Winter Break And A Trip to Switzerland

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"I can't."

"Yes you can." George sat in the arm chair as Annabel packed.

"George, I appreciate the invite, but no. I've already overstayed my welcome. Margot's been better for a while now, but I kept coming to check up, just in case."

"The younger ones think you'll be coming." He said in hopes she will change her mind.

"I've already told them I won't." She victoriously smirked at him while he groaned.

"You need a break. Take one this winter break and come with us to Switzerland." He frustratedly said and got up.

"I took a break. It was a week long, right after your father told me to leave." She put a dress inside her bag only for George to pull it out.

"That doesn't count. You were sick because of the rain for the entire weak."

"Who told you?"

"I heard you and Samantha talking."

"Well technically it is a break from working. Now Georgie fold that dress and put it back in the bag."

He groaned but did it anyways.

"Thank you. I'll be off."

She grabbed her scarf, wrapped it around her neck, took a hold of her bag and headed out her room and down the stairs.

"Leaving mama?" Margot walked up to her and held her bag to help carry it, although it was much too heavy.

"Unfortunately yes, but Maggie will bring you to visit, don't worry."

Margot nodded and focused really hard on slowly going down the stairs.

"Well, I'll see when you come back from Switzerland, if you don't forget about me." She winked at Maggie who was waiting down by the door and ruffled Sam's hair.

"Never!" The twins said at the same time.

"I'd hope not, see you then." She kissed all of their heads and they hugged and kissed her in return.

She walked outside and down the front steps.

This time, her leaving was a lot better than the time before. There was no pain, no tears, no rain, no screaming and shouting, and leaving things on a bad note. This was better.

Richard was waiting at the bottom of the front door stairs, leaning against his car. He watched as Annabel made her way down the stairs carefully, being mindful of the snow.

"Thank you for letting me stay and check up on Margot and the kids, but I'll be leaving now." She said and walked right past him.

"Umm Annabel."

She paused and glanced at him.

"Would you like a ride to the Wilton's?" He motioned to the car.

"I'm alright. I've been walking back and forth everyday. I also don't trust car tires in the snow, they're always slipping."

"Right, well, um, yeah, okay, be safe."

She found it amusing that he was slightly flustered.

"Thank you, you as well. Safe travels."


Tiffany and George hung up on the phone. They had just went over their plan and it was fool proof. It was bound to work.

"Father." She walked into her parents room where her father was sitting up on the bed and leaning against the head board. He had gotten better and was able to move around slightly.

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