6 - Disney's Doctor

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Making his way over to the metal cupboard, Doctor Disney would unlock it. Creaking it open, the doctor would grab his sniper. Turning towards his lab door, he would aim the barrel of the gun towards it. Smirking, he'd kneel and wait for any unwelcome visitors. An hour would roll by before the door handle began to turn. Cocking his sniper, Disney peered through the scope.

As the door swung open, the sniper would shoot. As a bullet flew across the room, it quickly reflected off the target. Standing in the door way was a sleek robot. Built to look like a woman with blonde locks and a pink dress. Standing with its arms crossed, it would watch the doctor.

"A robot?" He gasped.

"I prefer... Puppet..." An electronic female voice spoke.

Leaping towards the doctor, a blade would suddenly form from her hand. Bringing it down onto Disney, she would slice open his leg. Blood would begin to leak from the wound as he fumbled onto the floor. Grunting with pain, he scuffled backwards away from the robot. With his sniper in hand, he'd wave it as a bat against the attacker. Smashing it against the robots side, it would hardly faze her. Tilting her head, she would jab her blade towards him.

Quickly ducking his head, the sharp blade lodged itself into the metal cupboard. As the puppet struggled to free herself, the doctor would take the opportunity. Getting onto his feet, he would limp over to the door. Slamming the door behind him, he'd waddle down the corridor. Still gripping onto his gun, Disney reached the elevator. As the door to the lift opened, the robot would smash their way through the labs entrance. Spotting the doctor, she'd began to sprint towards him. The doctor began to obsessively press the ground floor button. The doors would close just in time, allowing Disney to sigh with relief. 

As the elevator reached the bottom floor, Doctor Disney would run out of it as soon as the doors opened. Heading towards the exit of the building, onlookers would gasp as they noticed his weapon. Reaching the outside, he would turn around to the sound of breaking glass. Looking up, he'd spot the robot skydiving towards him. Landing on the ground with a thud, the demonic robot would stare towards him. Aiming his sniper back at her, he would begin to shoot. The bullets would bounce right off the robot as she slowly stepped over to him. The gun would run out of bullets, leaving the poor doctor stuck on what to do.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" He yelled.

"I don't think so..." She would shake her metallic head. "The master wants you dead... So that's what he will get!"

Aiming her blade up into the air, she would send it down towards the doctor. As she did, a blast would suddenly hit her. Flying across the sky, she would slam into a moving car causing it to come to a halt. Looking over to the direction of the blast, the doctor would notice an older looking woman holding a large gun. She looked buff, trained and tough. With curly black hair and blue eyes, she reminded him of his best friend. She walked towards the doctor, holding out her hand towards him while holding her gun with the other. Helping Doctor Disney to his feet, she would give him an intimidating stare.

"Where the hell is my daughter!" She exclaimed.

The doctor would tilt his head, looking confused.

"Who are you?" He asked, wiping away the blood still slowly leaking from his leg.

"My name is Nala White..." She frowned. "Now I'll ask one more time. Where the fuck is my daughter!?"

"Belle?" He asked, receiving a nod as a reply.

Quickly the clunking of the robot standing up and away from the car could be heard. The two looked over to the attacker and would sigh. Turning towards the opposite direction, the two would run off. Within seconds the so called puppet would follow, sprinting down the street with an enhanced speed.

Breathing heavily as they ran, Nala would turn to the robot shooting another blast from her gun. A large blue ball of energy was released from the barrel, hurdling at the attacker. But this time she saw it, jumping right over the blast. Landing back onto the ground, she'd leap at the doctor. Swinging around with his sniper, he'd thwack it against her. With a smash, she was thrown onto the floor. Laying on the ground, the robot would twitch.

 Taking their opportunities, the pair made their way down the street. Turning a corner, Nala would grab onto Doctor Disney's arm before pulling him into a store. Rotating the man around to face her, Nala would attach the large gun onto her back.

"I know you two are friends, so just tell me what I need to know!" She commanded.

Looking around the store, the doctor would sigh.

"She was taken by our boss, Mr P!" He began. "I have no idea where she's been taken... Only that he called it 'holding'."

The woman would scratch the back of her head.

"Mr P you say..." She spoke, knowing the name. "I know where she is!"

"How..." Disney slyly replied.

"That's on a need to know basis..." She shook her head. "Thank you..."

With that, Nala would turn to leave. Feeling annoyed, the doctor would grab her shoulder. But by God, that was a mistake. Grabbing his arm, Belle's mother would fling him right over her shoulder onto the floor. Standing above him, she'd laugh.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled, calming down. "Go home, I've got all I need from you."

As she tried to step away, Disney would jump back up and block her.

"I don't think so Missy!" He grunted. "Belle is my best friend, if you're going after her then I'm coming!"

Thinking to herself for a few seconds, the lady would roll her eyes. Nodding towards him, she decided to let him come. Nodding back to Nala with a smile, Disney would reload his sniper as civilians looked on concerned. Running out of the store, the two would make their way down the road.

In an unknown location, Belle was forced into a jail cell. Without her suit and the door being locked behind her, she was trapped. Falling onto the floor still very much injured, she would groan in pain. As guards patrolled the corridors, Mr P stepped before the cell. Peering through the bars, he watched as Disney came in and out of consciousness. Still holding his cane, a small smirk grew on his face.

"Enjoy your new home... This is where you'll live until I decide what to do with you.." He chuckled, continuing to watch her.

Sluggishly holding her head up, the hero would begin to cough. Grabbing onto the metal frame bed beside her, she'd begin to pull herself up. Looking over towards Mr P, Belle would have a tear form in her right eye. She'd begin to sniffle, realising the situation she was in.

"Please... Mr P..." She begged. "Don't do this!"

"Oh quieten down sweetie..." He spoke in a mocking like manner. "You're no longer the Disney Duchess we need..."

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