9 - Disney's Princesses

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Placing down the body of Nala onto her double bed, Belle pulled a sheet over her to cover them. Sighing, she'd leave her bedroom. Making her way down her homes stairs, her eyes laid on Doctor Disney. Stopping before him, she'd cross her arms.

"I say we make our way back to Mr P's home, if he isn't there... There could be a clue or two!" She stated, looking over at the doctor.

Nodding his head, the doctor didn't really want to piss her off. He was already on her bad side, so it was a good idea to be a  suck-up for a little bit. 

The two would make their way out of Belle's home. Walking outside onto the beautiful street, she would admire the flowers. Trying to calm her mind, the heroine would look down the road. Thinking to herself for a few seconds, she'd stamp her foot onto the ground.

"Hold on, I'll fly us there!" She would smirk.

Standing beside the hero, Doctor Disney would wrap his arms around Duchess's shoulders. Hanging on, the two would lift up into the air. Flying up, both Disney's would head towards The Puppeteer's house. In the sky, the Disney's would spot several birds heading towards them.

"Aww birdies!" Belle giggled, looking to them.

As the doctor got to see the oncoming animals, a worried look grew on his face.

"Um..." He spoke, sounding strange. "Is it just me... Or do they look off?"

Studying the birds, Belle would realise they did look odd. They seemed angry, flapping their wings at a ferocious speed. Heading directly for the hero and her friend, the hundreds of birds went in for the attack. Trying to peck and claw both Duchess and the doctor, they would try to dodge. Swerving through the sky erratically, the doctors grip would loosen. Accidently letting go of the heroine, Doctor Disney began to fall.

Swatting the birds away, Belle spotted the doctor. Gasping, she quickly began to fly down towards him. Still pushing the attacking birds away, Disney would just grasp onto the doctors hand. Trying to slow his falling, she realised it was harder than it looked. The two continued to fall with speed, heading right for the ground. 

Looking around for anything to help, Belle noticed a giant inflated Meeko from the Pocahontas movie. Grabbing tightly onto her friend, she would throw them both into the direction of the raccoon balloon. Crashing into it, air began to sprout from the inflatable. Falling onto the ground, the two would roll off the now flat Meeko.

The Disney's would jump up onto their feet, looking up into the sky. Skydiving towards them were the same birds, seeming angry as hell. Shaking their heads confused, Belle would look towards the doctor. 

"Why is Alfred Hitchcock angry at us all of a sudden?" She joked, looking back up.

Shrugging her shoulders, she'd quickly hear footsteps behind her. As the both spun around, they spotted two woman standing before them.

"You princesses just keep coming..." The doctor sighed, peering towards Belle.

Watching the two, she'd spot Snow White. Recognising her instantly, Disney Duchess would stumble backwards. Standing beside the original princess was someone dressed up similarly to Princess Jasmine. With her beautiful blue outfit, the Arabic villainess cross her arms.

"Snow..." Belle mumbled, looking over to her.

"Excuse me?" She replied, looking to the masked hero. "Do I know you? No... Doesn't matter! Jasmine!"

Snow would turn to her as she called her name. With the yell, Jasmine would hold her hand towards Duchess. Lifting her hand up into the air, she used her telekinesis to lift Disney up. Without a warning, Jasmine threw her onto a car. Crushing the roof of the car with the weight of her suit, Duchess would slowly lift herself off it. Stumbling onto her feet, she gazed over to Jasmine.

"No holding back..." Belle muttered to herself. "Not anymore..."

Holding both her palms towards the attackers, she would blast a bunch of energy beams at them. The blasts were fast as they travelled through the air. Quickly striking against Jasmine, she'd fall onto her bottom. Grunting as she did, the villainess would turn to Snow.  Stepping towards Doctor Disney, Snow White would have a small smile grow across her face. Quickly she began to whistle, pointing in his direction.

Suddenly all the birds that made the heroes crash turned straight towards the doctor. Tweeting with rage, the birds began to attack him. Pecking and biting him all over, the man would begin to bleed. Using his hand to try and smack away the attacking animals, he seemed to have no luck. They would just keep attacking him, like they were trying to kill him.

Seeing her friend in so much pain, Belle would scream in anger. Turning to Jasmine, Duchess would send another barrage of energy beams towards her. As the energy lasers flew at the Princess, the hero would quickly follow behind. Jumping away from one of the attacks, two more would hit her. Sliding backwards on her feet, Jasmine would spot Belle. Seeing her at the worst moment, Duchess would punch the princess in the face. Forcing her to the floor, Disney placed her foot onto the villains chest, keeping her down. Without a second to spare, the heroine would sing a deep lullaby causing Jasmine to fall asleep.

Looking over to her friend being attacked, Belle would shake her head. Lifting up into the air, Disney looked over to Snow. Flying straight at her, Belle would tackle the pirncess to the ground. Grunting as she was tackled, Snow White lost control over the birds. They would fly away into the sky as Disney and Snow brawled on the ground. Punching and hitting each other, it was obvious Belle was causing more damage to the villain. As Snow would scream in pain, a cat would suddenly attack the back of Belle. Falling onto the floor, the cat would scratch up the Duchess Mark One.

Not wanting to hurt the kitty, Belle rolled away from the villain. Grabbing onto the kitten, Disney would throw it towards the deflated Meeko. As the cat landed on top of it, it was safe of any injuries. Smiling, Belle would quickly turn and clock Snow in the face. Even though she was trying to escape, she was too slow, getting smacked onto the ground. Looking down to Snow, Belle would unexpectedly take off her helmet. Belle and Snows eyes would meet, causing both White's to gasp.

"Belle..." Snow shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah..." She replied. "Long time no see..."

The fighting would come to a halt, leaving Doctor Disney standing all confused. Looking between the two females, he'd tilt his head.

"So..." He interrupted. "You know each other?"

Looking over to Doctor Disney, the White's would nod.

"Yeah..." Belle would smile. "Meet Snow, we were in The Disney Investigation Bureau training group together..."

"So you're the Duchess?" Snow would ask, looking over to Belle.

Belle would nod in reply.


Snow would sigh.

"Then I'm sorry..." She muttered

Whistling as loud as she could, a figure quickly leaped into Belle. Knocking the heroine to the ground, a blade could be seen heading straight for her. Rolling out of the way, Belle and Doctor Disney would spot The Puppet.

"What the fuck..." Belle uttered.

The Puppet would tilt its head in an alarming manner. With both her hands as blades, the doctor would gulp.

"That's what attacked me..." Doctor Disney announced. "That's The Puppet!"

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