Chapter 1

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Ashley's pov.

He is late, again, hitting it off with some other girl, I mean that's what he always does.

This is like the tenth time he promised me he would drop me home on time and it's the tenth time he has broken it.

This party is giving me the ick, alcohol everywhere, people making out with their hands halfway up the others shirt, random ass boys flirting, the usual that happens in every party.

Fuck it I'll just call him.

The phone rings once, then twice, then thrice, still no answer.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Ash, please could you find Aaron and go with him instead? I'll make it up to you I promise." Tyler, my best friend says. He is also the boy I have been in love with my whole life.

"You always do this Ty." I sigh before hanging up.

Aaron is Tylers other bestfriend. They hang out alot more then Ty and I but I don't really care. I am really praying to God he will agree to drop me off.

I look around the room for Aaron and spot him at the bar.

I quickly make my way there.

"Hi Aaron." I say awkwardly.

Me and Aaron have probably talked like three times my whole life. I don't know why but it's just never felt right. I tried I swear but he either just ignored me or made really small talk which was worse then not talking to him.

"Ty is upstairs." He says uninterested.

See what I mean?

"Oh actually I was looking for you, I was hoping you could give me a ride home cause Ty is busy with some other girl." I say.

"No." He says.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no."

"Please?" I practically beg.

"Hmm you don't drink right?" He asks with a smirk.

"Um no?"

"Okay then I'll drop you off.." He starts. "..If you have a shot." He finishes as my smile is now replaced with a frown.

Way to get my hopes up Aaron.

"Ill just walk then." I say.

"It's just one shot cmon."

"I will never drink in my life."

"It's just a drink not that big of a deal anyways if you really don't wanna drink why dont you just wait for Tyler?"

"Well unlike you two, my parents actually have a curfew set for me so how about no. And last time I checked you are my neighbour so will it really hurt to just drop me off?" I say.

"Oh, you check?" He smirks.

I scoff before making my way to the door. I am gonna seriously regret not taking that shot but I don't care. I'd rather die than drink.

Like seriously he could have just given me that ride home I mean we are literally neighbours.

I start walking for like two minutes before I realise its a whole thirty minute walk home.


I mean I might as well get kidnapped right now so I can save my feet from hurting.

After like five minutes I hear a car slowly following me behind.

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