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"Don't come any closer!" I warned as the orbs hovered around him seemingly watching me with intent.

"Your hurt." He spoke English, his hands raising up Infront of his body to show he wasn't a threat. Although I knew all too well that he, or rather IT was very much a threat.

"No shit." My breath came out jagged. He started to move towards me.

"I mean it! Stay there or I'll shoot you where you stand." I held the gun left handed, using my bum arm for the trigger because I knew it wouldn't be able to support the weight of the gun. The only downside of this is my dislocated shoulder would take the kick. My aim was off, I couldn't be confident that if I tried to shoot that I would hit anything, let alone my target.

"Let me help you." His voice was laced with deception. I knew it in my gut that he had no good intentions with me.

"You can help me by returning to wherever the hell it is you came from!" I snarled threateningly, sweat beginning to drip from my forehead leaving trails of dirt running from my hair.

"You know there's nobody left to help you. There's nowhere that you can hide. Give up." He coaxed me. I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't comply. I would fight until I died, just like my mother did. She died for my life. I had to live, or she died for nothing.

"Ill never give up." I spat at the ground Infront of me, only now noticing the crimson color that came out with it. I must have bit my cheek somewhere on the way down the hill.

I bounced my finger back and forth on the trigger, firing round after round in his direction, my shoulder on fire with pain from several kicks. I ran straight for the river. I would take my chances with the falls, at least with the waterfall as my enemy, I knew what to expect.

I barreled into the water, never having looked back. Never having checked to see if the alien was alive to follow. I would make it or I wouldn't, either way I was fucked. I used my good arm to help keep my head above water, paddling as best as I could the middle of the river, straight for the falls. My heart pounded in my chest, thinking these may be my very last minutes alive. 

I rolled over the edge of the cliff with the water, in a somewhat peaceful moment. The view from this exact spot was one I hoped I would never forget. It may be my last beautiful sight to see. The water around me moved in one large plume, rounding the edge of the cliff.

What followed was anything but beautiful or serene. My stomach fell to the depths of my core and my eyes scanned for the best place to fall, as if I had a choice in the matter. It felt like forever passed before i finally reached the bottom, like I was meant to suffer before I took my very last breath.

In one large gulp I filled my lungs, plunging into the deep pool below the falls. I tumbled under pounds of water falling from above, fighting to keep me under as I clawed my way to the top. I broke the surface for a second, just long enough to catch another small breath before I was pushed back under, rolling between huge boulders and channels of fast moving water.

Once again I broke the surface and gathered another breath, fighting to stay above the water. I coughed up some of the water that forced it's way in before catching one last breath before I was sucked under once more by the vicious white water.

I don't remember what happened next, all I remember is waking up halfway on the rivers edge, my legs still submerged in water, my face laying on large river rocks. I coughed up water as soon as I came to, spitting grains of sand from my mouth. My entire body ached, my shoulder hurt more each second that I gained back consciousness. I gritted my teeth in agony and fought back tears from the pain. 

I survived

I didn't give up

I'll never give up.

I reminded myself just how strong I was. How strong I needed to be to get through this, to live, to honor my mother's death with my own life. 

I looked around me at the empty surroundings. River bank for as far as I can see, the falls were nowhere to be found, not even the roaring of the crashing water could be heard. I had no clue where I was and I had no supplies, no weapons, and no way to care for the wounds I sustained during my river ride. 

The rock beneath my face was heavily stained with a red hue as was my now very clean white hair, cluing me into the fact that my head, or face, had some kind of wound. My shoulder was definitely dislocated, I could feel my bottom lip, swollen like a grape and at least three ribs were broken. My ankles and legs were in good shape.

I could walk so I started with that. I raggedly climbed to a standing position, my head pounding with each inch I raised. I took a deep breath, my vision getting dark, my balance thrown off for a few seconds before coming back slowly. I was dehydrated. As tempting as sipping river water was, I knew it could be just as dangerous. I needed to find a clean water source, food, shelter and somehow care for my wounds, at least take a better assessment of the damage.

I needed to know where I was.

I needed to know if I was being followed.

I needed to...

I needed..


Darkness consumed me once more...
. .
. . .
. .

Authors Note: Things are getting good in the next chapters and I'm too excited to leave you guys with only one update for a whole week!! I know it's not fair! So I'm going to give you a few chapters instead!! Enjoy!

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