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I wasn't looking forward to seeing Phaèryon again, or Ninak for that matter. I'd rather not see the person I'm supposed to kill.

My nerves were electric as I watched the entrance to the transport ship bay open. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. I could tell Radeon wasn't happy either.

I saw Ninak first. Her face was pinched into a look that screamed annoyed. Ninak looked bored, but I knew that expression meant she was plotting something. My instincts told me who else was in our company. I tried to stay calm, though I was scared shitless inside. As soon as I stepped foot off the transport ship my stomach turned.

There he was.. The king of Anok. Phaèryon Alpheon.

His eyes widened with surprise as he looked me over, then immediately returned his gaze back to Radeon. He looked... Annoyed about something. What that was I had no idea. All I knew was that my heart was hammering. I could feel it in my chest.

"Feeling better are we?"  he asked, smirking. "you were quite shaken last time I saw you." he chuckled darkly and I flinched.

It didn't help that I could feel all eyes in the crowd watching us. The only thing I wanted to do was run. Run until I couldn't breathe. I did my best to keep my Radiant under control, stuffing my feelings deep into an abyss inside me.

"Yeah. Thanks for asking." I said in the most monotone voice I could muster, which didn't sound very convincing at all considering my pounding heart. "How have you been, Phaèryon?" I faked concern.

He looked amused again, "good thank you," he said smoothly. "How are your studies?"

"They're alright I suppose," I said, faking nonchalance. I assumed he was talking about my training. He laughed wickedly and I fought the urge to gag.

He seemed to notice my discomfort. "Is something wrong, dear?" he asked, tilting his head to one side quizzically.

"No." I snapped.

He raised an eyebrow. "You seem tense." he observed.

"I'm fine." I lied, wishing that someone, anyone else, would speak up and release the attention from me.

He studied me for a moment longer, then nodded. "Very well." he said, turning his attention to Radeon.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"We should talk privately somewhere." he added with another wink at me and walked away without another word. I watched him go, not daring to look over at Ninak again. The rest of the crew followed after, but I stopped in place. This was going to be bad. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

My skin prickled. I needed to leave. I needed to find a way to get home. I need to be free! I didn’t want to be stuck with Phaèryon!
As if reading my mind, Ninak called my name. I didn’t turn around.

I ignored her, pretending she wasn't there. She sighed and came closer, stopping beside me to stand shoulder to shoulder with me.

“Are you going to make a scene, or what?” she growled. She shoved me with her elbow, hard enough for it to make me stumble.

I turned to glare up at her, “Why don't you save it for the claiming, Ninak."  I replied icily. It was the truth. I was angry at her now. I hated her. "What do you want?"

Her expression shifted to one of amusement. "I want you to understand that you have no chance. Phaèryon is and has always been mine." she said softly, stepping closer to me until my lips were almost touching hers. "He will choose me!"

The blood rushed to my cheeks in response to her words. "Good." I snarled, backing away a step. "Well I'm sure he will have fun choosing you to be Queen! You two belong together." I added venomously.

I turned around, ready to walk off. I heard her laugh. "And who says I won't choose him instead?"

I froze.

I whipped around to see her smirk smugly. "What did you say?" I demanded coldly.

She cocked her head to one side and grinned mockingly. "Who said I won't choose Radeon, just to spite you."

My vision blurred with rage, but before anything more could happen, I felt the familiar feeling of numbness that came from only one place.. Phaèryons touch.

Anokhian: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now