4 - Disney's Being Sneaky

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A few hours had gone by, with the night sky glistening over Disney Land The Country. Belle would be sat staring out of the same window in Doctor Disney's lab. She was still shocked by Aurora's sudden death. The images flashed in her mind, causing her to cough. Quickly the door to the lab would open with Mr P entering afterwards. Looking towards the friends, he tapped his cane onto the ground.

"I'm now heading home, great work again today Belle!" Tilting the hat on his head towards her, he would turn to leave.

Hearing the door shut, she would quickly turn to Doctor Disney.

"It's time..." She smirked.

Standing up together, the two would quickly make their way over towards the exit. Peeking through the doors window, they would watch Mr P enter an elevator to leave the current floor they were on. When they were sure he had left, Doctor Disney would slowly open the door. Sneaking their way down the corridor, they made their way towards Mr P's office. Duchess peered through the glass door.

"Okay..." She tried opening the door, being unsuccessful. "Of course it's locked..."

Looking back through the glass door, she would notice a large window slightly open ajar. A smile would grow on Disney's face as she turned to her friend.

"Seems I have to go in from the other side... Keep an eye out!"

With that, she ran for the nearest exit. Jumping into the air from the base, her thrusters would blast her through the sky. Making her way around the building, she spotted the window she needed. Flying straight at it, she fell right into Mr P's office.

Getting up onto her feet and dusting herself off, Belle would notice Doctor Disney outside the glass door. Feeling she was safe, she hurried over to the computer nearby. Booting it up, she realised she would need a password.

"Oh damn..." She mumbled.

Peering over the desk, Belle would notice a picture frame. On it was a younger Mr P working in a robotics lab. She tilted her head while studying the photo. Quickly underneath it she saw a post-it note. With a few numbers written down, she decided to give it a try. To the heroines surprise, it was correct. Gaining access to Mr P's computer, she'd begin to examine the files on the hard drive. Reading through as much as she could, Belle made her way to some restricted documents. Entering the same code, she again somehow got in. Reading the first few lines, Belle would gasp. She had found something about the pods.

"What..." Disney mumbled as she read through. "This is... Horrible!"

Holding her arm up beside the PC, her suit would begin to connect to it. Copying all the files she could, she saved them to her suits database. Quickly standing back up, she'd turn to see  Doctor Disney frantically tapping on the glass. Someone was coming...

Scanning around the office, Belle spotted a cupboard. Jumping inside, she closed the door.

"Sneaky..." She whispered.

Suddenly the sound of the office door being unlocked and opened rung through the air. Footsteps could be heard walking towards the desk of the room. The person would take a seat, before picking up the phone and dialling. Quickly Disney's suit would vibrate, giving off her location.

The door would swing open, showing a smiling Mr P standing before her.

"So it seems you've dug a little too deep..." He would cross his arms.

Gasping slightly, Belle would quickly aim her repulsors towards her boss. As Mr P held up his hand in a surrender like manner, Disney would slowly make her way out of the cupboard. Circling towards the exit, Mr P would suddenly tap his cane on the ground. The door to his office would slam shut and lock, before the windows quickly followed after.

"Sir..." She coughed, looking over to him. "I don't understand... The Pods... What are they...?"

A small chuckle came from him.

"They are you... And you are them...." He stated. "Do you think you're the only person we've got ready to fight..."

"W...What?" She asked, sounding confused.

"Belle, when you hit the 13 age mark, you were brought here and placed into a pod. Pumped with all the best ingredients to keep you pure and strong, you were released  several years later with no recollection of the event. You were created to be Disney Land The Country's Hero..."

"By who's authority..."

"Mine..... And the great leaders of this country! They wanted the perfect hero, no matter what..."

Belle was flabbergasted. Her entire life had been a lie. It makes so much sense now though. Why she couldn't remember her mother, why the base had been her only home. Looking towards Mr P, she would shake her head in anger.

"What about my human rights?" She screamed.

"Well..." He laughed. "Everyone inside a pod was sold to us... By their own parents..."

"No..." She gasped.

Was it so. The one role model, the one person she looked up to... Sold her into government experiments. Both of Belles hands clenched together creating fists as she'd get angry.  Out of nowhere an alarm began to blare through the building. Tapping his cane onto the floor, the door would unlock.

"Seems we have some unwanted guests..." Mr P smirked. "What are you going to do?"

He would look over to a CCTV system set up just next to the pc showing another villain dressed as a Disney Princess attacking the guards.

"Revenge?" Mr P chuckled as he headed for the door.

"What for?" Belle would ask, not realising he'd already left.

Turning to the door and sighing, she'd quickly run out before seeing Doctor Disney.

"Hide yourself away!" She shouted. "I've got this!"

Turning to the left, she ran down the hall , making her way to the fight.

Arriving downstairs at the reception, Disney Duchess ran towards the battle. Before her were two security officers holding their pistols towards some kind of beast. Looking like a mix  between of both Beauty and The Beast! With sharp claws and a cape on her a back, this monster slashed their way towards the officers.

With a scream, the beast clawed off scrapes of flesh from the torso of the guards. One would fall to the floor as the other would shoot. But this beast had some extraordinary senses and reflexes, instantly dodging the attack.

Stopping in place, Belle would quickly shoot the beams of energy from her palms. Hurdling towards the villain, she'd notice it before leaping away. Standing up on her two hairy legs, she frowned over to Disney.

"Well, well, well, the bitch I've been looking for!" She growled.

"What now..." Disney mumbled, remembering that she forgot her helmet.

"You killed our friend Duchess..." The villain shook her head. "I, Belle, will get revenge!"

Quickly the beast began to leap over on all fours, heading straight for the heroine.

"One thing..." Disney smirked. "I'm also Belle!" 

Creating a fist, she flew head on towards the beast. The two would then collide, smashing into each other with an abundant amount of force. Creating a tiny shockwave, the two would both smash into opposite ends of the rooms. Falling to the floor, the two would jump up onto their feet.

"It wasn't me!" Disney protested, sounding genuine.

"Yes it was! You were there! Me and my sisters will get revenge!" She yelled.

Grabbing onto the receptionists desk, the beast would begin to lift it over her head. Swiftly she threw it towards the hero. It smashed into Duchess, forcing her onto the floor. Trapped under the desk and in pain, she'd struggle to get free. 

Making her way over to the pinned down hero, the beast would chuckle.

"Say goodbye... You fake princess!"

The Adventures Of Disney DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now