Chapter Fourteen

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August 25th, 1972

The unknown prison in New Jersey seemed to get more and more occupants with each coming month, but for Isaiah Bradley, it was just someone else here to fall victim to the same horrid things that he had.

He felt so stupid thinking that his heroic deed would save him from his inevitable fate before his fight with the Winter Soldier and the Tigris. He learned the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished. For him, his punishment was life in prison with experiment after experiment to see why the Super Serum worked for him, and not others. He didn't even want to think about what they planned on doing to him once he was no longer useful in their studies. Would they kill him? Or perhaps they would just rather forget about him, and sweep him completely under the rug as if he never existed? Whatever the answer was, he didn't plan on sticking around to find out. He had a plan; a completely fool-proof plan that guaranteed his freedom. He had been dragged throughout the halls of the prison enough times to memorize it's layout and where each exit resided. Today was the day that he decided he was going to get out, no matter what it took.

He couldn't have been more unlucky.

He could never have predicted the visitor that he would get that day. He thought that for sure, he would never see her again after the time she had infiltrated the prison and posed as a nurse. She had gotten what she came for, why would she ever need to return?

She arrived just the same as the last, dressed head to toe in a nurse outfit with her metal tray of medical tools and supplies. Though she kept her eyes low and averted to the prisoners as she walked by, she could tell that it was much more occupied than it had been in her last visit. A part of her was curious as to why, though she immediately pushed it down. That information was not important for her mission; therefore, there was no need to take any interest on the matter.

She went directly to the cell that she knew Isaiah had previously been in, and opened the door. As soon as it opened, he bashed himself into it, trying to run past her. The sudden action took her by complete surprise, but she reacted instantly and swung her right arm up to hit him harshly in the face. His body did a slight flip backwards, and he fell on his back. The Tigris tossed the tray into the room, then grabbed Isaiah by the shirt and threw him in as well. He fell onto his stomach and groaned at the impact, looking up at her in complete shock and horror as he realized who he had just run into.

"No-" he rasped, instantly getting back onto his feet and backed himself against the back wall.

She closed the door behind them, locking them into the cell together. She locked her eyes onto his deep brown ones threateningly, then swiftly grabbed the syringe from the tray and stalked towards him with it firmly in her grasp.

"No, no, no!" he screamed, then lunged forward to attack her.

He grabbed her by the wrist, holding the syringe away from him, and pushed her entire body back, slamming her into the bars of the cell. She let out a slight grunt at the impact, then stabbed the heel of her high heels into his foot as hard as she could, and hit him square in the chest with her free hand, sending him flying back a couple of feet with a yelp of pain.

She reached behind her and tightly gripped onto one of the bars with her left hand. Then with one hard pull, she tore off two feet of the pole to use as a bigger weapon. Isaiah glanced at her with just a hint of terror, then quickly reminded himself of what he had planned on doing that day. I will be free today. I have to win this fight if I ever want to see my family again. He thought.

Tigris quickly made her way towards where he lied, and lifted the pole up into the air to harshly swing it back down onto his head. Isaiah caught the pole in his hand just before it could hit him, pushed it to the side, and punched her as hard as he could in the stomach. She fell back, but quickly recovered with a backward summer-salt and was back on her feet.

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