The Devil

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Today was the day. I had been waiting for this day for what feels like eternity. 

I was quitting the restaurant. 

This past week since dinner with the band has been SHIT. My parents staged an intervention and we all agreed that it would be best to leave the restaurant for the sake of my mental health. I had been utterly miserable the past couple of years. But this past month It had gotten worse. My parents both saying they would rather me have no job, than one that made me so upset. 

So here I was walking in, holding my head as high as my anxiety would let me. Giving my notice in was something I never thought I would do until I had another prospect. But my parents were right. No job is worth feeling this way for. 


"How did it go darling?" my mom said as I walked back into the house that same morning 

"Not great" I started and explained to her about how angry my boss was for apparently 'letting her down'. I had to work 2 weeks notice and then I was done for good. I sighed in relief and went upstairs. I was allowed to mope for a bit right? I could get on the job hunt later. 

My phoned pinged. Waking me from a nap a few hours later. 

'Hi Angel' ~ unknown number

What the actual F. Who was this. Well I could guess, but surely not right? 

'Who's this' I responded

'I think we both know the answer to that ;)'

'How did you get my number?'

'I have my ways angel' 

Ugh. Why was I so awkward. Layla would've been able to send back some cute and snarky comment. Not me. I gave up and threw my phone on the bed. 

Layla rang. She was taking me out tonight. I had my suspicious that my mom had messaged her saying I was miserable. So it was down to her to take me out and cheer me up. 

Maybe in this instance alcohol was a good temporary answer to the problem. 

She had suggested we went clubbing. It would be my first time at a proper club and I was nervous as fuck. Not knowing how I would feel in such a dark and crowded area. I hoped it would be no worse than my brothers gigs but I didn't know for sure.

I opted for a tight red dress that had a corset at the top. Simple but sexy was how Layla described it. Pairing with the new black heels my mom had bought me for my birthday and a small pendant necklace from my brother. 

"Hats, Layla is here" shouted my mum from downstairs 

"Coming" I yelled, grabbing a small black clutch and shoving my cell into it. 


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The night was going great. Layla stayed by my side the whole time, knowing I would be anxious. But once had spent a good couple of hours at the bar I had drunk away any worries I had previously had. 

"Come on Lays let's go dance" I said dragging her towards the front of the club

We stumbled through the crowds together. Now slightly tipsy. But feeling tipsy along with feeling beautiful installed me with some confidence. Confidence I didn't always have so I relished at the feeling. 


After dancing until my feet wanted to fall off I went in search of the bathrooms, leaving Layla at the bar getting us another drink. 

The alcohol was still giving me a buzz. Maybe too much, as the next thing I did would be something else I was sure I would forget the following day. 

I puckered my lips and pushed out my chest. Snapping a selfie in the mirror, I sent it to the one person that made my knees go weak from a wink. 

'Not being an angel tonight' I sent to Cole

I went to the bathroom and began washing my hands. When I felt my phone vibrate from where I had tucked it in my bra. 

'You make a dirty devil ;)'

I giggled. Bad Harriet. 

I walked out and tried to find Layla. I pushed my way through the bar area and couldn't see her. I began to panic. A hand grabbed mine from behind and I began to relax thinking I had found her. 

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here alone?" I turned around and was met with an older man, glaring down at me. He looked evil. There was no other way to describe him. I panicked and started hyperventilating. I tried pulling my hand from his grasp but to no avail. 

"Get off me" I yelled but the music seemed to drown me out. He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms round me preventing me from moving. 

"You're a feisty one aren't you" he whispered in my ear "I could have some fun with you"

I couldn't breathe and tears with beginning to spill from my eyelids. Growing up with an older brother, and a protective one at that, meant he taught me to fend for myself. I kneed this dirty old man in the groin and he dropped his arms instantly. I ran from him as fast as I could towards the outside door. 

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