Loop 1

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                   Dream is to know

Papa? Papa wake up!

' K-kera? What you - you are doing here?'

'Well, I live here ' Kera scoffed. She was doing her work and I couldn't believe nor understand what was going on.  I was sure it's not a dream as the phase was not changing. She was getting ready for her school. I asked my wife if she can see Kera. My wife laughed ' What's wrong with you in the morning! She has early class today. '

I checked back the date and it was first of October. The First of October. I still didn't feel anything when I saw her alive. Should I feel relieved? Should I say something to Kera? Was all of the death being a dream but how the dream can be soo long?

' Papa! You are going to be late and for your knowledge mom gave me shahi panner (Indian dish) and you got just some naan and boring potato veggie '

I remembered this conversation not on October first but every time I got different lunch from her, she would brag about it. She laughed proudly and left for the school. I still don't know what was going on, I left the place to meet the pandit immediately and told him everything

' Maybe it's a time of faith! '

' There's no such thing!'

' But see here you are! '

I went back home and checked for the box, but it was not there. I searched her draws and dairy which she had kept inside the drawer, but it was locked. I felt I was losing my mind. I didn't leaved my house.

By afternoon Kera came home and was surprised to see me. She got freshen up and reminded me again how she got more better to eat than me. She got silent for a while as I was working on my laptop. She came with her drawing books and said ' Look.'

' I made this. '

' It's good ' I said and started doing my research again. She stood for a minute, waiting for a review more than ' It's good ' then she left. I felt my head throbbing suddenly. I looked at her and tears fell down by her cheeks.

Did she cried just because I didn't compliment her???

Something happened; I felt heavy. Surely it was confirmed that it was a dream as the phase broke again without my realization 'Look I made this. '

I already told you it's -

I stopped because her eyes were clear, she was smiling again waiting for a compliment. I looked at her drawing again ' it's Fantastic, we can frame it. '

After I said it, I felt wired and went back to work. She did smile now but this phase was crazy. Because it was more than I thought

' Look! I made this. '

What's wrong? Why are you haunting me! I said it's fantastic. Now get it over! What the hell you want?

The time stopped, a wall of glass appeared between up crackling up. I tried to save myself but as I ran and opened the door I again, in the First loop of First October

' Look! I made this. '

Ok now I said to myself. I thought about the situation, thought about the Dairy, thought about what her friends said. Meaning yes meaning but also A Conversation. Did I ever had any good conversation with Kera?

' It's good! Ho-how did you made it?'

Kera got silent because she didn't expect me to say something like this. She jumped on her place and started describing her trouble and color for her draw. I did listen and I was fascinated a little too. I looked at the painting and if was the first time I saw the real color . Everything made sense to me. Colors, objects. She stopped and smiled at me, it was first time I saw her smile with a satisfaction.

' Thank you, Papa, ' said Kera and closed her eyes

' Papa ! Papa wake up '

I immediately opened my eyes, but it was not Kera; it was my son. He was worried as I slept longer than usual. Wait! That was a dream? I asked myself. I thought I have gone crazy. How can something like that would be possible? She - what she wanted me to do? How is she haunting like that ?

' Son! Do you know anything about dreaming?' I asked.

' Yes! Ah well Kera only told me about those stuff, she said she loved dreaming. Oh, right Lucid dream or astral travel '

Fancy words I thought but when my son described me, I couldn't believe at first. I remembered saying dream is waste of time to Kera, but she answered me back saying she loves it. She was crazy indeed. Knew everything that won't help her in her life .

Are you alright father?

Yes! Yes, I am. But I was afraid to sleep as I felt I was about to dream something else, something more dangerous than what would happen. I am a logical person so whatever I do, for now, I have to think carefully.

  In perspective of Kera!

By the dream it's starting of previous year's October.  The year when Kera died. When everyone was asleep, I got the box and started reading and it made my head hurts. In every after three pages, she stated she wants to die and hate to see sunrise.  Everyone said she is cheerful, smiling but nobody knew her actual soul, do they? Except the jerk guy named Jack. He knew everything about Kera.  The girl named Ruby also knew some parts of her.

(Meanwhile Jack's house)

How does it feel to time travel in dreams? So called family. Everyone is going to enjoy the night!!!! Said Jack chuckling and dancing with the air flow.

Dream dream! dream!
All she knew!
Live live! live!
Well how to do?

Nanana nanan nanana

She loved her life!
And so you!
Let's dream together!
No matter what we do

Jack sang dancing in his room. Clove, her mother entered and was surprised to see him dancing like that. ' What's the occasion?' his mother asked.

' Nothing! Just had a good dream!

'Dreaming freedom '

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