The Big 2.1

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Today is my birthday. 

The BIG 2.1

There's a few things I knew for sure. I was 21 and still lived at home with my parents. I still worked at my crappy restaurant job. My brother was my best friend. And most importantly at the ripe old age of 21 I had never had a proper boyfriend.

I woke to the sound of clattering coming from downstairs. Previous birthdays were usually uneventful. But this was going to be my year. I wanted to start a career, though I was still totally unsure about what I wanted to do with my life. My restaurant just no longer gave me the satisfaction it did when I was 16. But most import of all, I wanted to get a boyfriend. 

I put on my trackies and headed downstairs to begin the birthday celebrations. 

"Happy Birthday princess!" said my brother walking over to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Peter Robert Junior or PJ for short was my bestest friend. He was 4 years older than me but we have always been close. Sometimes playing the over protective brother role, and other times encouraging me to down 5 shots in a matter of seconds. There was no in between with PJ. We were thick as thieves and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

My brother had always been an extrovert. Loved the attention and the spotlight. I however, was a bit more reserved. I was quiet at school and since leaving I only spent time with my brother and my other friend Lyla. I struggled to make friends, and I didn't have the desire to keep them if I am honest. My brother and his friends looked after me and sometimes it was like I had more big brothers and not just PJ. Despite being more of an introvert, I loved a party. And now I was officially 21, I couldn't wait to spend many more evenings at one! 

"Happy Birthday to my favourite daughter" said my mom walking over to hug me next

"Mom, I am your only daughter!"

"Oh yes, But still. You are my favourite daughter" she chuckled 

My dad a quiet man of few words chuckled from where he sat at the table with his phone. I walked over to him and gave him a side hug. 

"So Hattie, fancy joining me tonight for some birthday celebrations?" said PJ winking at me knowingly from across the room. Turning 21 was going to be have quite a significant effect on my social life. My brother was in a band called 'The Flying Ryders'. Sure I had gone to see him a handful of times but it was always a case of being snuck in, or when it was family day time gigs. Not having my birthday until the start of Summer always meant I was the last one in my class to do anything. Today meant I could finally go and join my brother at a proper gig and then go out and party with them after. 

'The Flying Ryders' Consisted of my brother PJ who played some bass and did the main vocals. Logan who played the drums and Fraser who did backing vocals and a bit of everything else! Recently their main bass player left so they have been searching for someone new to join them. 

"Sure, what's the plan? No rules right? It is my birthday after all!" I finished talking and fluttered my eyes in his direction from where I still stood next to my dad. 

"We're playing at the bar near my place and then I thought we could host a little party at the house?"

"Oh PJ you know what happened last time" said my mom anxiously "You found Hattie outside in a bush covered in her own puke after you lost her for 3 hours" My mom continued shaking her head

I covered my hands over my face. Sure my parents were happy with me drinking, Otherwise I am not sure I would still have a roof over my head if that wasn't the case. But I had tested the limit a few too many times and my mom new PJ's parties could get out of hand. 

"Don't worry mommy dearest" said PJ holding his hands up in defence "The boys and I promise to keep an eye on her. Plus we have our new bass player joining us from tonight so I am sure we will have to be on our best behaviour anyway. We don't want to scare him away"

"If anything happens to my baby girl Peter you will be grounded for a month" said Mom 

"Mom I am 25 and don't live here anymore. Nice try" He laughed "But I promise she'll be good"

Good? Not really a word in my vocabulary. 

*First chapter complete! What do you think?*

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