Chapter Five

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Zakari's Pov

"Just wear a dress Dominique," I rolled my eyes since after four days, she still doesn't know what to wear. "But I don't want to, and even if I did, what dress?" She flipped her camera to her closet that was full of dresses, for the hundredth time.

Everything was planned and I knew all about it; the restaurant, the time, the table at the restuarant, everything.

I groaned, turning away from my screen gradually getting tired of this. I decided to get up and get myself a snack since it was after five p.m, bringing my phone with me.

I walked in on Micaiah, Malaysia, and my mom in the kitchen. "Zakari do you have work tonight?" My mom asked probably wanting me to do something. "Yes, why?"

"Because your sister is coming today, and I'll be at work, and Micaiah has to work." My eyes widened at the fact that my younger sister, Yazmine is coming back. "What time is she coming?" I asked since I wanted to pick her up. "At eleven, her flight was canceled multiple times, so that's the latest." 

I sighed since that was in the middle of my shift. "I'll see what I can do." I hugged Malaysia and told Caiah goodbye and to be safe on his way to work. I grabbed myself a snack and looked at my mom, "Wait you're leaving now?" 

"Yes, I'll be back in three hours. I have to stop at the office and go grocery shopping." I nodded kissing her goodbye before also telling her to be safe. When she left out the door, I looked down realizing I was still on a FaceTime call with Dom. 

She was getting dressed, so I propped my phone up on the counter to get food for Maine. 

"Maine?" I called out confused, not seeing Maine in sight. I walked to the living room, my room, the guest rooms, and Maine's room.

She wasn't there.

The last place I checked was the backyard, and girl wasn't there either. I started to become confused because it makes absolutely no sense as to how I lost a big ass cat. 

In case she was hiding, I brought out one of her favorite treats, put it in a bowl, and walked around the house with it.

I decided to reenter my room, waliking past my couch straight to the stairs to the other side. The other side had my bed and closet. Since the bed was against the wall, I looked under it still not seeing Maine. 

I started getting annoyed and looked in the last place she could be. 

In my bathroom. 

I made my way to the bathroom hoping Maine would be in there. She wasn't in plain sight which made me look in the cabinets and bathroom closet. 

She wasn't there.

I walked to the shower slowly opening the curtain wishing she was there. "Maine I swear, imma sell you." I mugged her when she started purring. I picked her up taking her downstairs to the kitchen. 

After sitting her down, I gave her her food and water, and went back to my propped up phone. "Welcome back," Dominique muttered, rolling her eyes at me. 

Before I wasn't looking at my phone, so when I did I saw her all dressed up: she was wearing a tight black dress, black laced heels, and a few accessories.

"My bad, I was trying to find Maine, and you saw the rest before that." I informed her before holding Maine in the camera. "Yeah, well Tyler is outside, so I'll talk to you later, bye." She hung up before I could even say a word. 

Everything was off about her, but I obviously didn't have the chance to ask. Not that she'd probably tell me.  

Me: Have fun during the date

Ten minutes later.

Dom 💞🤰: Ok.

"Well damn, what did I do?" I asked myself wondering why she not only took ten minutes, but also why she text me back like that. 

I shook my head and started getting ready for work. It was nearing eight-thirty, so I got my keys, brought Maine to her room with her water and some food in hand, and locked the house up before going to my car.

The drive started out as calm and peaceful until I got a call from the group chat. It was a red light, so I looked at my phone and answered it, seeing Aaron's name. 

"Zakari we're still coming over today right?" I gave him a confused look since he knew I was working, and things were happening today.

"When exactly was I told this?"

"Zakari do not play dumb. You literally said we could yesterday."

"Did I, or did my mom say that?" I asked him knowing all and well that he and everyone else simply called my mom. 

"Your mom. Plus she said I could bring snacks and stuff since Yazmine is coming over." I rolled my eyes knowing he called my mom again today, or else he wouldn't have known that she was arriving since her flight was canceled numerous times.

I shook my head at how obstinate and stubborn he is. 

"Then I guess y'all are. Imma talk to you later though, after I get off of work." I stated while pulling up into the parking lot.

"Bet, see you later Dom's girlfriend." He quickly hung up before I could reply. After he brought her up I started to think about her. I texted her hoping she wouldn't take a long time to answer.

Me: There's going to be a sleepover at my house if you want to come.

Dom 💞🤰: K

Me: You okay?

Dom 💞🤰: Can you please pick me up from the restaurant. 

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