair. "Are you any good?" I raised my eyebrow waiting for a reply. "I'm pretty good." He pulled the top of his shirt, wiping his shoulders; cocky much. 

The movie started which made me turn from Tyler, to the movie. An hour and some time later, the movie finished and I was ready to leave. I was about to get up until Tyler grabbed my hand hesitantly.

"Could I take you out sometime, next time on a real date?"

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