He's a wind up

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl fast asleep in the comfiest bed she had ever laid in. Piercing sunlight shone through the crack in the curtains and woke the princess from her slumber. 

Who am I kidding

I was the girl and I most definitely did not look beautiful right now. I reached up to touch my head and sure enough it was like a bird had been perched there all night building its nest. I looked down and I was still in my white dress from the night before but the white was now covered in bits of dirt and alcohol. My head was pounding and the room was spinning. The sunlight only added to the growing headache and stopped me from fully opening my eyes. The only thing that was true was that I was in the comfiest bed I had ever been in. 

I looked around and I was in a room I recognised but it definitely wasn't mine. Or even PJs for that matter. Rubbing my eyes and fording them open I noticed I was in the recently left spare room, only now it was filled with things. Dimples things. I assumed anyway. The walls were still painted a light beige, and posters lined the walls. The comforter was a dark blue and I thanked it for keeping me cosy last night. 

So if I had slept in here, where had Cole slept? I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much last night. I know I had a good night, but I the details towards the end get a bit blurry. 

I stretched and let out a groan.  Noticing a glass of water and a packet of advil on the bedside cabinet I took them quick before forcing myself out of bed. But only because I needed the bathroom. 

Today was going to be a long day.


"There she is" says PJ leaning against the kitchen counter, coffee in hand as I made it downstairs a short while later. Upstairs had been quiet so I snuck into my brothers room and pinched a t-shirt to change into before leaving. 

"Aww Princess" Logan cooed "Does someone have a sore head?" he said

"Shut up Logie" I said and stumbled over to him and leant my head into his chest. "Everything hurts" He wrapped his arms around me and laughed. 

These boys could party hard. Plus they all had a few years on me, so they had clearly adapted better to the shit the next day threw at them. I looked up from Logan's chest and saw the mess from the night before. Cups and empty bottles covered most of the kitchens surfaces, the chaos from the night before was definitely evident. Looking over to the table I noticed Fraser passed out, his head laying on the table. And then there he was, in all his glory. Cole aka Dimples sat there with a smug look on his face. 

He took me up to bed didn't he? Oh god I hope I wasn't too embarrassing. Well regardless, he wasn't going to fancy me now was he. He smirked at me, probably knowing what I was thinking. 

"Boys can you leave us to it?" said PJ sending them the hint he wanted this to be a private conversation. Oh no. They stood up from the table and walked out the kitchen. Cole was last out and he turned back to look at me. He held up something that dangled in his hands. It was a bag of bread. A flashback from the night before came rushing back. 'I'm in a Hattie Sandwich'. What the fuck Hattie you're an actual embarrassment. He winked at me and then left. 

Now to face PJ

I sat down at the table opposite to where PJ now was and rested my head in my hands and closed my eyes. 

"Did you have a good night H?" he asked. 

"The best" I said honestly. It was certainly a memorable birthday. Firstly meeting dimples, then watching my brother and his bandmates. Shots, so many shots. Dancing. Losing my weed virginity. Layla. "Shit where's Layla?" I said suddenly aware that I had not seen or heard from my best friend since she left last night with that guy

"She's been blowing up your phone all morning. I'm sure she's just fine" my brother chuckled and passed me my phone from where I must've left it down here last night. I gave it a quick glance and saw all the messages from her.'I'm fine, love you H' 'I'll call you later' 'He's so big' she said, causing me to let out a huge laugh. My head suddenly hurt even more so I grabbed it and rested it on the table. 

"You know I love you H" said PJ bringing me back to reality 


"I know what you did last night" he said and I raised my head to look at him

"Exactly what part are we talking about?" I groaned now covering my face with my hands

"The weed Hattie. Why are you saying that? Is there something else I should know?" 

"No bro, that's it" I smiled at him now, fluttering my eye lids at him to convince him 

"Hattie. If you want to smoke weed I would rather you came and spoke to me about it first. That shit can mess you up, even if it is only temporary. I'm not saying don't do it. Shit I love the occasional buzz" I laughed at him but this earned me a glare so I went back to lying on the table "But next time do it when I am there so I can at least keep an eye on you"

"Layla was there. Taylor too" I said in defence not lifting my head up this time

"It's not the same H and you know it. I am just trying to look out for you that's all" said my brother. Hats off to him, he really did care about me. Giving me space to make my own mistakes but also helping me when I needed it. 

"Okay PJ. Can I go back to bed now?" I asked 

"Of course Princess" he ruffled my hair and I shut my eyes

I loved writing the past couple of chapters! What character do you think you are most like?

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