12 - Disney's Duchess

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Landing outside of The Puppeteer mansion, Disney Duchess would cross her arms. Thinking to herself, she would study the outside perimeter. Tapping her foot on the ground as she did, her head would turn to the front door.

"Lets do this..." She muttered to herself as she walked towards the entrance.

Arriving outside the door, she would grab onto the handle and turn it. Slowly opening the door, she'd wander inside. Looking around the posh interior, she would make her way into the living room. But she'd suddenly stop, spotting an opening in the wall. Heading towards it, she'd walk inside. Noticing some stairs, she'd go down them. Reaching the bottom, she would arrive inside a robotics lab. Walking inside, she'd quickly spot The Puppeteer. 

Leaning over his workbench, the original puppet would be laying on top of it. He would be repairing her, or trying to at least. Working away, he quickly sensed someone behind him. Standing up straight, he would slowly turn around to face Duchess.

"We meet again..." He chuckled.

"For the last time..." Disney stated.

Without any warning Disney would fire a barrage of energy beams towards the man. Smirking, Mr P would raise his cane. Using it as a bat, he'd hit the beams of energy away as if playing baseball. The attacks would smash into the walls beside Disney causing her to gasp. 

"It'll be harder than that to take me down!" He snickered.

Running over towards the heroine, he'd surprise her by sliding on his side towards her. With cane in hand, he'd trip Belle over and laugh. Spinning to his side, he'd jump onto his feet. Still smiling, he'd wait for Disney to attack.

Standing confused on what to do, she shook her head and sighed.

"Everything's going to be released!" Belle shouted. "There's nothing you can do..."

But the villain would chuckle.

"Oh Belle... You could take me down, but then you won't be able to save the pod kids..."

Disney would blink a few times, confused.

"What?"  She asked.

"I have many Puppets dear..." He laughed. "And one's at the DIB right now!"

Belle stood shocked, angry and confused on what to do. She could take The Puppeteer down right now, but she couldn't bare to risk the lives of the kids inside the pods. Hesitating on what to do, it would take her a few seconds to decide. Turning away from the villain, she sighed.

"You better run..." She growled. "Because if I ever see you again, I will take you down!"

With that, Disney Duchess would fly out of the mansion leaving Mr P behind. Smiling with glee, he'd hobble back towards The Puppet.

Arriving outside her old base, Belle would quickly make her way inside. Running to the stairwell, she would fly to her desired floor. Reaching it, she'd hurry out into the hallway. She would instantly spot the sliced up bodies and blood filling the the place. Stopping herself from gagging, she suddenly heard commotion coming from down the corridor. Running towards the sound, Duchess would reach the pod kids room.

Looking inside of the room, she would spot the smashed pod before turning her sight over to the fighting. Before her she saw The Second Puppet about to kill Doctor Disney. Holding her blades into the sky, she spoke to the doctor.

"Time for you to be exterminated..." She chirped.

Going down for the attack, she would quickly be tackled by the Duchess. Forcing the robot onto the floor, the two females would begin to brawl. Slicing her way at the heroine, the Duchess Mark One would begin to take serious damage. Pulling back her fists, Belle punched the puppet in the face several times. Blasting a beam of energy at the face of the villainess, she would become dazed. Jumping up onto her feet, Belle would turn to Doctor Disney.

The Adventures Of Disney DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now