Dinner With the Von Eckermans

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"Why did you invite the Von Eckermans over to dinner when mama still isn't feeling well?" Maggie marched with her father around the house.

"Not just them. A few others as well." George said walking past them.

"You really think this is a good idea papa?" Maggie continued to pester her father with questions.

"Master Richard, I need someone to do a quick grocery run. I'm missing a few ingredients for all the stuff I have to cook." Samantha said and took his other flank.

"Would you like me to invite the guests into the dining area first or into the entertainment room?" James walked by them.

"Papa!" Margot ran up to him and asked to be held and he picked her up.

"Sorry, I'm trying to get her changed but she keeps running away." Annabel took her from him and looked him up and down. "Are you going to wear that for this evening?"

"Is there a problem with it?" He asked, concerned that he didn't look good.

"Not at all, but I think it would be better if you went with the navy one. Change things up a little."

"You think so?" He looked down at the black tux he was wearing.

"I mean it's up to you."

"Navy it is then." He started making his way to his room.

"Master what about the groceries?"

"And which room should I bring everyone into first?"

"I still don't think this is a good idea." 

"Everyone! This isn't the first time we've hosted a large dinner. You know what to do. Samantha get the driver to pick up what you need, quickly. James, the entertainment room. And Maggie, I don't want to hear it."

"But mama-"

"Mama! Mama looks fine. Plus, she'll be looking after the twins and Margot after they're done greeting everyone. She'll be up in the playroom all evening. You can go and sit there with here after socializing and dinner. Understand?"

"Yes papa."

Annabel finished getting the twins and Margot dressed and she was now working on styling their hair.

"Sam, no Sam! It looks good like that, why would you ruin it? Come here so I could brush it again."

"But mama you're not done with my hair." Tam pouted.

"Right, sorry. Sam, here's your brush. Please fix your hair." And she went back to putting Tam's hair up in a sleek bun.

"Annabel." Richard called from the door. He was focusing on his cuflinks and just couldn't get them to cooperate.

"Come here." She motioned for him to come closer and she got up from Tams bed and meet him halfway across the room.

"Is this one better?" He asked and closely studied her face as she grabbed his arm and got the buttons to work. He tucked a loose piece of hair from her braid behind her ear and glided his thumb over her cheek. She momentarily froze but continued doing up the buttons. Ignoring the fact that he was now tracing her eyebrow and jawline.

"Much, now, let me just," she smoothed down the lapels on his suit and straightened his bow tie. "there."

"Thank you."

She looked up into his blue eyes and lightly flushed.

"Right, well, Tam is all ready. I have to fix Sam's hair and Margot is almost done." She stepped away and went to brush Sam's hair.

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