10 - Disney's Investigation Bureau

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Standing in a line with nine other women, Belle would stare forward. Outside, surrounded by training equipment, the future hero would be looking towards some kind of trainer. Wearing a doctor jacket and a black hat, it would seem this man was more than a simple scientist. All the women, including Belle, looked extremely tired while also sweating profusely. 

"Well done ladies!" The man shouted towards them. "That's all for today, see you all tomorrow!"

With that, the man walked off leaving the women alone. As most of them began to stray off, one of them peered over to Belle. Making her way towards her, she would shake Belles hand. With a smile, the stranger tilted her head.

"You are definitely top of the class." She exclaimed. "I'm Snow!"

Nodding her head ever so slightly, Belle would smile. She hadn't made any friends, beside Doctor Disney, so she wasn't good at small talk. Wanting to make a friend, she'd shake Snow's hand back.

"Thank you, I'm Belle!" She introduced herself.

Looking to the other ladies, who were making their way inside the building next to them, Belle would think. Moving some hair away from her face, she looked over to Snow.

"Wanna get some food before it all goes?" Belle smiled. "You know what some of the others are like!"

Snow would nod and giggle, grabbing Belle's hand. Running towards the building, she'd pull the future hero to follow. Inside, the two entered the cafeteria and grabbed themselves some food. All the place had to offer was the most healthy and nutritious snacks, but Belle was fine with that. Getting a salad and water each, the two would take a seat on a bench. Eating their food, the two seemed to be very happy.

"I wonder what job the DIB will assign us too!" Belle spoke, looking to Snow.

"I know right! I hope I get something awesome!" She giggled.

"Me too!" Belle replied. 


As Disney Duchess and Doctor Disney stood opposite Snow White and The Puppet, they would stare at each other. 

"You don't need to do this!" Duchess would yell.

"Unfortunately..." Snow muttered. "I do!"

With that, Snow held her hands forward. Whistling loudly, an army of rodents would start to build behind her. As rats, squirrels, raccoons and more stood ready to attack, Snow would turn to The Puppet. Nodding to the creation, Snow would yell.


With that, the cluster of wild animals charged towards the hero and her friend. Putting herself in front of Doctor Disney, Belle would look on to the charging rodents.

"Go..." She shouted to her friend.

Without a second to spare, she would fly right to the animals. Instead of shooting, she made her way to the centre of the group. Trying to grab the attention of each animal, Belle began to sing. The circular glass piece on the centre of her suit began to glow as the heroine sung the lyrics to Firework by Katy Perry. Making sure not to miss a lyric, she tried to make the emotion of happiness grow inside of all the creatures. Strangely, it began to work. The animals happiness began to break Snow's connection, making her gasp. Quickly Doctor Disney appeared behind the princess, punching her in the head. Falling to the ground, the animals were freed. As they all ran away, The Puppet would leap into action.

Heading straight for Doctor Disney, The Puppet would aim one of her blades towards him. But quickly Duchess flew straight for them. Grabbing onto The Puppet, Belle began to lift her into the air. The Puppet would begin to fight, slashing her blade against the Duchess Mark One. To Disney's surprise, the blade seemed to be cutting into the suit with ease. Gasping, Belle would throw The Puppet off of her. Watching the robot fall, it would smash into the ground . Landing beside the crash site, Disney would look towards it. As the dust settled, an injured Puppet would jump out towards her. Slashing down hard, the blade would strike against Disney's helmet causing a chunk to snap off. Revealing half of Belle's face through her cracked helmet, she would begin to shoot beams of energy towards The Puppet. 

Striking the robot, she'd be thrown to the ground with a thud. Standing to one side was Doctor Disney, looking to Belle with a worried look. But Belle knew she had this, flying at Mr P's creation. Punching her several times, Disney began to dent the robot. Throwing it against the ground, she'd shoot beams of energy right towards The Puppets face. A small explosion would form around the robot, causing Disney to skid backwards. Waiting for the dust to settle, laying on the floor was The Puppet. Looking dead, the thing was still in one piece but laid lifelessly on the ground.

Stepping towards The Puppet, Disney looked down towards it. Thinking to herself for a few seconds, she turned to her friend. Running over to him, the two would high five. 

"God, that thing...." She sighed. "That was strong..."

The doctor would chuckle slightly as Belle would  walk off and place cuffs on Snow White's wrists.

"Just one last thing on this list..." He smiled. "The Puppeteer..."

Belle would nod,  walking back to the doctor with a determined look. Looking down at her arm, she would begin to tap away. After a few seconds, she'd look back up towards her friend. 

"Go back to the DIB, release all the information we gathered to the media!" She demanded.

"But what about you?" Doctor Disney asked, sounding afraid.

"Me?" She chuckled. "I'm gonna take down Mr P!"

Back inside of The Puppeteer's secret workshop, he would be sat in front of a large PC setup. With three monitors before him, Mr P would be watching some camera feed. Watching Disney against The Puppet on CCTV, the villain would sigh. Standing up from his desk, he would grab his cane. Turning his body, he walked towards a metal door by his robotic workbench. Opening the door and walking inside, several dungeon like cages could be seen. Each had a single woman in, looking malnourished and weak. Not even begging for help, they all laid on their beds in silence. Arriving in front of one cage, Mr P would open the door with anger.

Walking inside, he'd whack his cane around the prisoners face. Knocking her out unconscious, the villain would grab the woman's leg. Dragging her out of the cage and into the workshop, she was quickly thrown up onto the table. Walking over and grabbing a large saw, a disgusting smile grew over his face.

"One brain..." He mumbled, beginning to cut into her skull. "For a new Puppet..."

Away the man worked, removing the top of the woman's head. Cutting into her brain, he would also remove it from the woman. Looking over to another version of The Puppet, Mr P would walk on over to it. Opening the hatch to the skull, The Puppeteer placed the organ inside.

"Those princesses might be useless..." He spoke to himself. "But these babies will get me the kill! I can't have The Disney Investigation Bureau ruined because of some bitch and her doctor friend..."

Turning back to his PC setup, he would make his way over to it. Clicking on the keyboard a few times, he would step back with a smile. Quickly The Second Puppet came to life, standing up and instantly walking over to its master. Standing as if awaiting orders, Mr P would smirk. Thinking to himself for a few seconds, an idea quickly formed in his mind.

"The kids..." He muttered to himself, looking to the new puppet. "Go and kill all the pod kids at the DIB, that will put Belle in the perfect position!"

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