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Authors Note: Well twelve is finally here, I'm a little stuck after chapter fourteen, because I don't map my stories before I write.... (Not sure if that's bad.. but, since it's causing me problems it probably is bad lol) anyway I'm working hard on the fifteenth chapter and onward! Wish me luck, hopefully I'll get the next few chapters up for you guys soon!
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I wandered around the room, slowly. My heart pounded at every creak and groan the ship made. Hoping it wasn't him, hoping he wouldn't come back. I stopped at a long hearth on the wall, feeling the surfaces for a button of some kind like the kitchen wall. The dim yellow light offered little visibility against the dark black walls.

I sat back down on the couch in defeat, feeling helpless. I missed the birds that chirped all day, the bright shades of green that constantly surrounded me. I missed the sweet smell that came in the breeze, and the life that surrounded me. My stomach rumbled as I realized I hadn't eaten in.. I don't know exactly how long.

I looked down at my body, seemingly skinner than the last time I remembered. My fingernails still held dirt underneath, I thought of everything I'd gone through, everyone I'd lost since all this started and I laid down pressing the side of my face into the couch, feeling utterly depressed.

For the first time in months I wasn't fighting for survival, for the first time in months I was finally able to feel the emotions I kept locked away behind my fear, behind my need to survive.

Memories of my mother's untimely death clouded my mind. The sound of the bullet ripping through the chamber and through my mother's flesh replayed in my mind over and over again. The idea that she died alone worried about her daughter was enough to bring the long awaited tears to my eyes.

I failed her.

I couldn't save her.

I was weak..

Too weak to save her life.

I cried silently. Tears pooling up and sneaking out of the corner of my eyes like a steady leak. I thought about my father. My cold robotic father and how he left me alone without even saying goodbye. My parents are gone and I'm alone. My heart ached in my chest as I let out my emotions.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled as I felt myself being lifted off the soft gel cushion of the couch.

"Don't cause me to force you again, please." His voice was full of sympathy, which confused and surprised me. I decided that in this moment, in my moment of complete and utter depression, I didn't care. I didn't care what he would do to me so I let my muscles relax and I leaned into his warm chest and allowed him to carry me.

I listened to his odd heartbeat. The pounding came in a different pattern than mine, but the swishing of blood through his veins still sounded the same. Maybe we aren't so different.

He set me down softly on another gel covered surface, this one resembled a bed. He disappeared into another room, returning seconds later. My tears still leaking as I stared at the ground, feeling completely numb. He grabbed my hand, leading me gently into the room.

"Your species experience emotions much more potent than the Anokhian." He moved closer to me with a snail like speed.

"Don't." I spoke lowly as he tried to lift the hem of my tattered shirt.

He nodded his head, no words followed as he left me alone. This room was laid out like a bathroom. A large stone tub was filled with a clear liquid, steam hovered lightly over the surface of the water.

I stripped down and sunk into the tub, the warm water like substance quickly penetrating my muscles, a tingling sensation growing in my chest. It had been months since I felt warm water, since I had a proper bath. I took deep breaths, relaxing into the viscous liquid.

Suddenly I felt a tickling sensation all over my body. Quickly I look down to see a bunch of tiny metalic things swarming my skin. I all but jump out of the tub, screaming in horror.

"Viviana?" The king rushed back in. I covered myself in embarrassment.

"There's something in the water!" I screeched. He cracked a grin at me with one of his eyebrows lifted. Humor written all over his pale face.

"Get out!" I yelled, my eyes widening in desperation. He walked over to the water, slowly submerging his hand in the liquid.

"How do your species wash off contaminates?" His hand lingered under the water.

"With soap?!" I remarked like it should have been common sense.

"Anokhian use Nanex to remove particulates. They cannot hurt you." He lifted his hand, asking for mine. I couldn't move my hands without revealing my body even more.

"Just.. get out." I scoffed, my cheeks cherry red in embarrassment.

"I'm not familiar with the emotion your feeling. What is it called?" His brows pulled together in confusion.

"Which one? Annoyance or embarrassment?" I mocked him.

"I'm all too familiar with annoyan-" his voice was cut off short as I spoke out of turn.

"Wait? You feel what I feel?" I stood still, confused and curious. My mind reeling with questions.

"I'll explain, when you're done." He returned to a standing position, towering over me, looking down at the crease made between my squished breasts as I held them tightly, as if one might slip from under my arm. My eyes drilled upward into his as he looked down at me. If my cheeks could get hotter I'm sure they would burn up into chunks of black coal.

He nodded his head and retreated while his jaw clicked again, the muscles tightening in waves. The water was still just as warm as before as I sunk back in, doing my best to ignore the feeling of Nannex as he called them, cleansing my body. I sunk down under the water, submerging my head. I tried to imagine being at my favorite spot at a nearby lake, swimming under the cool water. The nanex made the bath easier but less enjoyable. I distracted myself from my deeper feelings by wondering what exactly there was to explain.

What kind of tricks did this alien have up his sleeve?

Anokhian: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now