2 - Disney's Captain Hook

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Turning towards her best friend, a smile quickly grew on the beautiful Belle's face. Finally, time for her to have some fun. Turning to a containment unit on one side of the room, she would make her way over to it. Quickly the doors to this large container opened, revealing her suit.

"I've been waiting for this!" She chuckled.

Looking down on the building the hero was currently inside, you could notice a large metal exit opening on top of it. After a few seconds, Disney Duchess would fly out in her armoured covered outfit. With a force blasting out of her boots and jetpack, she'd zoom through the sky. Belle made her way to the scene of the crime, landing nearby.

Hiding by the edge of a building, the hero would tilt her head round the corner. She'd instantly see Captain Hook holding down a civilian. Aiming his sword towards them, Disney knew what to do. Stepping away from the building, Disney Duchess would hold her right palm, aiming them towards the villain. Charging up her repulsors, a beam of blue energy would shoot from them. Hurling its way towards Hook, the beam would hit the sword. With a force, the weapon was thrown from his hand and onto the floor.

Looking up towards the location of the attack, the villain would notice the hero. With a small chuckle he would stand away from the civilian.

"There you are..." He smirked, sounding like he was expecting the heroine.

"Excuse me?" She replied, sounding confused. "Do I know you?"

Crossing his arms, Hook shook his head.

"Oh no, but I know you..." The smirk grew on his face.

The civilian would begin to stand, as if to escape. But quickly, spinning round, the villain tackled them back to the floor. He bashed their head onto the ground, causing Disney to run over towards them. Noticing her getting closer, Hook rolled across the floor towards his sword. Grabbing it, he would throw it directly at the hero. 

With a clash, the sword would collide with Disney's suit. It only scratched the metal, but shocked the hero making her stumble backwards. Looking to the sword, she would stand before it. Guarding the weapon, she gazed to the captain.

"So what's this about?" She asked, aiming her hand blasters towards him.

"Well..." He shrugged his shoulders. "You tell me!"

Belle was just getting more confused, the more she got the more she began to get frustrated. Shaking her head in an annoyed manner, she took one step towards him.

"Just shut it and surrender!" She growled, getting pissed off.

Turning his head to the hurt civilian, he smirked.

"Why... When I can just gut them!" He evilly said.

Disgusted, Disney took her shot. Two beams of energy shot right at Hook, striking him in the torso. He would fly across the air, hitting the floor next to the civilian. As he smashed against the floor, he would be instantly knocked unconscious.

Running over to them, Belle knelt down beside the injured innocent. Grabbing one hand, she slowly helped them up. She would know that they needed medical attention, so decided to get it. Standing up with the civilian, she would hold her arm towards her face. A touchscreen would light up as she clicked onto her arm. Pressing it a few times, she smiled.

"Helps on the way!" She turned towards the civilian.

They would lean towards the heroine, giving them a huge hug. Belle would pull away, feeling flustered. With a nod, Disney ran over to Hook. Pulling out some handcuffs from her side, she'd arrest him. Leaving him unconscious on the ground for the police, Disney would fly up and away.

In the sky, Disney would be enjoying the view. One villain down, it felt good. Amazing! She had been training for years to pilot the suit, and when The Wave hit... Well, it just became clear she was needed. Looking down, she would spot her home base. 

In Doctor Disney's lab, he would be sat at his computer. Reading through some files, he would have a thinking face plastered on him. The door behind him would creak open as Belle walked in. With her helmet tucked under her right arm, she'd lay it onto a counter. Making her way over to her friend, she sat beside him. 

"That was weird..." She commented, thinking to herself.

Stopping what he was doing, he'd look up to her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well..." She started. "It was like he knew I was coming..."

"Hmm..." The doctor replied. "Maybe he assumed someone would try to stop him?"

"Maybe..." She would shrug.

Spinning her chair around, she would stare towards her helmet. Thinking to herself, the lab door would open again. In walked Mr P, with a giant smile. He walked over to Belle with his cane in one hand.

"Terrific Belle!" He spoke with glee. "You did amazing out there, the perpetrator was arrested!" 

She nodded with a fake smile, still watching the helmet. Mr P would watch her for a few seconds, scanning her.

"What seems to be troubling you?" He asked, tilting his head to one side.

Shaking her head, she replied.

"Nothing... I promise!"

Squinting his eyes, he'd nod and turn around.

"Well come to my office if you ever need to talk!" He told her with a calm manner.

Exiting the doctors lab, the leader would make his way back to his office. Reaching the door, he let himself inside. He made his way to his desk and sat down before booting up his PC. Scrolling through the world news, he'd notice an article. He read the title which said:

'Hero, Freight-Tale, Takes Down The Father Of Flames!'

Squinting his eyes, he'd lean backwards in his chair.

"God damn Britain..." He mumbled. "You won't derail this..."

Looking towards his telephone, he'd pick it up before dialling a number. It would ring for a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Listen, Hook was shit... We need something, stronger!"

After he listened to a muffled response, he'd place the phone back down into its holder. A creepy smile grew on his face as he looked towards the ceiling.

"Soon..." He muttered.

Back down in Doctor Disney's lab, the two would still be sat in their seats. Humming to herself, Belle would have her eyes closed. She would be day-dreaming, still looking at her helmet. Acting like she was searching for wisdom, she'd come to a sudden stop. A slam would come from the doctor who hit his fist onto his desk. Spinning around, Belle's eyes would land on her friend.

"What's up?" She asked, worried.

He shook his head in response.

"Speak to me..." She added a few seconds later.

Turning towards his friend, he's smile weakly.

"Just research troubles, nothing to worry about!" He chuckled.

Sighing, Belle would stand up. Grabbing her helmet she would walk out of the door. Walking through the building, she would catch people just staring at her. Seeing a random door, she would walk inside. Taking a few minutes to catch her breath, she would turn around. To her surprise, before her stood several pods. In each floated young people, teenagers. There were six pods lined up, making Belle shake slightly.

"What is this?" She asked herself.

Taking a few steps towards one of the pods, she would rest her hand against the side. Studying the female inside, Belle started to feel sick. Taking a step backwards, she'd quickly leave the room. Turning around, she'd run off down the corridor. 

What the hell did she randomly find?!

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