Chapter Nineteen

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July 23, 2012

"Hill!"  Fury's voice exclaimed in my earpiece.

I vision was slightly blurred from the sudden impact of the explosion. I could tell that I was not in the same room, though I could also tell that it was a part of the helicarrier that I had not yet been in. It was dimly lit, though it was not because of bad lights. The room was large, filled with walkways much like the one where Steve and I had discovered the crates with Hydra's weapons.

"External detonation, number three engine is down!" Hill's voice replied to Fury. "Somebody's gotta get out outside and patch that engine."

Ah, that sounds like a job for Stark.

"Stark, you copy that?" Fury questioned, regaining his composure.

"I'm on it." Stark replied.

Well, great.

I huffed in slight pain, trying to push myself up. Debris fell from my back as I got up to my knees. I thought back to who I had passed as I ran to try and avoid the explosion. Natasha and Banner had been the last two people before the explosion went off. If my calculations were right, then the two of them had to be down here with me somewhere; but that could only mean one thing. Natasha or I will be the first thing the Hulk sees.

"Coulson, initiate defensive lockdown in the detention section, then get to the armory." Fury ordered, breaking me from my thoughts. "Romanov?"

I was now on my feet, looking around at my surroundings. I didn't see Natasha or Bruce, but I could hear the distant sound of her gasping and heavily breathing from the fall. I could also hear the faintest sound of Banner groaning in anguish coming from the same direction. I was starting to be thankful that I agreed to take one of these, earlier today.

"We're okay." she confirmed in the earpiece. "We're okay, right?"

She let her voice go soft when she spoke to Banner. I widened my eyes, then started walking towards the direction of her voice and spoke in the earpiece.

"Natasha, get out of there." I pressed, making my way through the maze.

She didn't respond to me, though I could hear her groans of distress, as if she was trying to pull herself out of something.

Of course, she's stuck.

"Doctor?" Natasha's voice was still distant, and hard to track.

Banner's continuous groans and growls allowed me to be able to follow the voices a little easier, but the place was an absolute maze and unrecognizable. I didn't know if I could make it to Natasha in time; but why should I? A part of me knows that I would probably be doing her a favor, letting the Hulk kill her. Though, another part of me didn't want that to happen. A part of me that for whatever reason, wanted to do something good for someone else. Quite frankly, being killed by a big raging monster sounds like a terrible way to die, and I did not wish that upon Natasha. So, I kept searching.

"Bruce?" her voice echoed through the many metal walkways once again. "You gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants."

"Romanov!" I urged, noticing Banner's groans growing more intense.

"You're going to be okay, listen to me." she whined, growing more and more distressed.

I heard the faintest sound of another male voice, though it was too faint to make out any words. I raced through pathways, climbed as many pipes and ladders as I thought I needed to reach them. Though no matter how close I thought I was getting, their voices seemed to only grow louder and softer again.

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