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I listened to the static filled radio station with the murderer sitting next to me, thinking about what I could possibly do to get out of this horrible situation.

We're out of the city now, far on the highway where the road is lined with trees and the forest takes over. Far from anyone who could help.

I looked at the man out of the corner of my eye. His dark hair was greasy and stuck to his forehead. A shadow of hair covered his chin. His lips were cracked and dry. My eyes darted to the dash as I heard the radio clear up.

"We're getting news here at the station that the aliens have made their demands. An unnamed whistle blower has made us aware that if we don't surrender our woman they will declare war upon earth." My eyes widen at the newscasters trembling voice. My heart thumping in my chest I look around the vehicle frantically for a weapon to threaten my would be attacker. The murderer.

I see nothing to use, nothing that would hurt him. His seatbelt is unbuckled, the dash light blinking making me aware. I secure my belt, making sure it's tight against my body and without another thought I yank as hard as I can on the wheel sending us straight into a large tree.


Slowly blinking I come to consciousness. The light is gone and night had fallen. My body ached as I tried to move, to look around. I swallow hard, my throat dry and scratchy. The murderer was thrown through the window, his legs hanging broken over the steering wheel.

There were small bottles of vodka readily hanging from one of the pockets in his cargo pants and I wondered if he was drunk. Nobody would question this accident because of his affliction. I could slip away and never be a suspect, that is if anyone even made it out of this alive to continue investigating crimes.

I survived the crash but I was hurt. My abdomen was radiating with pain, every breath was labored and excruciating. I swallowed hard again and looked down to assess the source of my pain.  My breathing quickened with my heart rate as I saw the glass shining in the moonlight protruding from my side.

I tried to take shallow breaths, steady and in control, but I wasn't in control, I was panicking. I was going to die. I was going to die here alone and scared. My eyes exploded with tears as I cried out into the night. I needed help but nobody was coming.

Suddenly I felt motivation to live. I felt I needed to live no matter what. My mind cleared and I started to think rationally. I pulled my top up over the glass to see how bad it really was. I checked the glove box for napkins but no luck, just the owners manual, some super glue and a few tools.

*Shit* I cursed to myself.

I remembered we were in the supply truck, there had to be some kind of medical kit in here. I looked around more without moving too much and found the first aid attached to the back window just behind me.

I sloppily dug through the supplies with my shaking hands, pulling out the gauze and the suture kit.

*Fuck.* I cursed again. Some how the word helped with the pain.

I reached over to the man's pocket and slipped out one of the bottles. I needed to sterilize the wound before and after i took the glass out, and this is all I had available.

The clear liquid burned like nothing I'd ever felt before and irritated my wound, blood poured out at a quicker pase and I felt myself get clammy. I had to do this now. I pulled the glass out a steady pace, neither slow nor too fast. Again blood poured out quicker. I poured the remainder of the small bottle over the wound and held the gauze to it.

*Your either going to pull it together and stitch yourself up or your going to bleed out right here in this stupid fucking truck.* I told myself as I tried to get ready. I contemplated using the super glue instead but decided against it.

Each push of the needle was excruciating, each time I slipped because of the blood that soaked my hands was like defeat. Eventually I finished, pulling the thread tight and tying it off. I grabbed another bottle from the man's cargo pocket and dumped it on the stitches then covered it with gauze, taping it against my body.

I was so preoccupied with my bloody wound I didn't even think to try and move the rest of my body. Luckily I think I was okay, other than a possible concussion and a few broken ribs, my shoulder was also numb down to my fingers which meant it was either broken or dislocated. I hoped for the latter. Right now I needed to get away from here. I needed to find shelter and rest.

I grabbed a pack from the truck, hurling it over my good shoulder and started my way into the dark woods. I didn't know where I was going or where I was. All I knew was I wasn't going to be taken by aliens.

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