10- Life With Him

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5 years later...

"Jack! I'm home!" You call out, Jack immediately hopping up from the couch and tackling you into a hug like he always does when you get home from work.

"Welcome home honey!" Jack says, kissing  all over your face and hugging you tightly.

You smile at him and kiss his forehead, taking your shoes off at the door before walking into the house. You set your stuff down in the bedroom before turning to Jack.

"So what did you do all day?" You ask, ruffling his hair.

"Y'know, the normal. Played video games, slept, text you during your lunch break. Oh! I almost forgot! Follow me!" Jack grabs your hand and drags you into the dining room, showing you a prepared dinner. "I made dinner too!"

You smile and kiss Jack, "thanks babe, you're awesome."

Jack pretends to do a hair flip, "I know."

You both laugh, sitting down at the table. You both share stories back and forth throughout dinner. Jack mainly intrigued about what you did at work before getting excited about going to the arcade with you tomorrow.

Once dinner was over, you decided that you were going to clean up while Jack put on a movie. It didn't take you long to do dishes, so you decided to go change into some pajamas while you wait for Jack.

As you walk into the room, you notice Jack walking out with all the pillows and blankets.

You chuckle a bit, "Jack, what are you doing?"

"You'll see!"

You roll your eyes and chuckle, quickly changing into your pajamas before walking back out of the room.

You lean up against the wall and smile, watching as Jack finishes up little project.

"Well you seem busy," you say, causing jack to jump a bit before rushing up to you.

"Ta da! Pillow and blanket fort!" Jack said.

"I see that. Is it ready?"

"Yup! Movie time!" Jack makes sure both of you are comfortable before grabbing the remote and clicking onto the horror movie he picked. "Ready for the spooks?"

"You know it."

Jack's POV

Y/N loves horror movies, which is the exact reason why I picked one out. He's been working really hard and deserves a night to chill out.

He leans against me, and I can feel him relaxing more as the movie continues, which is a little weird, but whatever. I've just never seen someone not jump at this movie before.

My eyes are glued to the screen the entire time up until the credits roll, and by that point, Y/N is fast asleep.

I smile, kissing his forehead before laying down with Y/N on top of me. "Goodnight baby," I say, covering both of us up with a stray blanket before closing my eyes as well.

The End

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