Skinny Dip?

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Cole lead me over to one side of the beach. It was about 6.30pm now, so many people had left. Just a few were left sitting or walking with their dogs along the sand. It was a lovely evening, the sun still high in the sky. A small breeze but it was welcomed. 

"Here okay?" said Cole motioning to the flat bit of sand in front of us. A large rock behind us, perfect to keep the wind away and to lean against. 

I nodded. Unable to form any eligible words at the minute. Cole fucking Peterson had bought me to the beach. He had bought me to the beach on our first date! Even just thinking about that made my insides turn to jelly. 

"Penny for your thoughts Angel?" he asked, spreading the blanket he had bought on the floor and sitting down

I simply just had to shake my head. But I did follow his lead and sat down next to him. 


Cole had bought a picnic for us to share. Many of my favourite things were sat between us just waiting to be devoured. I could devour Cole too. 

"So tell me more about the infamous Hattie Slater" he smiled his perfect jerk smile at me before biting into a strawberry. 

"I'm 21. My favourite colour is pink, I like elephants and my choice of drink is tequila" I replied fairly fast not breaking eye contact with the waves crashing in front of me. 

"Okay. Now tell me about the other stuff" he said leaning back on the blanket and resting on one elbow. He was so devilishly handsome. 

"Other stuff?" I questioned

"Yeah. Like what do you dream of doing? What's your biggest fear? Where do you want to travel?"

"I don't know yet" I began, trying to be honest "My whole life I have been this anxious and awkward girl. Scared of the unknown. Worried about losing the few people that actually cared about me. I've always felt like everyone around me knew what they wanted to, the answer to all of life's questions. But not me. I am 21 now and still don't have a clue about who I actually am" I looked down at the sand tracing my fingers around nervous. 

"Hey look at me angel" he said reaching over with his other arm and grabbing my hand. "Nobody knows exactly who they are meant to be. And if they do, then they're bullshitting. That's the fun part of life. It's all about trying to figure it out" 

I sighed. He made a lot of sense. 

"I know. But what if I'm not good enough for anybody" being honest about what was probably my biggest fear was hard. But as nervous as Cole made me feel, he also made me feel safe and like nothing else mattered. 

"You don't need to be good enough for everyone. Only yourself" he replied "And besides, you're good enough for me so that's all that matters" 

He squeezed my hand and I managed to crack a small smile. He sat up and leant against the rock behind him and pulled me back with him. Our backs now resting on the rock, but his hand still in mine. The food now forgotten in front of us, the sound of the waves the only noise. 


The sun was setting over the water and the waves had calmed. Cole and I now the only ones on the beach. We had been here for a couple of hours now and with every stroke of his thumb on my hand I had grown more confident. Engaging in conversation with him was becoming easier as the night went on. Although one look at him, made my insides shiver. 

"Are you coming round to the band house soon?" he asked a while later

"You have a gig next week right?" he nodded "So probably after that"

"Good. My bed has missed you" he smirked looking down at me from where we sat 

I gulped 

"No not like that silly" he chucked reaching his arm behind my head and pulling me closer to his side "I just mean that ever since you slept in my bed that first night, I haven't been able to get comfortable without the smell of you on my pillow"


The sun had completely disappeared and it was getting late. I yawned. 

"Do you want to leave?" He asked. His arm still around me, my head now lying on his shoulder.

 I shook my head "I am comfy just here"

"Fancy being naughty?" he said. I just looked up at him, eyebrows raised "You did call me a bad boy after all" he winked at me 

I laughed 

"Ever been skinny dipping?" he asked pulling away from me and standing up. The cool air hit me and I missed him next to me instantly. He pulled off his shirt. His tattooed torso just visible in the darkness. He started undoing his jeans and I didn't know where to look. "You coming angel?" he said looking down to where I was still sitting on the blanket. 


"Come on, I won't look. Meet me in there when you're ready" he said running off towards the water. Grateful that his boxers still on. Or did I wish he had removed them too? Bad Hattie. 

I stood up slowly. Not sure if I wanted too. But he made me feel more confident than ever before, I knew with him I was safe. 

I stripped off slowly, keeping my eyes on him in the water. Cursing at Layla for encoring this outfit that required no bra. My red lace thong the only thing appropriate to wear in the water right now. What on earth was I doing? I thought to myself.

Here goes nothing. 

I ran off into the water trying to find him. 

Goodnight Angel. Thank you for the best evening xx - Cole

I smiled at my phone. He had dropped me home about an hour ago and I was now tucked up in my bed texting him. 

He had run out the water first and picked up the blanket off the sand. He ran back to me and draped it around my shoulders. Keeping me warm and drying me off before he could help himself. What a gentleman. 

He got himself dressed and came over to the rock that I was then sat on and rubbed my shoulders. 

"Your beautiful angel. I hope you know that" he said looking at me with his blueish green eyes. His eyebrow piercing contradicting the caring side of things he had shown me tonight. 

With my big girl panties still firmly on, I leant in to kiss him. 

Goodnight Cole. I like you .  I replied

Snuggling under the covers I pulled at his t-shirt he had leant me after we dried off. Him walking back to the car just in his jacket and jeans. I was smug and there was no way he was getting this back any time soon. 

I like you too Hattie Slater - Cole

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