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Yeosang blinked for a few moments, staring at him with a shocked expression back. Jongho said nothing but looked at his boyfriend, waiting for his next move or answer.

The older thought about what should he say. Wooyoung was right, they should talk because they are both hurting like this.

He coughed awkwardly, moving back and letting Jongho inside. "Yeah, sure..."

The male nodded and came in, going straight to the living room. They sat down there with none of them looking at each other. Jongho was looking around while Yeosang looked at his hands.

"So, how have you been?" Jongho cut off the awkward silence, rubbing his hands on

Yeosang snapped out of his thoughs, looking at the male for a split second.

"I don't know...you?" He mumbled.

"Not so fine." Jongho replied, head hung down.

The silence once again cut in as both males did not look at each other. Yeosang desperately wanted to hug Jongho and kiss his stupidly beautiful, perfect lips.

But he would probably push him away again.
Yeosang knew something was wrong, that's why Jongho looks like that.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

They looked at each other with eyes wide open. Jongho shook his head in confusion, looking at him as they said the same thing in the same time. Maybe they really are soulmates.

"What are you sorry for?" Jongho asked.

"Well...you know, getting angry at you when I didn't think about your feelings and-"

"You got no reason to apologize. I would also react that way if i was at your place." Jongho explained.

Yeosang nodded and bit his lip, letting the awakwardness cut in again.

He was about to ask some stupid question again, but a hand that came to his own. Yeosang's eyes widened a bit as he snapped his head up to look at him.

Jongho sighed deeply and swallowed hard,  visibly uncomfortable as he did that. Yeosang didn't move an inch after he did that.

"I promise I will tell you what is wrong. Can you just listen to me?" he mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

Yeosang took his hand and smiled sadly. It felt really good to touch Jongho for almost first time. His hands are very soft and a little bit bigger than Yeosang's. He could fall asleep while holding his hand within no seconds.

"I..." Jongho tried to say. Yeosang immediately understood it was something very important and serious.

He squeezed his hand tighter and nodded, letting Jongho take his time and not to rush him. He is finally opening up, and Yeosang doesn't want to ruin it.

"It's okay, take your time."

Jongho sighed and moved a bit so Yeosang could hear him better.

"When I was younger, my parents never showed any affection to me, even on Christmas and birthday. They always said how a man should be manly and not...so emotional."

Yeosang's eyebrows furrowed.

"I guess I just grew up like that. When I was in highschool and started being interested in love, I realized that I did not only like girls. When I had my first boyfriend, we had a huge fight about it. They told me how it's a sin and god didn't want it." Jongho stopped talking as he sniffed.

Yeosang was more than shocked. He couldn't utter a single word, feeling his heart sink at the thought what Jongho went through.

"But when I said I didn't care..t-they..they beat me up and threw me out. When I told that to my at that time boyfriend, he said it was my problem and that I deserved it before giving me a slap in the face. Since that time, I didn't let anyone touch me because I would remember my past. I didn't know how would you react if I told you but after you left I knew you were just confused and after we fighted and I realised that I need you back.."

"I-I can't do this without you."

Yeosang's eyes watered at the thought. He was mad at Jongho but did not even ask if he was doing okay. He did not deserve this.

They started crying together and tightened their holds on each other's hand. Jongho pulled his head up when he calmed down and wiped away his tears with a bit of Yeosang's help.

"You know how I never told you why I live alone? That's the main reason why. I can't get along with my parents, and I guess you will never meet them." Jongho said and sniffed again.

Just seeing Jongho cry was enough for Yeosang to start crying too.

"Hey..look up." Yeosang whispered, also crying.

Jongho looked up and connected their eyes.

"You did not deserve it, you are an amazing person. It's normal that you were afraid of talking about this, I would also be afraid. Jongho, you are nothing like your parents, you're not a monster."

Yeosang was also crying at this point. Jongho didn't believe that he heard this after such a long time.

They cried more, still holding each other's hands. Jongho felt so pathetic but so relieved that he finally told Yeosang everything. He was happy that Yeosang accepted him and even comforted him, after everything that happend.

"It's gonna be okay..just cry it out." His boyfriend comforted him.

After almost his whole life it felt really nice to have someone who can call your own. The person who will comfort you, hug you when you need it the most and be with you no matter what.

And Jongho knew, Yeosang was the one.

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