Chapter Ten

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March 14, 1960

Though it was ensured that the walls separating each section of the facility was absolutely soundproof, nothing could have blocked out the screams that emitted from the laboratory room. The horrid sound echoed throughout the halls, causing each and every person who resided in the facility to be on edge. Their skin crawled as it seemed to have no end, and they could think nothing more than the simple thought: I'm glad it's not me.

The scream belonged to none other than the Tigris herself, as she sat in that awful chair with the metal ring on her head. The shocks that shot through her skull were far too much for even someone as strong as her to bear. The pain coursed through her veins like a poison, seeming to burn her alive from the inside.

"Off." a man dressed in a black suit ordered.

Another man dressed in a lab coat flipped a switch on a machine that controlled the power to the chair that the Tigris had been sitting in. The shocking died instantly, as well as the woman's screams of immense pain. She panted, seeming to be completely out of breath. Her vision was blurry, and she felt incredibly dizzy from all that her brain had just suffered from. It was as if all of the energy in her body was sucked out of her with just the flip of a switch.

The man in the black suit stepped towards her, and held one of her eyelids open to look at her eye. He furrowed his brows as he stared at it from different angles, than released her.

"I still see some blue in it. Again." he ordered.

Tigris scrunched up her nose, trying to mentally prepare for another hit at her brain; though, she knew that nothing would prepare her for the pain she was about to feel once again.

The man in the lab coat flipped the switch back up, and the chair instantly powered back on and send another strong strike of pain through her brain. She tried her best to stop herself from screaming once again, she tried to be strong; but once the pain began to course throughout the rest of her body, the horrible screams couldn't help but escape from her quivering lips.

"Toska. Rzhavyy. Semnadtsat." another man dressed in a black suit stepped forward with a red book in his hand.

Longing. Rusted. Seventeen.

Tears poured down her cheeks as the shocks continued to tear it's way though her body. She clenched her fists so tightly together that the nails had long surpassed the skin in her palms. Her wrists were securely tied to the chair, preventing her from escaping. Though she has tried many, many times to break free without any success, she continued to pull at the restraints as hard as she could. Her body thrashed around, trying so desperately to break free.

"Rassvet. Pech'. Devyat'." he continued.

Daybreak. Furnace. Nine.

Tigris let out a blood curling scream, so powerful that a few glass bottles that were lying around the room shattered. Everyone in the room covered their ears, desperately trying to protect themselves from bursting their eardrums. Despite the bad circumstances, the procedure needed to go on if they were to be successful.

"Dobrokachestvennyy! Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu! Odin! Gruzovoy avtomobil'!" the man yelled, doing his best to be heard over the Tigris's screams.

Benign! Homecoming! One! Freight car!

Just as she felt her mind start to break, it suddenly went blank. Her thrashing stopped, as well as the screaming. The shocks didn't, however, though it no longer seemed to have as much as an affect on her as it had just seconds ago. Her body twitched as the shocks continued to rage through her veins, though she made no more efforts to get out of the chair.

Corrupted - The Tigris Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now