The Funeral

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Annabel's mother didn't last more than five days before she past away and joined her husband and son in heaven. And even though Annabel knew this was going to happen, she wasn't ready, how could she ever be?

"M-mother?" Annabel said, traces of fear lingering in her voice. Her mother was just as she left her moments ago. Sitting up, trying to read the newspaper, with a smile on her face. Except her skin looked ghostly and grey, her eyes were closed, and her fingers weren't holding onto the newspaper anymore, but she was still smiling.

"I know you've been joking about it, but this is taking it too far." Annabel said as tears began welling in her eyes. "Mother?"

She walked forward, bowl of water in her hands as the tears trickled down her face. 

"M-maybe you're just sleeping, right?" But she knew her mother was gone when she placed the bowl down on the bed side table and took hold of her ice cold hands to feel for her heart beat.

Annabel collapsed on her mothers lap and cried in pain at losing her mother, her last blood relative. She cried at the pain of losing both her parents and brother, at the pain of never being able to see them again. At never spending time with each other again and making unrealistic plans for their future. At annoying each other. At saying their I love you's. She cried because non of them got a chance to really live their lives to the fullest and were just taken away from the world, from her. And she cried because she didn't have a mother anymore.

Mrs. Smith heard the crying from next door and her heart pained her for the poor girl. She got up and out of her apartment and went over to Annabel who was crying her heart out, clutching at the blanket on top of her mothers lap.

She placed a comforting hand on the young womens shoulder as she too began to softly cry for her lost friend.


The funeral was a few days later and opposite of everyone's sad and mourning mood, the sky was as bright and sunny as could be, with only a few white fluffy clouds offering some shade.

Annabel was barely able to get through saying what she had to say with a never ending stream of tears rolling down her face. And although she was sad and heartbroken, she really felt the love of everyone that had come for her mother. They all were close to her mother and loved her just as much as she did.

As they lowered her mother deep into the earth, a sinking, suffocating feeling grew inside of her and she wasn't sure if she will ever be able to get out of it. There was a constant lump in her throat that made it so it was more difficult to breath and talk and it didn't show any signs of going away.

She stood next to the grave for a long time after, her mind was just blank, but the lump and suffocation was still there.

Annabel eventually made it back to the apartment and she immediately began packing her mothers things. Anything that she wore during the time she was sick had to be burned as to not spread whatever she had, that included her comforter, sheets and blanket. Then she got to packing the things for charity, which was nearly everything. The only thing that Annabel kept was their few family pictures that they had of all of them together, her mothers jewelry and her  scarf that she loved very much. She also kept the few things they had of her brothers and fathers belongings, which included their dog tags and a few items that were of value to them.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her cleaning trance and she dragged herself to the door.

"Need any help?" Mrs. Smith said, offering a kind, yet sad smile. Mrs.Smith sat in the front with Annabel during the funeral, holding her hand the entire time.

"I'm nearly finished." Annabel said in a very quiet voice. She stepped aside and let the older women in. All she had to do was scrub the apartment clean and give the keys back to the landlord.

Mrs.Smith quietly began helping with scrubbing the house down and taking all the boxes out, her husband, Mr.Smith, came in later and offered to take the burnables to the dumpster, which Annabel was glad for. Even though she knew she had to burn them, she didn't have the heart to do it herself.

The next day she and Mrs.Smith were able to give the charity boxes to homeless shelters which made Annabel feel a little better, because she knew that's what her mother would have wanted. Her mother was a kind soul that loved helping everyone. Lots of people at the funeral had talked about her endless kindness.

"How long are you staying for?" Mrs. Smirh asked once they reached the apartment.

"I'm leaving this evening."

"Oh, so soon?"

"I can't stay here anymore."

"I understand."

"Mrs.Smith..." Annabel called out when the older women was making her way to the door. She stopped and looked back. "Thank you, for everything. And for being her good friend and keeping her company when I couldn't. I know this must be hard for you too."

"This is life. People come and go. Your mother told me about Richard. I don't know when I'll be seeing you again, so, if he really makes you happy and he's it for you, don't let him go Annie." Mrs.Smith gave her a warm smile and headed out the door.

Annabel sighed and slumped into a kitchen chair, she has to call Richard and tell him that's she's coming back home. She hasn't called since her mother passed.

"Oh, one more thing dear," Mrs.Smith popped her head back in the door way, "don't forget to invite us to the wedding."

"O-okay." Annabel didn't have enough energy to tell her that Mr.Pelton probably didn't want to marry her, or be in a relationship with her.

When Mrs.Smith left again, Annabel went over to the phone and reached for it with slightly trembling hands. She dialed the Peltons number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Ummm hi. I'm Margot."

For some reason, hearing Margot's voice made Annabel want to break down into tears all over again.

"H-hey Mar Mar." She said trying to hold onto a sob. "Can you get papa for me?"

"Ah! Mama! You didn't call for a week."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Tears ran down her face and she was stuttering in her breathing. "P-please get papa."

She pulled the phone away and calmed herself down by taking very deep breathes and putting a hand over her heart to put pressure and ease the sudden waves of pain.

"Annabel, darling. How's your mother doing?" She heard Richards voice and tried to keep her bottom lips from trembling.


Just in the way she said his name, he knew. His heart broke for her and he wanted nothing more than to be with her and wrap her up in his arms.


"Would you like me to come over?"

She wanted to say yes, but what's the point if she's coming back this evening?

"No, it's alright. I'm coming back this evening. Just thought I'd let you know."

"I'll be waiting at the station then."

"You don't have to." He didn't have to, but she wanted him to.

"I want to."

Annabel sunk down on the floor and pressed her back onto the wall, brining her knees up and resting her head on them as her body shook with silent sobs.

Richard sat on the ground and leaned against the wall. He didn't like her being sad and heart broken. Not at all. He didn't like that he couldn't do anything to make her feel better. He leaned his head back, still holding up the phone and sighed.

"I wish I were there with you." He whispered so quietly he was sure the phone didn't pick it up.

"Me too."

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