3- Getting Closer

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The next day, you insisted to Ruby that you were fine, despite her constant pestering that you needed another day off to recollect myself after what happened. Though after realizing that Jack wasn't gonna kill you, or at least not right now, you felt comfortable enough to head to class.

You ended up deciding to try harder on your outfit today, which didn't look too bad if you're being honest. It was you usual ripped jeans with a black band shirt and a red flannel tied around your waist. Some of your classes are cold as hell. Once you finish tying your converse, you grab your backpack and head out of your bedroom to meet up with Ruby.

"Are you sure you wanna go to school today, Y/N?" She asks, a concerned look in her eye.

"Yes Ruby, I'm sure. As much as I'd love to stay cooped up in my room for weeks on end, I don't this my professor would appreciate it."

She sighs a bit and nods, grabbing her backpack as well before you both walk out of the apartment and towards campus. You didn't live that far away. Once you make it, you say goodbye to each other and head off in separate directions.


You made it through most of your classes pretty easily, aside from the occasional boring class that you slept through. Ruby asked you to meet up for lunch at this time anyway, so as soon as your class is over, you grab your backpack and head out.

As you're walking the halls, you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket. You take it out, assuming that Ruby text, only to find that it's from an unknown number.

****: Well you seem like you have a ton of fun at college, Y/N!

****: Oh, its Jack btw

Jack?! How the hell did he get my number?! You thought. It was at the point you couldn't tell if you were happy that he had your number or creeped out. Either way, he has it now and there's nothing you can do about it other than block him. And that wasn't gonna happen. But before you text him back, time to give him a profile name.

Organ Snatcher: Y/N!!

You: What do you want Jack? Also, how the hell did you get my number?

Organ Snatcher: That's for me to know. And I wanted to hang out! I'm bored!

You: So you decide to find entertainment in bothering me while I'm at school?

Organ Snatcher: I waited until you looked like you were leaving!

You: Yeah, well I'm heading to lunch with Ruby so find some other time to bug me

Organ Snatcher: Can I come with you?

You: No, Ruby doesn't need to know that I have other friends, nor does she need to know that one of my friends is you of all people

Organ Snatcher: Fineeee, but I'm gonna keep texting you!

You: I'll block you

Organ Snatcher: No you wont

You roll your eyes and shove your phone back in your pocket, meeting up with Ruby shortly after. Jack wouldn't stop texting you on the way to get food, and that just raised Ruby's suspicions more. You muted your phone as you two ate and talked, ignoring Jack for the time being.

But after a while of ruby ranting on about her boyfriend, you take your phone out and look at the several messages from Jack. Damn, he really is bored.


"Huh, what?"

"You zoned out, is that the person that's been blowing your phone up?"

"Oh uh, yeah."

"You have another friend?"

"What? N-"

"I'm so happy for you!! You're finally talking to people!"

"Yeah yeah, shut it. Look, I gotta go. I've got another class in 20."

"Alright, I'll see ya when I get home."

You wave to Ruby before grabbing you bag and walking out back towards your class. Not even 5 minutes into your walk, your phone rings. Jack. You sigh and take your phone out, answering it and holding it up to your ear.

"You're really impatient, ya know that."

"I know. So what do you have going on today?"

"Two more classes than nothing. Why?"

"Well can I come over? We had fun last time and I'm bored."

"Ya know what, fine. Why not? Ruby's gonna be out for a while anyway."

"Yay! I'll be waiting!"

You hope that means he's not gonna break into your house.


After two long classes, you finally make your way home. No more messages or calls from Jack come through, and you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Upon unlocking the front door and stepping in, you hear some shuffling around, which was nothing out of the ordinary. Might be Church. Though as soon as you shut the door, Jack rushes over and hugs you tightly. You blush a bit and slowly hug back, patting his head before letting him go.

"How did you get in? I locked the window this time," you ask, walking to your room.

"Yeah, but Ruby didn't"

You face palm and sigh before throwing your back down at the foot of your bed. Jack really needs to learn to not break in. Especially not in Ruby's room.

"So what did you wanna do?" You ask, sitting on your bed and motioning for Jack to do the same.

"Got any video games?"

You chuckle, grabbing two PlayStation controllers and tossing one over to him. He takes off his mask, setting it to the side and smiling. You allow him to go through your video games, watching as he pulls out Rocket League.

You smile and grab it from him, putting it in the console before sitting back down next to Jack. He wraps one arm around you in a side hug, causing your face to heat up.

What the hell? Why does he do this to me? I mean, I can't like him! He's dead for one, he tried to kill me for two, and he's probably not even gay for three.

"Should we play dropshot?" You ask.

"If you wanna get your ass kicked then sure."

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