2- I'll See You Now

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The next morning, you slowly sit up out of bed. The light shinning through your curtains woke you up, and you remembered what happened last night. Or at least what you assumed to be last night.

"Maybe it was just one hell of a dream..." You said out loud to yourself.

"Nah, definitely wasn't a dream."

You turn your head towards your window quickly, your heartbeat quickening at the sight of Jack. What was he doing here?! How did he even know where you lived?!

"You're lucky, I usually don't come out during the day. But I just couldn't wait till tonight to see you again. So I decided I'll see you now!"


"I followed you last night, and you also left your window unlocked. Rookie mistake."

You groan a bit as you stand up out of bed, still sore from last night. Guess you got hurt more that you thought, though at least it isn't bad enough to where you can't get out of bed. That would just inconvenience Ruby more, and you didn't want that.

"Anyway, since you're here alone you must be so bored, so I'll stay here and keep you company!"

At this point, you didn't know whether you should try to run or just accept your fate, but the surprising part was that a small part of you wasn't scared of him. He didn't seem like he was going to do anything right now anyway, and he definitely wasn't going to leave.

"Fine, just let me change first. Do ya mind?" You ask, motioning towards the door, to which he just nods and leaves the room. You decide that you just want to wear something comfortable yet still something that wont make you feel uncomfortable around another person like your pajamas, besides, he's not in his pajamas. You ended up deciding on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, changing into those before exiting the room.

"Jack?" You call out, expecting him to be right there, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. "Jack! Where'd you go?" You walk around the apartment, still not seeing Jack anywhere until you reach the kitchen. You laugh a bit, "Jack what are you doing?"

He was sitting on top of the fridge, a small fluffy creature in his lap.He looked down at you and laughed, "I found a creature up here!" He picks the creature up and shows it to you. You chuckle a bit when you realize that it's your cat, Church.

"I was wondering where he ran off to," You say, taking Church from Jack and watching him crawl down off of the fridge.

"What's his name?" Jack asks, petting the cats head.


"Like from Pet Cemetery? That's cool!"

Though you couldn't see his expression, you could tell that he was happy and excited about the cat. Perhaps this wouldn't be too bad. You take Church to the living room, Jack following close behind. You sit on the couch, Church on your lap and Jack at your side.

"So, what do you do for fun around here?"

"Normally I'm at school around this time, but Ruby didn't want me to go today."

"Why not? You seem fine to me." You stay silent, glaring at him. Is he serious right now? Almost in an instant, he realizes what he said. "Oh yeah...sorry about that by the way."

"Ya know what, lets just forget about the whole thing. My turn to ask a question. What's behind the mask?"

He seems to freeze a bit, lifting a hand to touch his mask. He went quiet for a second, which concerned you greatly. But his voice went cheery again as if almost nothing happened.

"I can show you if you want, though I'll warn you, I don't look the best." You nod and give him a small smile. You were really curious, and besides, it can't be that bad.

He sighs and slowly removes his mask, looking down at his lap. With one deep breath, he looks up at you and smiles. You were taken aback. He really lives up to the name Eyeless Jack, he really didn't have eyes. A strange substance leaks from his eyes and his teeth were sharper than you expected. Yet for some reason, you weren't scared of him. You thought he looked cool, actually.


"Yeah, I guess I got fucked up. I know, its gross."

"Nah, you look cool! Though how do you see?"

"To be honest, I have no clue."

You both laugh a bit and look at each other. "Ya know, Jack, I thought you came back to finish me off, but you're not so bad."

"Awe, thanks Y/N! I think you're warming up to me, maybe we can be friends eventually!"

He gives you a toothy grin, to which you smile back. You end up showing him around the apartment, per his request. Said that he's gonna be coming around a lot more. As long as he doesn't meet Ruby, you guess its okay.

By the time you check the clock, you realize that Ruby is going to be back soon. Which means that it's time for Jack to go, as much as you didn't want him to.

"Hey Jack, I think you better go. Ruby is gonna be home soon and I don't think you need to meet her."

"Yeah, I guess that's for the best. Wait, did I leave my mask in your room during the tour? I guess I better go grab that."

"Go out the way you came in."

"You got it, Y/N!"

He rushes off in the direction of your room just in time for Ruby to unlock the front door. She seems shocked when she sees you, probably because you barely ever leave your room, much less spend time in the living room.

She puts her bag down before walking over to you, who is sitting on the couch. "Okay what's going on?"

You look at her and smile, "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Oh bullshit. You're out of your room AND you're in a good mood!" She thinks for a moment before gasping, "you had a boy over didn't you!"

You feel your cheeks heat up a bit. Sure you had a boy over, but its not like you intentionally invited him over. Plus he's not even alive. And the way Ruby said that, her tone of voice, it sounded like she was implying that you had a boy over for other reasons.

She gasps again, "you did! Oh my god! Tell me!"

"No. I didn't have a boy over."

"Oh c'moooonnn tell me!"

"I'm going to my room."

"Y/N! You gay bastard! Get back here and tell me about him!"

You roll your eyes and walk into your room, quickly shutting the door behind you. You lean against the door and sigh. She never shuts up about your love life since she found out you liked boys, and even more after she got a boyfriend.

"Well she sounds like a fucking delight." Your eyes snap open and look over towards your window. Jack?! Why is he still here? He was supposed to leave! "Calm down, Y/N, I was just about to head out. But I couldn't resist at least hearing what your friend was like."

"Well now you know, so beat it before she comes in here."

"Awe, you don't want her to find out about the boy you had over?"

"I didn't even invite you, plus she doesn't need to know that the guy that was over was the same guy who almost killed me. Plus, I don't think she'd be cool with a dead guy in here."

"Makes sense, anyway, I guess I better be going then." He was over, lifting his mask a bit and kissing your forehead. He chuckles a bit and pulls his mask down, turning and leaving through the window.

You blush a bit, sighing and throwing yourself onto the bed. What are you getting yourself into?

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