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A lot of people like skin ship and affection. Specially with their lovers, but there are also some people who don't for various reasons.

That was the case of Yeosang and Jongho.

They have been dating for about 4 months now. Their relationship was pretty much like every normal couple that has just started dating. They usually had dates and conversations like every normal people and also enjoyed spending time together.

Nothing unusual, right? But there was one problem.

Jongho was really distant from his boyfriend. He almost never laughed with him in those 4 months, didn't let him hold his hand or even hug him. He is always nice to Yeosang and always helps him, but he never allows affection.

Yeosang didn't know what was wrong. He understands that it's maybe too early, but at least Jongho should explain why was it like that. It can't be good when he doesn't even smile.

It's not that Jongho didn't like him. He probably did not like any skin ship but he at least shouldn't react like that when Yeosang tries to hold his hand or lay his head on his shoulder.

It's also hurting him too. Yeosang doesn't know why is he like that.

Whenever he tries to do that, Jongho always brushes him off by saying that they were in the public or just pulls away and says some other lame excuse.

The older male started wondering what happend with the day that they started dating. How did he not find it weird that Jongho didn't want to hold his hand or anything exept for talking next to him and paying for their date?

He understands that people are very homophobic and that's why Jongho probably doesn't want to be touchy with him in the public. But what about when they are alone? Why was he also like that?

To be honest, Yeosang was going insane by it already. When they decided to go on another date and they had a nice lunch, Yeosang tried to slide his hand across the table so it touched Jongho's. Their fingers touched for a split second before younger male gulped and only pulled away.

"We are in the public." He said, looking around almost like he was afraid.

Yeosang couldn't believe anymore. His blood started to boil as Jongho said that, but what made him even angrier was that Jongho did not even care to ask if he was okay, he only asked for a bill.

The older male gritted his teeth and scoffed before getting up from his seat and taking his stuff. Yeosang looked at him one last time before he left. Jongho started to freak out a bit by a sudden action.

"Keep the change." he said to a waiter before taking his jacket and running behind his boyfriend.

Yeosang was almost at the end of the street at this point, not caring to look behind when Jongho called him to stop walking. He could feel the anger and annoyance on Yeosang since he ignored him.

The younger male, however, quickly caught up to him and walked next to his angry boyfriend.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Jongho panted out.

Yeosang ignored him only, no words said. He did not even look at Jongho whose eyebrows furrowed at that. He just decided to let it go, allowing Yeosang to come around when he calms down.

Okay then? Jongho thought.

They did not talk anymore, letting the tension wander around as they continued to walk to Jongho's apartment.

The male lived alone for some reason. Yeosang didn't know and to be honest, he didn't really care or want to know anymore because he would probably just say something stupid again instead of telling him the real reason. 

Jongho wanted to act stupid and ask Yeosang what happend but with that look on other's face, he only stayed quiet. He probably needed to calm down before talking to anyone.

When they got to Jongho's apartment, Yeosang still didn't look at his boyfriend nor talked to him. He only let Jongho unlock the key and went inside to take off his shoes and jacket.

Just as he was about to go somewhere, probably bathroom to ignore him, Jongho ran and stood in front of him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, making the male scoff.

Even though he never touched his boyfriend, that doesn't mean that Jongho isn't worried about him.

Yeosang rolled his eyes and tried going away, with no success because Jongho did the same thing again.

"Yeosang. Stop ignoring me and tell me what is wrong?"

"So you dare to ask me that?" Yeosang mumbled.

"What?" Jongho asked.

"Nothing." He replied and went to the room.

Jongho followed his boyfriend there, sighing a bit from annoyance. He is also allowed to get annoyed.

Yeosang was ignoring him and is mad, what else should he do? Jongho also gets annoyed pretty easily.

"For fuck's sake Yeosang, talk to me! Tell me what happend and don't lie because I see you are not okay-"

"You actually dare to ask me that?! Jongho, every single time I try to hug you or hold your hand you always find an excuse for me not to do that! I did not say anything but it hurts me! I am also a person you know!?" Yeosang snapped.

Jongho was shocked. His usually sweet and quiet boyfriend was now yelling at him at the edge of tears.

It is true that he wasn't usually touchy with him but that doesn't mean he doesn't like him. He really liked Yeosang. The way he talked and blushed every time he got embarrassed got him laughing at himself.

But just because Jongho did not like skin ship didn't mean they would break up. Right?

"I know you are still getting used to this relationship as much as I am, and I know I am not the best, but you should at least be responsible and talk to me and say what's wrong on a normal way like a normal person." Yeosang said as tears fell out of his eyes.

Jongho let out a breath he didn't know was holding before reaching out to him, but stopping in the middle.


"Don't, just don't. I need some time and you need it too." The male said, his voice cracking as he started getting his stuff together.

Jongho stood in front of him again, eyes also watered a bit as the male looked at him and getting through his hands before leaving the house. His hand touched the door that slammed shut a few moments ago before he leaned on it, falling down slowly.

He started sobbing softly, remembering Yeosang cry and feeling his own heart hurting because of it.

After all, It was all his fault.

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