8- Moving In

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Weeks went by, and even Ruby was getting used to the constant visits from Jack. He was at the apartment almost every single day when he wasn't back at his house with his friends. It even got to the point where Ruby would get concerned if Jack didn't show up for days on end.

Now it was back in the routine. You were walking home after your classes for the day, on the phone with Jack.

"So how's the new job?" He asked.

"Yeah it's good. I'm actually heading home to change. Though somethings weird."

"What's weird?"

"That you're not gonna be there to pounce on me as soon as I walk through the door."

"Quiet. Ben and Jeff had an issue and I wasn't gonna miss all the action."

"You're fine babe, its not like you're required to come back every night. One, you don't live with me. Two, I don't control your life."

"And that's why I love you. Though I can tell that you miss me."

"I think its the other way around, y'know if you miss me that much you can just move in."

"Careful with what you say, cause I might just take you up on that offer."

"Well think about it, talk it over with your friends cause I gotta go. I'll call you when I get off of work."

"Kay! Love you!"

"Love you too." You hang up and slide your phone in your back pocket, grabbing your keys and unlocking the front door. Ruby was already there, sitting on the couch and scrolling through Instagram. "Hey Rubes."

"Hi Y/N, wanna watch a movie? I found a funny one," She asks, putting her phone at her side.

"I've got work, maybe when I get back."

"Oh shit, I forgot about that. I'll probably never get used to you having a job."

"Shut it," you flip her off and shut the door behind you as you walk into your room. You didn't have time to play argue with Ruby, right now there was work clothes to change into and work to get to.


You groan and shut your car door, tired as all hell. People suck, though dealing with a couple Karen's made your day.

You start your car and take out your phone, sticking it to the magnetic thing you had attached to the back of the case and facetiming Jack. It rings for a few minutes, giving you time to buckle up and start your journey home.

"Hi baby! You off of work?"

"Obviously. So whatcha up to?"

"Just talking to Jeff about the moving in situation. He's ready for me to get out already, he want's the room all to himself," He said with a laugh.

"Sweet, I called Ruby during my break to talk to her about it and she's okay with it. So just lemme know when you want me to pick you up."

"Got it, I'll call you tomorrow after you get outta school. Love you!"

"Love you too." And with that, you hang up and pull into the apartment parking lot. You tiredly step out of the car, grabbing your bag. You walk up the stairs and unlock the front door, stepping inside and hearing Ruby doing something in the kitchen. "I'm home!" You call out.

Ruby happily runs into the room to greet you, hugging you after you lock the door behind you.

"How was work?"

"Tiring, whatcha up to?"

"Making snacks for the movie night!"

You smile and nod, walking down the hall and into your room. You decide to just throw your bag onto your bed and then grab some clothes to change into after a shower. You end up deciding on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, letting Ruby know that you're gonna shower before walking into the bathroom.


The next day, you finish up your school day and then receive a call from Jack. He was all packed up and ready for you to pick him up. You didn't have any concerns about meeting some of his friends, as Jack assured you that he would make sure they didn't have any urges to hurt you.

You pull up to the location Jack sent you, getting out of your car and walking towards the front. Jack was there to greet you, giving you a quick peck on the lips before opening the door.

Jack's POV

I introduce Y/N to everyone that was there, which wasn't a lot of people. It was just Jeff, Ben, and Slendy, but he still seemed calm which was good. Though I could tell that he was tired and wanted to get home, it is his day off after all.

I didn't have a lot of stuff, just two boxes and a backpack. I made sure to say bye to everyone and that I'll visit often before heading out to Y/N's car. Once we're both loaded up, he begins our drive to his, well I guess our apartment now.

Ruby was super excited to see me, and she even wanted to hang out to play games with me and Y/N! Which according to him, she never does.

Y/N already had everything set up for me, and by that I mean he had divided the dresser and closet in half for my clothes. I even got the entire ceiling to hang up my posters!

I'm gonna like it here, I can already tell. A new chapter for me has opened, a new chapter with Y/N. Plus, not having to share a room with Jeff is a plus. At least Y/N won't tell me to bury myself in a hole out back. This is gonna be fun.

His Black HoodieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant