Chapter Five

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July 21, 2012

The man, who I've learned is called Director Fury, lead me into large room, which appeared to be the heart of the Helicarrier. We were standing on a ledge, looking down on at least a few dozen high tech computers lined the center of the room, all being controlled by men and women with a headset. There was a staircase down that lead to the main deck where all of the tech was, and walkways all around it. On the other side of the room the walls were glass, acting as a giant window to overlook the skies as we flew.

Everyone in the room was busy with something, likely all working to look for the tesseract. I watched a select few of them work, seeing how close they were on getting anything helpful.

None of them were anywhere near close.

A woman dressed in a black bodysuit approached us. Her brunette hair was tied up in a bun on the back of her head. I recognized her as one of the agents from the facility that I had broken into.

"This is Agent Hill." Fury introduced.

"Hey." she said, barely glancing at me. "Fury, come look at this."

She quickly walked away, leading Fury down the stairs. I continued to glance around, learning as much as I could about the way they functioned, and their tech. Everyone seemed to be in full focus of their job, none of them paying any attention to each other as they murmured to themselves. I slightly furrowed my brows at the scene, not quite used to seeing such high tech. The bright blue screens seemed to come out of the screens like 3D.

And here I thought normal touch screen was an amazing turn to technology.

I heard footsteps slowly approaching me from behind. They seemed to be careful as they approached, but not in a threatening way. I turned my head to look at them as they stopped just a couple feet away from me. My breath almost hitched as we locked eyes.

It was Steve Rogers.

"It's crazy, technology these days." he stated, glancing towards the computers to start a conversation.

I glanced at him for a few moments longer from underneath my hood, then turned my attention back to the computers without a word.

He fiddled with his hands, awkwardly. "I uh, don't know if you know me, I'm uh, S-"

"Steve Rogers. Captain America." I cut him off, continuing to look over all of the tech and the workers.

"Yeah," he replied, awkwardly. "May I ask your name?"

I was silent for a few moments. The only name I could remember myself having is Tigris; but, I refuse to ever go by that name again. What were they all going to call me if not Tigris?

"I..." I trailed off, thinking desperately for a name. "Ti..."

"Ty?" he repeated, clarifying if he heard me right.

I suppose Ty is acceptable. "Yes."

He nodded, glancing around awkwardly as he crossed his arms. He clearly hasn't interacted with very many people since he woke up from the ice. Me on the other hand, have only had bad interactions that usually ends in death.

"There she is, I was beginning to wonder if he brought you to a different cell." a familiar woman's voice sounded to my right.

I snapped my head to look at her with wide eyes, recognizing her immediately.


"He tried to, but I talked him out of it." Steve replied for me, stepping to the side to face both me and her as she approached us.

Corrupted - The Tigris Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now