Chapter Twenty Four

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September 8th, 2001

"Captain," a male's voice rung throughout the dimly lit, concrete halls of Hydra's camp.

"You had better of brought me good news," Captain Schwarz responded in his thick, German accent.

"Wir haben Ladens Antwort erhalten. Er hat nicht die Absicht, sein Versprechen an uns zu halten." the man reported.

We received Laden's reply. He has no intention of keeping his promise to us.

The Captain let out a low, disappointed hum, slightly turning his chair to the side as he thought deeply about his next move. Hydra and the Al-Qaeda had been working closely with each other since the group had made it's first appearance. They would not be the group that they had become without Hydra's aid. For Osama bin Laden to turn his back now, was like an ultimate betrayal.

"Perhaps he needs some. . . convincing, then." Captain Schwarz replied, eyeing his best female assassin as he formulated a plan.

The man caught on to what his Captain was thinking, and slightly cocked his head to the side in doubt. "Sir, the Tigris has been showing multiple signs of being unstable, we cannot trust that she will-"

"Only when her missions take 5 days or more to complete. This will only take one." the Captain cut him off with a crooked smile.

"But sir, you can't just send her out to wipe out the whole organization." the man continued to protest.

The Captain eyed the man, his smile only growing wider. "Who said that I was sending her to kill them?"


It had been only one hour since the Tigris was given her mission. It didn't take her very long to obtain all of the information she needed to get started, let alone the proper technology. It was now the 2000s, after all.

It all just made her job that much easier.

"ladaya muhimat jadidat lika. satusafirun jmyean 'iilaa 'amrika alyawma." the Tigris stated on a video call, her body and voice matching that of Osama bin Laden.

I have a new assignment for you. You will all travel to America today.

The men on the other end of her call gave her a questioning look. "sayidi madha eun-"

Sir, what about-

"la tas'aluni 'asyilat , satafeal ma 'aqulu." Tigris cut them off.

Don't ask questions, you will do as I say.

They were all silent now, reluctantly ready to listen to their instructions.

"sawf tatalaqaa tadhakir altaayirat alkhasat bik fi ghudun saeatin. qulua wadaean lieayilatikum , li'anakum ealaa washk khidmat baladikum wa'iilahikum." Tigris continued, coldly.

You will receive your plane tickets within an hour. Say goodbye to your families, as you are about to serve your country and your God.

Tigris then explained to them the plan.

"kayf naerif 'anak la tuhawil faqat qatalna jmyean؟" one of them questioned.

How do we know you're not just trying to kill us all?

Tigris eyed the man from behind her digital disguise. "'ana man 'atawalaa alsaytarat ealaa altaayirat al'uwlaa."

I take control of the first plane.


It was now early morning on September 9th. The plan was now set in motion. Each of the men had set their positions on their plane. Tigris had boarded her plane just minutes after taking a now dead flight attendant's outfit. She did well with keeping her eyes hidden as she followed each step of a flight attendant's job flawlessly to avoid suspicion. None of the passengers or security guards noticed anything off, and allowed for the flight to take off on schedule.

Two of the Arabic men that was part of her plan were seated in the first class seats, next to where she had been standing. They eyed her, seeming to begin to identify her. She locked eye contact with one of them, letting him get a good look at her cold, golden irises. His eyes widened in realization, and before he could say or do anything, Tigris disappeared behind the sliding door that separated the staff from the passengers.

Once the plane was at it's highest altitude, Tigris slipped through the next sliding door and made her way towards the pilots at the front of the plane. She slowly and silently stepped behind their chairs, her seemingly glowing golden eyes beaming holes in the back of their heads as she got closer and closer. The two men had no idea of her presence, and continued talked amongst themselves to keep them occupied as they stared into the open morning sky.

With inhuman speed, the Tigris gripped their heads and slammed them into each other, knocking them out instantly. The amount of force was enough to crack their head open, causing blood to spill down the side of their faces. She quickly tied the two of them together with duck ducked tape that she had been carrying, and threw them to the side.

The plane was set to go west out of Boston to L.A. Tigris made adjustments to the navigation systems, and turned the plane to go South towards New York. Tigris heard footsteps approaching her from behind, and quickly grabbed one of her small throwing knives that she reluctantly had stashed inside her bra.

"Hey, what's-!" a male voice panicked behind her.

Before he could finish his sentence, Tigris skillfully whipped herself around, sending the knife ripping through the air like a bullet. It hit him straight through the center of his forehead, killing him instantly. His body dropped to the ground, directly in front of the two still unconscious pilots. Once Tigris was sure that no one else was going to disturb her, she turned her attention back to the controls and awaited to see the tall, magnificent buildings of New York City.


It didn't take long for them to arrive. Tigris had heard the two men begin to cause a great commotion within the passengers just ten minutes before they arrived. She almost felt like rolling her eyes at their enthusiasm to tell the people about why they were fulfilling this mission. The sounds of terror from the people were ringing through her skull, causing it to be fairly difficult to stay focused. She lowered the plane down towards the city without slowing it's speed. She ensured that it was pointing directly at her target:

The Twin Towers.

Once it was certain that the plane would hit the target, she stood from her chair, eyeing the now conscious pilots on the ground. Their eyes were filled with utter horror as their muffled screams desperately tried to breach the tape over their mouths. She grabbed another knife from her bra as she stepped towards the side of the plane, and stabbed through the metal wall.

"Hail Hydra." she muttered, lowly.

And with just a few swift slices, she cut a large hole into the side of the plane, big enough to let her jump through. Wind instantly gushed through the gaps of where she has forced her knife, almost causing her sensitive ears to ring. She kicked the loose flab of metal free, instantly causing the loud noise to erupt throughout the whole plane. She waited until she saw a clear jump for one of the roofs of a building below them as they accelerated downwards at a high speed.

With expert timing, she jumped through the hole, riding the wind in such a way that allowed her to be guided through the air gracefully before landing on the targeted roof with a skilled roll. Once she was steady on her feet, she turned towards the Towers just in time to see the plane plummet through the glass.

Screams of terror echoed throughout the streets of New York as they watched the building erupt with smoke and fire. The smell flooded the assassin's nose, causing her to slightly scrunch her face in discomfort as she watched the utter chaos be unleashed. She turned her head up towards the sky, instantly spotting the second plane make its way towards them right on schedule.

Tigris's mission was officially complete.

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