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I stood outside the giant doorway that had golden designs inlayed in the door. It had to be the most extravagant door in the entire ship, a door meant for a royal, a king. A door with two guards standing at attention at either side. Two familiar guards; Daragon and Archana.

Their faces were impassive and blank. No emotion, no emotion at all.  Not even surprise or relief or happiness. That could mean any number of things, it might just be how they look when I'm in the room. Or maybe they know something about the upcoming event?

"What are you doing here?" I asked them both.

"Your highness." Arcanas voice was rude, as always. "We're here to escort you to your quarters." Daragon answered.

"I'm getting my own room?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, Your Highness." Daragon said. "It's been decided that you'll be staying in the females unit until the claiming."

"Why?" I asked. Not that I wasn't happy that I wasn't sharing a room with Phaèryon anymore. I was beyond happy about that, but why would he relocate me to the females unit?

Why would he do that when he'd already moved me into his room? When he was already so sure that he would win the claiming. This whole arrangement was strange, suspicious even. I couldn't help but feel there was a motive behind this arrangement.

"Because you need time to adjust to your new lifestyle," Daragon said. He seemed bored, and I could tell by the way his shoulders drooped and his head hung low that he was more than ready to take his leave, but he was forced to stay by Phaèryons orders.
I could only guess what sort of punishment awaited me if I disobeyed his commands, I wasn't going to try that. At least not yet. Besides, there had to be another reason for this arrangement other than the one they were making. But i kept quiet.

When we reached the female unit, I immediately noticed there was someone else with us, one of Phaèryon's friends or companions, possibly. I didn't know, though. I didn't care, either.
I walked inside, feeling the cold metal floor beneath me, and took a quick look around. As expected, there were four identical doors in the room, behind them all were empty except for the bed closest to the wall in the main room. There was also a bathroom connected with it, which consisted of a tub, toilet and vanity. To my right was the closet, with clothes hanging on a rod. Behind me, I heard footsteps come closer, then stop.

A male voice, deep and husky, sounded behind me. "Good evening, Ms. Wells. My name is Darnos, I am in charge of the quarters assigned to you." That would be nice. He'd take responsibility for me for some time. Darnos turned me around slowly, his hand on my shoulder felt cold and wrong.

"please don't touch me." I spoke quickly, slinking away from his grasp. "what do you mean In charge of these quarters?"

"Suppose you need anything, you would ask me for it. You'll be provided for according to your needs." his tone was more professional now. I can see that I'd offended him already.

"Thank you." I whispered, trying to keep my expression neutral. I wanted to smile, to make the situation easier for me, but I couldn't. My face had become very still as if I hadn't moved in years.

"You're welcome, Ms. Wells," I was given no further information to follow.

He was clearly not pleased with my reaction and left shortly after. I closed the door and leaned against it for support.

For some reason, Darnos was unnerving. I couldn't think straight, I felt as if there was something else I should be seeing. Like there was another meaning, a meaning that I wasn't getting. Something bigger. And it pissed me off to no end. How could they send me to this stupid place without explaining anything to me? I thought to myself frustratedly.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.  So instead of changing clothes, I went to the common area where there was a comfortable looking couch and a few chairs.

I sat down on the couch and stared out the large window that taunted me with my own world. Earth outside, just outside of my grasp. My home. A home I would likely never return to.. And that hurt more than I thought it would.

"Why aren't you in the breeding unit?" The question came from behind me, causing me to jump a little in surprise. I looked to see who had spoken. A young girl was leaning against the door frame, watching me curiously.

"I've been placed here by your king."  I explained, gesturing toward the door.

"Why?" she questioned.

"Apparently I need time to adjust before the claiming." I explained. She raised her eyebrow, obviously not believing me.

"What?"  She asked with a sincerely confused smirk.

"My name is Viviana." I held out my hand politely for her to shake. "Nice to meet you."
She looked off put by my introduction, then turned around and walked back down the hallway in the direction she came from.

What's her problem? I mused as I watched her go.

"she doesn't know you're royalty."  I heard a confident feminine voice say behind me. I whipped around and spotted her sitting on the couch. She wore a white tunic and leggings over knee high boots. Her long black hair was braided, and I noted her piercing green eyes. It was unlike Anokhian to have such colorful eyes. She was beautiful and intimidating, especially with her striking pale complexion and her sharp jawline.

She stood up and walked toward me, taking the seat next to me. "Hello. I'm Nylia." She introduced herself.

"I'm Viviana." I replied simply, smiling softly at her.

"Everyone gets nervous before their claiming, even me.." she admitted. "but it isn't normal for you to react that strongly... what happened to you?" Nylia asked as she pointed out the purple veiny lines that began to glow under my skin.

I hesitated to answer because I knew that if I did speak it would come out more broken than usual. after everything that Phaèryon told me, I was feeling even more nervous than I was before. This was the first time that I was actually speaking to anyone other than Phaèryon and Radeon. I didn't want to scare her away by unloading my drama filled life on her.

"I'm just going through a lot right now." I lied, not wanting to upset her with unkind words about her king.

"Oh I understand," she paused a moment, then added, "But it's fine to talk about something other than what's bothering you. Everyone is allowed to have problems." she smiled.

"I'd rather just bury my problems."  I replied.

"Maybe someday you'll find someone and will realize that everything will be okay."  She smiled encouragingly at me.

"Thanks..." I said, the hurt in my heart thinking about Radeon had returned.

"Anytime." She replied with a wink.

I sighed softly, realizing that Nylia may not understand my troubles.

"you've obviously won a claiming, can you teach me to fight?" I asked curiously. It's always good to learn.

Nylia grinned mischievously. "Of course!" She exclaimed, leaping lightly to her feet. "Let's go to the training unit."

As I followed her, the pain within me started to fade away bit by bit as I thought about my chances at winning the claiming

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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