3 - Disney's Doubt

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Arriving out the front of her base, Disney would turn around before looking up at the building. She had no idea how to react to what she just found. Obviously Mr P would know... But could Doctor Disney? She had to find out. With her helmet already on her head, she tapped onto her arm. Clicking an icon, a ringing noise could be heard. Quickly the voice of the doctor could be heard as he picked up.

"We need to talk..." Belle stated. "Meet me at my apartment!"

Lifting up into the air, she quickly flew off. Arriving at her apartment, she landed on her balcony. Unlocking the double door, she walked inside. Her bedroom was large and lush. It had a queen sized bed in the centre of the room with crystals lining the head board. Walking over to the bed, she took off her helmet and laid it down. Taking a seat beside it, she would look towards the floor.

"Those kids..." She muttered to herself, still thinking about what she saw. 

Looking up, her gaze shifted over to a photo. Sitting on her white vanity desk, it showed a younger Belle standing with an older woman. Standing up, she headed into the direction of the picture. Picking it up, she looked at it.

"Oh Mom..." She sighed before placing it back down.

Quickly her attention was caught by a knock at her front door. Leaving her bedroom, she walked over to it. Pulling it open slightly, she spotted Doctor Disney standing patiently. Stepping to one side, she allowed her friend inside. The two walked towards a large white couch, sitting down next to each other. Looking towards her friend, she squinted her eyes.

"What kind of work has Mr P got you doing?" She asked, curiously. 

"Just the usual stuff..." He replied. "Gadgets, gizmos..."

"People inside of pods?" She cut him off.

A shocked look grew on the doctors face as he turned to Belle.

"What?" He asked, sounding truly confused.

Belle studied his demeanour and reaction to her question.

"God, please say I can trust him..." She whispered before speaking normally. "I accidentally found something I shouldn't..."

"What?" He quickly asked, leaning towards her.

As she explained the teens in pods she found, a shocked face would grow on her friend. He told her that he had no idea that they were there and Disney knew she could believe him. After a few seconds, the doctor spoke.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Well I can't go to Mr P... Can I?"

"Probably not, he runs this place... If anyone knows the pods are there, it's him..."

Disney Duchess would nod to his response, thinking to herself. After a few seconds, she turned to the doctor.

"We need to get into his office!" She stated.

The doctor would chuckle.

"He's the head of the Disney Investigation Bureau, are you sure about that?"

She would shrug but smile.

"Might as well try!" She giggled.

Jumping up onto her feet, her arm would buzz as if she was getting a call. Looking down to it, she would sigh.

"It's Mr P..." She stated.

Clicking onto her arm, she answered the call.

"Disney Duchess, get to down town now! Civilians are under attack, I'll send you the location!" He commanded before hanging up.

Looking up, Belle looked over to her friend.

"Seems I have work to do first... Let yourself out!"

Running into her bedroom, she grabbed her helmet before placing it on her head. As she did, her arm would buzz again. Mr P had sent the location. Noting down the address, she made her way onto her balcony. With a smirk, she would fly off into the distance.

Down town, two woman could be seen causing mischief. One could be seen destroying a store front with plants while another attacked civilians with their voice. As Disney Duchess landed nearby, the two would quickly notice her. Turning their attention to the heroine, Disney quickly began to recognise who they were dressed up as.

"What's with people and dressing up as characters..." She chuckled, shaking her head.

Taking a few steps towards the two, they'd both laugh. It seemed the one using plant-based abilities was dressed up as Princess Tiana while the other had on a Sleeping Beauty's Aurora outfit. Crossing her arms, Duchess would stop in place.

"Tiana... Aurora... I assume that's your names..." She stated, staring at them.

"Well done!" Tiana spoke first.

"She isn't retarded!" Aurora added with a giggle.

Shooting a blast of energy towards the floor, it struck the ground beside the two's feet.

"Don't use that word around me!" Disney growled.

"Aww look!" Aurora laughed.

"A snowflake!" Tiana laughed as well.

Suddenly, Tiana lashed her arm towards the hero causing a vine to grow beside the villain. Growing and heading towards Disney, the vine would quickly knock her down. Slamming down onto the floor, Disney grunted in pain. Lifting herself up with all her strength, she'd jump onto her feet. 

"Oh no you didn't!" She shouted.

Quickly Disney flew into the direction of the two princesses. She began to harmonize, letting herself get louder and louder. Trying to hit the two with a sense of fear, her music magic would begin to activate causing the glass on the centre of her torso to shine. But it seemed they were prepared. Aurora would sing Once Upon A Dream as loud as she could, blocking out Duchess. Tiana would thrust her arm into the direction of Disney again. The grounds pavement would crack as another dark green vine grew from it. Flying over into the direction of the heroine, she would swiftly be knocked into a building.

Falling to the floor with a crash, Belle would moan in pain. Feeling dizzy, she'd struggle to stand up. The two villains would laugh at her, giggling like some school girls. Tiana would wave her hand, causing vines to wrap around Disney constricting her of any movement. Trying to shake herself free, she'd shout at the princesses.

"Really? Let me go!"

Shaking more and more, she'd fail to get free. Suddenly a shot from a gun rung through the air. A splat would be heard as blood quickly squirted from Aurora's face. Falling to the floor, her head would leak blood over the ground. Tiana would shriek in shock, stumbling backwards. As she did, her concentration broke causing the vines to loosen around the heroine. Shooting her blasters from her hands, the vines would explode into pieces. Landing a hero pose, she'd blast her voice towards Tiana while harmonizing. The centrepiece of the Duchess Mark One would glow as the princess quickly fell asleep. Hitting the floor, she'd begin to snore.

Disney would begin to scan the area trying to find the shooter, but couldn't. Sighing, she'd call the police to her location. Walking over to Aurora's body, she'd turn it over. Seeing the gun wound in the villains face, the hero would gag.

"Seems like a sniper..." She spoke to herself. 

Leaning backwards, she'd look around the area once again.

"Shit..." She mumbled.

Walking down some rusty back steps, Doctor Disney rested a sniper into the back of a white van. Closing the doors, a smile would grow on his face. Entering the van, he'd drive back to base. He made his way back into his lab, hiding the sniper into a metal closet. Locking the door, he'd take a seat back in his chair. Within seconds, Belle came walking through the door. Looking angry and confused, she placed her helmet onto the counter and sat down.

"How'd it go?" The doctor asked, acting casual.

"Someone shot one of the attackers... Head shot..." She admitted.

Turning to a window, she'd look out of it and sigh.

"What kind of person does that..." She sadly spoke.

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