Date with Dimples

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"Mom?" I ask the next morning, knocking on my parents bedroom door 

"Come in honey" she says. I walk in and find her sat up in bed, the blinds still closed but reading a book. My dad had left for work earlier this morning. 

I walked over to the bed and climbed in next to my mom. Just like I used to do when I was younger. My mum put down her book, placing it on the table and lowered her glasses to look at me. 

"Oh no, that's not a good look" she said, noticing my anxious expression "You're not pregnant are you Hattie. Your dad and brother will kill you. Who do I need to send them to kill?" she suddenly said very quickly 

"No mom, I promise" I replied laughing "You know I'm on the pill anyway" I rolled my eyes as she gestured to the sky and said thank you. 

"What is it then?" she asked beginning to stroke my hair as I lay my head on her lap. 

My mom and I were always close. She was a cool mom, and one everyone wanted to have. Well Layla did anyway, I didn't have many other friends over the years to introduce to her. I decided last night that I wanted to tell her about Cole and our date. Knowing full well I couldn't talk to my brother, and Layla was currently occupied with Earl. 

"I've got a date" I said almost cringing at predicting her over enthusiastic answer 

"MY BABY'S GOING ON A DATE!" she exclaimed jumping up and clapping her hands. I looked at her from where we were both now sat up in bed. I covered my face, almost embarrassed. 

"Mom, don't make me embarresd please" I whined out 

"I'm sorry honey but this is just too exciting. Who is he? Where did you meet him? Oooh do I know him?" She began trailing off asking me silly questions like what was his favourite colour and was he a good boy. 

"If I tell you mom you have to swear not to tell PJ" I said looking at her straight in the eyes

"Your brother is your best protecter Harriet. Not only that but he is your best friend. If there is any chance of you being in danger then I think it would be best to tell him." I of course planned to tell PJ. Just not now. I needed to see how serious Cole was about us. Besides, I was 21. There wasn't much he could say or do to make me change my mind. 

"Ugh ok mom but just know that I really like him and he makes me smile" I think to myself and let out a little giggle just thinking about his smirk. "It's Cole" I finished, staring at her to see how she would react. Knowing my mom, this could go either way. 

"Cole?" she said back. I could see the clogs turning in her head as she tried to remember who Cole was. "Cole Peterson?" she asked again "Bass player Cole? As in the newest member of the band Cole?" she completed. 

I just looked at her expressionless and nodded. 

"Oh Hattie" She said pulling me in for a hug "I'm so happy for you honey"

I sighed in relief. One down. Dad and PJ to go. And there was no way they would be as easy as this one. 

"Just be careful" she began "He certainly looks like the mischievous type. I am sure those dimples of his have dropped a few panties before" 

"MOM!" I exclaimed "That's it, I am done" I pushed myself out of the bed and walked out shaking my head at her. A mix of relief and excitement. I was glad I could speak to my mom about things like this, even if she did make me want to shrivel up and die sometimes. 


It was Wednesday. 

I FaceTimed Layla in a panic 

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