5- Cats Out Of The Bag

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Two days into Jack's stay, two days of you two being a couple, and so far it wasn't that bad. Nothing between you really changed, other than the fact that you discovered Jack loves cuddles.

Now you were onto your third day together, and you were awoken by someone shaking your shoulder. You groan and open your eyes, seeing Jack looming over you and smiling.

"Morning sleeping beauty. As much as I love watching you snuggle against me and sleep, its time to get up! I have an idea!"

"Oh what fun, does this idea involve a way you can go out in public with me? Cause I've told you that there is no way. You have no eyes, shit leaking from your eye sockets, and your teeth are as sharp as a great whites."

"Yeah yeah, buuuut I've been watching a few videos on YouTube! People can transform themselves to look completely different with just makeup and contacts! Maybe we can do that with me!"

You chuckle a bit and curl back up into your blanket, "You act like I'm some kind of makeup guru."

"You're not, but Ruby is."

You sit up instantly and look at Jack, "Are you nuts? If Ruby found out who you are and that fact that I am dating you, she will leave and hate me for life. And I don't even wanna think about all the people she'd tell."

He shrugs his shoulders and stands up out of bed, "perhaps, but Ruby seems like she wouldn't care."

"But am I willing to take that chance? No."

Jack sighs and then walks over, sitting in your lap and snuggling against you, "Pleaseeeee."

You sigh and kiss his forehead, "Whatever, just shut up and hand me my phone."

He smiles happily, grabbing your phone off of the side table and handing it to you. He turns around in your lap so that he's able to look at your phone screen as you text. You roll your eyes and kiss the top of his head, pulling up Ruby's contact.

You: Hey Rubes, you coming back any time soon?

Ruru: Maybe, why?

You: I have an issue and I need your help to deal with it

Ruru: Is this a boy issue? If not, I want nothing to do with it

You: Yes it is a boy issue, so get your ass over here

Ruru: Lucky for you, lover boy, I just left. Be there in 20

You: You're the best

Ruru: I know

Jack smiles and takes your phone away when you're done texting, setting it to the side. "Now, cuddles while we wait?"

"Am I still allowed to play Rocket League?"



Eventually, you hear the front door creak open. Panicking slightly, you throw your switch to the other side of your bed and grab Jack, shoving him in the closet before tossing him his mask.

"Don't you dare come out of this god damn closet until I say so."

He doesn't say anything, he just simply nods and closes the closet door for you. You sigh in relief and walk out of you room, only to see Ruby throwing her stuff on the couch before rushing over to you and grabbing your arms harshly.

"Don't worry, Ruby's here to help, my sweet sweet little gay boy."

You take a deep breath and nod, guiding her to your room. She sits on the bed and you stand in front of her, slowly walking back towards the closet.

"Okay, please don't freak out," you say. She seems confused, but that confusion quickly turns into horror when Jack steps out. Seems like she's familiar with him, or at the very least has heard of him. "Ruby, I swear he's harmless."

"Harmless?! He's a fucking killer! He'll isn't he also dead?! I...I thought he was just some story my brother told me to make me behave when he watched me but...he's real and in my best friends fucking bedroom."

"Ruby listen to me, okay? He's the one who attacked me that night, but he didn't kill me. We've been...hanging out for a while now and he just leaves when you're gone. But things have changed in the past few days."

"Changed how?"

"I'm getting to that. Jack and I...well...we're dating." She was taken aback when you said that, slowly taking steps towards you. She doesn't say anything, almost as if she was giving a silent sign that you were able to continue. "He hasn't killed anyone yet while we've been hanging out, and right now, all he needs is a little help from you."

She sighs and looks back and forth between you and Jack. You can tell that she wasn't expecting this today. Jack slowly take a step towards her, which makes her instinctively take a step back.

"I promise, I wont hurt you. I just need a little help," Jack says.

Ruby takes a deep breath before looking up from the floor and smiling. "Okay, what do you need?"

You smile and gently lock your hand together with Jacks, "Thanks Rubes. Jack really wants to go out in public with me during the day, but in his current condition he can't. Think you can help him out?"

"Well, we'll see. Lets go to my room so I can see what I'm working with." Once you all were in her room and Jack was sitting at her desk, Jack removed his mask and handed it to you before looking over at Ruby. "Woah okay. I'm not gonna be able to do anything about the no eyes situation, but I do have an idea. I can get your skin to not look so...dead and throw on a kind of mask that covers your eyes. Nowadays, everyone will think its just fashion."

"Will I still be able to see?"

"Somehow yes."

"What about his teeth?" You step in.

"Just say that they're fake, that's a fashion piece nowadays as well. Y/N, go get him one of your dark emo outfits that you love so much. And while you're there, you change as well. I'm gonna make sure you both are date ready!"

Before you can intervene, she pushes you out of her room and shuts the door behind her. You sigh, chuckling a bit as you walk to your room. Guess we're going on a date now.

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