1- Midnight Walking

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Walking at night was a common thing for you, as it was hard to sleep most of the time and you just needed something to help you relax. After all, your friend recommended it to you, and they were right once again.

Ruby(Your friend) was asleep by now, so you decided that now was as good of a time as ever to go walking. If you stayed any longer, you would end up doing something that would wake her up.

You put on some dark blue jeans and a red flannel on over your t-shirt, grabbing your converse from under the bed and sliding those on as well. You grab your phone from the bedside table, placing it in your back pocket before quietly leaving the apartment.

The moon lit up the sidewalk you walked upon, allowing for a calming atmosphere aside from the few cars that sped by. You were always confused why people were out driving this late at night, but then again, you were out as well.

Just as you were almost fully relaxed, almost tired even, you felt a shiver up your spine. It was almost as if someone or something was watching you.

Maybe its time to go home...you think as you turn around back the way you came. But all of a sudden, you hear footsteps behind you. Scared, you pick up the pace, only to hear the footsteps speed up as well. You were almost to the point of running when you were shoved into the shrubbery next to you.

You slowly sit up, wincing a bit in pain. You landed on your arm pretty hard, sending waves of pain through your entire arm. You look up, seeing a figure standing on the sidewalk. He had a black hoodie on and a dark blue mask.

Wait, where have you heard of that exact outfit before? No time to think of that now! You use your good arm to push yourself up, immediately bolting into the woods. He can't kill you if he can't catch you, right?

You thought you ran pretty far, but in almost no time at all, they caught up with you and harshly pinned you against a nearby tree. You yelled out in pain, looking into the dark holes of his mask with scared eyes.

You caught a glimpse of a small knife in his hand, causing your heart to beat faster. You wanted to scream, even beg him to not kill you, but no sound would escape your mouth.

You closed your eyes, awaiting the feeling of the sharp object to pierce your skin, but nothing happened. You slowly open your eyes at the sound of him chuckling.

"You're so scared, its almost cute," He says, shoving the knife into his pocket. "So perhaps I'll let you go. After all, who would ever believe you. Almost killed by Eyeless Jack, but he let you go. Oh the headlines."

You were confused, yet grateful. He was really considering letting you go! You were going to live! The adrenaline began to come down as his grip in you loosened, but that was when you realized the extent of how much your shoulder hurt.

"Oh shit, you're hurt aren't you? Damn, and I didn't even do anything except push you. What hurts?"

You were still too scared to speak, along with the fact that this whole encounter was just confusing. Two seconds ago you were going to die and now he's concerned about your shoulder? Not wanting to upset him and cause him to take back his decision about killing you, you point at your shoulder.

"Ah okay, you probably dislocated it when you fell. You did fall pretty awkwardly. Here, let me fix it. This is gonna hurt, probably a lot."

Just as you inhale a deep breath, he shoves your shoulder back into socket, causing you to scream out in pain. With joy in his voice, he pats your arm.

"There we go! All better! Now that we've solved that, what's your name?"

Once you caught your breath, you managed to squeak out one word, "...Y/N."

"Well Y/N, I'm Jack, if you couldn't tell. You're lucky, I like you! You gave me quite a run, it was fun! Now I can tell you're a little shaken up, so go home, relax, and I'll see you soon!"

And with that, he fully releases his grip on you and walks off, looking back at you once more just to lift his mask a little and smile at you before rushing off.

You slide down the tree to a sitting position, unable to collect your thoughts. The whole situation happened so fast, and yet here you are, still alive.

Surprisingly, your phone remained in your pocket throughout the whole ordeal, so you instantly take it out and dial Ruby's number. Not even 15 minutes after calling her, you made it back to the side walk with enough time for Ruby to find you.

"Hold shit, Y/N, what happened to you?!"

"I...I," You were struggling to form sentences at this point. Too many emotions running through your head at one time.

"Okay, lets just get you home. Maybe you should skip classes tomorrow."

You just nodded, allowing Ruby to lead you to her car parked on the side of the road and take you home.

Once you were back at the apartment, Ruby made sure that you changed into some pajamas and bandaged the few scrapes you had before getting you settled into your room.

"Try to get some sleep, and don't worry about class tomorrow, okay?"

You nod and curl up underneath your blanket. Once she closes the door, you stare intensely at the window. It was weird. Sure Jack could've killed you, yet you weren't as scared as you assumed you would be. Hell, he fixed your arm when he could've just left you there.

But the one thing that left you there, still scared of the unknown, was the one question: What did he mean by "I'll see you soon"?

His Black HoodieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora