Chapter Nine

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Dominique's Pov

"I only ask because Yazmine and Aaron saw you get out her lousy ass car." 

"I don't really know her since all she did was give me a ride." I kept it a little short since I didn't know if knowing Laemoni was a good thing or bad thing.

"Well, she's Zakari's ex girl." I was a little surprised since Zakari keeps to herself way too much to even meet someone. 

Just think back to how she met me.

Then she's not straight: nice to know.

"You listenin?" Malaysia asked me with a confused look. "Yeah, just thinkin." 

"Well we'll talk more about it later since we shoppin right now." I nodded somewhat looking forward to the conversation, and hung up after saying bye.

I was done eating a long time ago, so I finally got up and washed my plate. In the middle of washing it, Laemoni texted me.

"Well speak of the devil," I stated, thinking out loud. 

"I'm the devil?" Zakari popped up randomly, scaring the living daylights out of me. I rolled my eyes at her still annoyed at the fact that she really took twenty minutes to bring me clothes. 

"Not you still mad," she came beside me, putting the dishes away. "So? I can be mad." I retorted, mugging her. "Oh really? I didn't notice," she replied sarcastically, making me shove her. 

I went to the living room and sat on the couch to reply to Laemoni.

Monii🐻: I thought you were going to call me back

I looked at the time seeing that it was one in the evening; girl I called you around ten or eleven, what made her think that I was going to call her back.


Me: I just wanted to let you cook in peace.

Monii🐻: It would've been better if we were on a call 

Me: Fine I'll call you back to back then.

Totally not lying straight from my asscrack. I definitely won't be calling her, I'll only do that to Zakari.

I stopped texting her after that because I received a text from a group chat that had my two top best friends, Blair and Lola. 

Lola💋: Nique you betta not be ghostin us for Kari

Blair😘: Let her cuz that girl is foine 

I laughed at the text, but realized that I haven't spoke to them in a while. "Shut up Dom," Zakari laughed throwing a pillow at me. Being caught off guard, I ran after her up the stairs and to her room. 

I chased her around the house straight into the kitchen. She was really playing tag with me. "Just come to me and stop being difficult," I grew annoyed since she was playing 'the sidewalk shuffle' with me. 

"I think I'm good doin this," she smiled. 

We stayed moving side to side like crabs, on both sides of the island in the kitchen until Dominique, Nyeemah, Yazmine, and Momma J walked in the through the front door.

Us being the stubborn people we were, didn't move from our position. That was until Zakari made a run past me and straight up the stairs into her room. I was ready and was right on her tail. 

Zakari was obviously dumb because she ran to the dead end area of her room. "Stop chasing me," she stated surprisingly not tired. 

"How you gon start something, but can't finish it." I rolled my eyes, sitting beside her on the bed. 

"I do finish things I start, but I didn't think you'd chase me." 

I looked at her with widened eyes, "Oh my gosh." She looked confused not knowing why I was surprised, 

"What?" I kept the reaction before replying. 

"The very first time you gave me an extended answer." I laughed until another pillow hit me straight in the face.

Because another pillow hit me, I chased her again; all over again—right back into the kitchen. 

"Why are y'all running around?" Malaysia asked. 

"This girl won't stop throwing pillows at me." I responded looking at her and Nyeemah.

"Well girl, the conversation." Nyeemah muttered after moving closer to where I was. I followed her and Malaysia to the guest room to begin the conversation. 

"Hopefully you ready, cuz there is a lot to go over."

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