Beauty on the Bass

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It had been a week since our date and Cole and I had been texting every day since. He had been busy with work so I hadn't seen him this week, but I would tonight. Flying Ryders had another performance as a bar the next town over. They were getting very popular these days. 

Can't wait to see you tonight angel ~ Cole

I grinned, staring down at my phone and continued getting ready for the evening. Layla was meeting me there tonight as she was coming with Earl. That relationship had officially taken off and my best friend and all but deserted me the past couple of weeks. I get it. It was her first proper relationship and I was glad she was happy. 

Cole was like a good boy in disguise. Since our date he has been nothing but caring and nice to me. Always checking if I was okay, and entertaining my days with silly questions like 'If you had a pet giraffe what would you name it?'. I was so excited to see him tonight. 

The only downside to tonight was PJ being there. Now I loved my brother. But I knew he wouldn't love Cole and I together. So trying to hide that from him for the foreseeable future would be a challenge. Especially as Cole still made my insides melt whenever I saw him. 


My mom dropped me off later, knowing I would want to drink and could get a ride with one of the boys later. 

"Be safe" she said leaning over to kiss my cheek 

"Always" I said climbing out of the car

Tonight I opted for a cute white bodycon dress. Dressing like an Angel for Cole infront of my brother may not have been the best idea. But Cole was more important right now. 

I walked into the bar, and tried to find Layla

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I walked into the bar, and tried to find Layla. My bestie was standing by the bar ordering something as I got closer and tapped her on the shoulder. 

"Guess who?" I said

"Hattie!" she squealed turning around and pulling me into her arms 

"Are you drunk already?" I asked 

"Sure am sister" she laughed. "Earl's over there" she pointed "Let's go join him" 

"I'll meet you there" I said laughing "Let me just get a drink"

I ordered a couple of shots, downing them quickly before ordering a beer. I hadn't planned to drink much but knowing I would need some confidence and a a little boost to get me through tonight I took my first sip. 

Walking back through the crowd in the direction of Layla. I felt a hand grab mine and pull me round a corner. Now pressed against a wall I looked up to see my favourite pair of dimples. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Cole's eyes looking down from where he towered over me. His signature smirk resting on his face and his hands moving to my hips pinning me against the wall. "Shouldn't you be getting ready to go on stage?" I tried asking again

"With you looking like that?" he leant down and whispered in my ear "I think I would rather get out of here" 

"Cole!" I giggled and pushed him back "Stop!"

"You look beautiful angel" he said. I leant up to give him a quick peck on the lips. The electricity exploding in an instant. "I'll see you after?" 

I nodded, biting my lip. After? My only mission for tonight was to not embarrass myself. No more Hattie sandwiches for me.

He pressed his thumb to my mouth releasing my lip from my teeth. His big soft hand caressing my cheek leaving me a shuddering mess. I leant my face into his hand. The things that this boy made me feel were not normal I swear.

He chuckled and pulled away. "Later baby" he winked and walked away. My legs now like jelly and needing another shot. Or two. Or three. 

The boys were great tonight. I think this was the biggest gig they had ever played. Possibly the best too. 

The new beauty on the bass aka Dimples had clearly bought his own fan club with him. Something I was trying hard not to be jealous over. Cole had spent a lot of their set looking at me. Earning several encouraging nudges from Layla and my cheeks turning red.

"Ready to go?" asked brother after they had finished packing up. I nodded. I was slightly buzzed, Layla and I had just had a couple more shots before we had to leave and we were walking out together her arm wrapped around mine. 

"Have I told you how much I love you H" Layla said leaning into my side. I was glad to have my bestie back tonight. It had been a long week without her. 

"Come on you drunk messes get in the car" laughed my brother from behind us, coming round to open the door to his car. 

I looked behind us to see a smirking Cole. He looked me up and down and shook his head. "We will meet you at the house" said Cole to my brother. Walking off to climb in his truck with Logan.


I was sat on the counter in the kitchen with Cole between my legs. His hands either side of my thighs. 

"Not here" I said looking around me worried 

"Your brother just went upstairs with some chick he found" replied Cole, leaning into me a little more. 

I shrivelled my nose up in disgust. I did not want to think about that. Not today not ever. 

"You're cute when you're drunk" he said. His blueish green eyes meeting mine. My heart pounding against the inside of my chest like it was trying to escape. "Can I kiss you now?" 

Without giving me a chance he leant his head down to mine. His hands now pressing my thighs into the counter, his finger tips meeting the bottom of my dress. 

I leant forward into him, my legs now wrapping around his waist. His lips let go of mine and found their way to my neck. He found my sweet spot and made me moan. One of his hands now running through my hair and the other round my waist pulling me in closer. 

I could not get enough of this. 

A cough sounded from behind Cole, pulling us apart in an instant. Fraser was standing with a half drunk beer in his hand. His eyes looking at me in concern.

"You alright H?" he asked as I peered at him from over Cole's shoulder. Cole didn't turn around instead he continued staring into me as his new band mate spoke from behind us. 

"Mmmhmm" I mustered back. Fraser raised his eyebrows, not quite sure what else to say. 

I just wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it. Screw PJ and his protective bandmates. 

"Does your brother know?" he asked curiously. I looked down at my hands that were in my lap. "Just be careful H. You're playing with fire" he walked out of the kitchen but before he did he looked back at where I was in between Cole's arms and I was sure I heard him let out a muffled laughter as he shook his head. 

Once he left I covered my face with my hands, feeling significantly more sober now Fraser had seen us.  My cheeks hot and flushed to my touch and I was ready to die of embarrassment. I just hoped Fraser would have more sense than to tell my brother. I will tell him eventually. But the timing had to be right. 

"Hey look at me angel" he said pulling at my wrists with each of his hands. "I am serious about us. This. You. Don't let him doubt anything. If your brother can't accept us then he clearly doesn't want you to be happy"

I leant my head into his chest and wrapped my arms around him. I was where I felt safest and right then, right there, that's all that mattered.  

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